is dig cancelling an exploit?

  • just had a heated argument with an sot partner because he was using the dig cancel. I think it's an exploit. he said it's an exploit that does affect pvp so it's ok to use.

    do u agree it's an exploit or is it a valid mechanic since it supposedly doesn't affect pvp?

    should sot partners use exploits on stream?or should they lead by example?

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  • It's an exploit. Will it ever be removed? No idea, so use it while you can I guess.

  • @treefittymonsta said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    just had a heated argument with an sot partner because he was using the dig cancel. I think it's an exploit. he said it's an exploit that does affect pvp so it's ok to use.

    do u agree it's an exploit or is it a valid mechanic since it supposedly doesn't affect pvp?

    should sot partners use exploits on stream?or should they lead by example?

    I mean if it's animation cancelling such as dg then yes in my opinion but double dig I don't think so I don't use it most people I've seen don't use it anymore

  • @d3adst1ck said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    It's an exploit. Will it ever be removed? No idea, so use it while you can I guess.

    I don't think so but what ever

  • it's a pirate game

    not taking advantage of these types of things for speedier profit would go against all that is pirate

  • I guess the question is.. is ok to use the exploit during game play to gain an advantage so I can move from island to island quicker because I dig up loot quicker?

  • @treefittymonsta said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    I guess the question is.. is ok to use the exploit during game play to gain an advantage so I can move from island to island quicker because I dig up loot quicker?

    if there is another pirate ship on your tail then sure go right ahead

  • Most definitely an exploit, but a harmless one and likely very low on the queue to have patched (if at all). Just because it does not affect other players doesn't mean it isn't an exploit. I wouldn't go as far as calling it a "valid mechanic", but it is pretty harmless and not anything someone would get banned over since it doesn't affect other players (at least not directly).

  • @dlchief58 should sot partners be using this exploit on stream? and defending its use?

  • @treefittymonsta As it is harmless and doesn't affect others I see no issue with that. Personally I wouldn't do so but then again I am a purist when it comes to games, preferring to play it straight up as the developer's designed the game. I am personally against the use of any unplanned animation cancelling exploits in games so don't use them, but won't hold it against others who do so (as long as they are harmless ones that don't affect other players or give an advantage). But that is just my opinion on the matter, take it as you like it.

    Remember that the sword dash was initially an unplanned, unexpected exploit which ended up becoming a feature because the developers liked it.

  • It's def an exploit. I use it a lot. It cuts dig time in half and digging is supposed to take a while.

  • We have already had 1 "harmless" exploit removed (silent repairs), with another 1 allegedly being removed soon as well (classified), so it wouldn't surprise me if it goes the way of the dodo soon enough.

    As for whether it's an exploit or not, it most certainly is. It's 1 that I unapologetically use too. 😅

  • @treefittymonsta when we had to watch streamers for the twitch drops I saw one of them using that loot sprinting exploit...this looks so stupid and hearing that drop sound all the time was so annoying I changed to a streamer who didn't use imo streamers shouldn't use it
    Should it get fixed...yes, even if I use the dig cancelling exploit myself, but I will get used to it if they fix it

  • It affects others in arena mode.

  • @schwammlgott said:

    Should it get fixed...yes, even if I use the dig cancelling exploit myself, but I will get used to it if they fix it

    This is basically how I feel about it.

  • @treefittymonsta
    You can also "exploit" the fishing rod in the same way to pull your line in and cast it back out faster.

    I'm not sure how you gain much of an advantage from it but a funny side effect is that, after doing this, any crew mate looking at your worm in the water will see a giant worm 🐛🤣

  • should sot partners be using known exploits on stream? ie dig cancel...

  • These doublestandards drive me away. Not playing, because of the community only exploiting everything and the overly competetive mindset.
    Rare failed to build a playfull community, instead they build up a community of exploiting gamers exagerating about competition and advantages, no matter if it is fair or playfull or not.
    The game is fine, the community is not.

  • @stundorn said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    These doublestandards drive me away. Not playing, because of the community only exploiting everything and the overly competetive mindset.
    Rare failed to build a playfull community, instead they build up a community of exploiting gamers exagerating about competition and advantages, no matter if it is fair or playfull or not.
    The game is fine, the community is not.

    my guy this is an exploit about digging chests calm down nobody has died

    people are saying they use it but have no problem with it gone

    whats the issue????

  • @treefittymonsta said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    should sot partners be using known exploits on stream? ie dig cancel...

    This is really only a question that Rare can answer because we already know that there are exploits and then there are EXPLOITS.

    They have embraced the exploit of sword lunging but have made many attempts at removing the double gun exploit. Now it appears they want to remove the loot dribbling exploit.

    If they don't think a certain exploit should be in the game, then I agree that they should enforce their Partners not using it. The Partners represent the game to people in what is perceived as an official capacity. As such if a member of the Partner Program is performing exploits on their stream, it can easily be seen by their community as an endorsement by Rare of that exploit.

  • @stundorn said:

    The game is fine, the community is not.

    This is exactly how I feel...

    ...about Rocket League.

    If you think this is the case with SoT, then try and go play RL, make a mistake, and watch how 95% of the time, your own team blows up in your face.

    SoT may have its deplorables, but it's in no way as bad as a game like RL, where competition makes players tilt at the slightest whoopsie.

  • @treefittymonsta It’s an animation cancel much like the double-gun switching or the fishing pole animation cancel. If double gun animation cancel is considered an exploit, then yes, this is also considered an exploit.

    @Galactic-Geek I agree. They seem to be addressing some of the animation cancels, harmless as they may be (e.g. silent repairs) This, also, may be resolved at some point in the future.

  • @promotordj said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    @treefittymonsta It’s an animation cancel much like the double-gun switching or the fishing pole animation cancel. If double gun animation cancel is considered an exploit, then yes, this is also considered an exploit.

    @Galactic-Geek I agree. They seem to be addressing some of the animation cancels, harmless as they may be (e.g. silent repairs) This, also, may be resolved at some point in the future.

    silent repair wasn't harmless. it gave a huge tactical advantage during PvP.

  • @jollyolsteamed the doublestandard and where to draw the line.

    The line for me is no exploit, it all affects PvP in specific situations of course.
    There is also no "ok toxicity"
    Where to draw a line?
    Simple No exploit, no toxicity!!!
    Including the so called minor exploits and trashtalking.

  • @stundorn said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    @jollyolsteamed the doublestandard and where to draw the line.

    The line for me is no exploit, it all affