“The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore

  • This one caught my attention today.

    He mentions that Rare has shared player counts, daily trends, and future development plans with content creators such as himself. Although he is not allowed to share the numbers, he states

    A lot of people... A LOT of people are playing this game every single day. And I can say there is more than twice the number playing today than there was in last year’s anniversary update.

    He also shares that very big plans are coming and ends with a poem as a hint of what he has been told is currently planned or in development.

    With land abound on the seas we do find.
    With our steel drawn and foes on our mind.
    The sun does set on the horizon in day,
    But boundless adventures will be on our way.
    With vast open waters and secrets below,
    the shroud that’s alive see it ebb and flow.
    The horizon is vast will continue to expand,
    And fruition will show this was never our land.

    I think his poem is suggesting one or more new areas of the map expanding perhaps into new biomes or themes. I think the last line suggests what I have always believed, that the game is not set on Earth, and so biomes you would not expect if we were located in the Caribbean are actually possible... but that might just be my own wishful thinking for some of the themes people have suggested over the last few years.

    Or maybe the seas are going to change from a 2D plane into a globe.

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  • Developers binge watched stranger things while working at home during the pandemic and now we are headed to the aquatic upside down in 2021

  • But I keep being told the game is dying?

  • @d3adst1ck sagte in “The Future of Sea of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    But I keep being told the game is dying?

    ...since release my friend, since release :)

  • @wolfmanbush then they're gonna make us flip our ships like in Pirates of the Caribbean.

  • Game's not dying, as Falcore pointed out. Those who believe the game are dying are either trolls or people who personally believe the game's dead, usually because all their friends stopped playing and they don't think there's anymore content for them to do. Probably haven't done all the Tall Tales, then. Those things will take plenty of time to complete, as those with the Gold Curse should already know...

  • I'm not sure why Rare don't publish player numbers since the game is doing so well on Xbox/Windows 10 where the majority of players play, we can view steam numbers after all.

    I do have reservations about the world expanding as much as we all hope it will, especially during the first half of 2021, as many players will still be on one of the older Xbox consoles at that time.
    The Series X/S consoles supply issues will likely still be an issue for many months to come yet for the new consoles, so i'm not sure if the game will run well on older consoles if it expands too much further just yet, and if that's where the majority of the player base is, they will probably still need to cater to them above all else to begin with. Hope i'm wrong there, because i'm ready for new waters to sail in.
    So we might have to wait a while longer for new regions to be added?

    And now, what do i think is coming?
    We have Adventure, we have The Arena, Will there be a third choice when logging in? I still think there will be some kind of Single player mode coming..
    I guess we'll know more in time.. Still a long way to go on this 10 year journey.

  • @wolfmanbush said in “The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    Developers binge watched stranger things while working at home during the pandemic and now we are headed to the aquatic upside down in 2021

    I would LOVE to see a place like that on the Sea of the Damned.

  • @wolfmanbush said in “The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    Developers binge watched stranger things while working at home during the pandemic and now we are headed to the aquatic upside down in 2021

    @ghostpaw said in “The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    I would LOVE to see a place like that on the Sea of the Damned.

    Hmmm... What if we get some way (a portal) to go to the Sea of the Damned and, like in Stranger Things' Upside Down, it's essentially a version of the Sea of Thieves map but mirrored, spookier and more threatening? Where the sea is all black, the sky a star-less night, and lands occupied by more dangerous fauna?

  • If you are interested in the future of SoT, I suggest you to play Monkey Island, nearly every update got references to it.

    Here is a quick one for you:
    alt text

  • I think there has been a lot of behind the scenes stuff in action going on with the servers (not much of a stretch as this has been flat out indicated by the devs). I think this has been making strides to free up resources on the servers so that some additional options can come in to play, as well as some interesting systems that can realize a few new effects. So, I'm speculating by a long shot here, but let's dive into the meat of this tease (which I personally think is kind of the second half of the poem, as the first half feels like prose indicating that big change is on the way):

    "With vast open waters and secrets below,"

    With this part I believe it is an allusion to an expansion of the underwater part of the world. Probably some interesting stuff in regards to the Merfolk as well as some fun lore exploring their relationship with both the Pirates of the past (Pirate Lord, Flameheart, Graymarrow, etc.) and the Ancients (which we will touch on more later here). I'm expecting some evolution and interaction with some of these underwater structures and ruins, and the inclusion of hostile Merfolk that were hinted at in the art.

    "the shroud that’s alive see it ebb and flow."

    This is where I see some of the slick stuff coming into play. The obvious assumption here is that we are getting a Map Expansion, but I think that has more to do with the next line in the poem than this one. My hope here is that they will be using some of their slick tech that can allow for changes to happen at off times outside of updates, that perhaps the Shroud will potentially actually shift around more regularly as described in the lore. This could allow it to consume areas we have gotten used to and expose areas we have never seen. This could happen potentially more regularly and not explicitly require an active update to accomplish if they can leave things in the world but mostly not render them when covered in the Shroud.

    Perhaps they will have sorted out ways for is to better visualize the Shroud as well in the live game. Perhaps something like during the Maiden Voyage when we make our way through the Shroud and we can see the ominous wall of clouds with lightning raging withing as opposed to a red filter being applied only when we encounter it in game.

    "The horizon is vast will continue to expand,"

    This is the part that I think really points to us seeing new lands coming up in the future, as it is essentially explicitly about that whereas the previous line is really more about the Shroud itself. What could these lands be? Could be a lot of things, people have made many different suggestions regarding what they might want to see with this, and no doubt the devs have had ideas about this for a long time internally.

    "And fruition will show this was never our land."

    For me, this sounds like we might be finding more out about the Ancients somewhat more explicitly, the ones who were here on the Sea of Thieves even before the Pirate Lord and all us Pirates. So, a big old expansion on the lore of the world that will likely directly tie into much of the above stuff (as the line sort of feels like it ties the rest of the section together in the closing bit). This seems like it would be a great spot for some more Tall Tale action to come into play and really dive into that potential mass of lore that I suspect is waiting for us.

    Again, I'm wildly speculating here, but all of that seems like plausible outcomes for what was hinted at here. And I'd be very happy with a lot of that too, all of it really. But I don't know all the secret stuff the Partners do, so take all of that with a grain of salt.

  • Just as long as it isnt a paid battle pass or PvE adventure , il look forward to it 🙄

  • @ghostpaw

    With vast open waters and secrets below,

    the shroud that’s alive see it ebb and flow.

    Okay, we're getting an underwater map expansion.

    They've been talking about the next map expansion being "down, not out"

    They have also talked about an area designed to be navigated with rowboats and that has underwater caves. Perhaps that will be the big Spring update, since the past 2 years they've done more major game changes in the April updates.

    I'm calling it now - In April 2021, there will be an addition (perhaps in the small long space south of The Ancient Isles) with our underwater region. This may be when we finally meet the Kraken face to face as well as learn the origins of Merfolk, hostile and friendly!

  • @chronodusk said in “The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    I'm calling it now - In April 2021, there will be an addition (perhaps in the small long space south of The Ancient Isles) with our underwater region. This may be when we finally meet the Kraken face to face as well as learn the origins of Merfolk, hostile and friendly!

    I'm fine with this as long as we only fight the body and not the tentacles, just so people can complain about the other half missing for once.

  • @d3adst1ck said in “The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    @chronodusk said in “The Future of the Game” video by Captain Falcore:

    I'm calling it now - In April 2021, there will be an addition (perhaps in the small long space south of The Ancient Isles) with our underwater region. This may be when we finally meet the Kraken face to face as well as learn the origins of Merfolk, hostile and friendly!

    I'm fine with this as long as we only fight the body and not the tentacles, just so people can complain about the other half missing for once.

    Maybe it can look something like this...

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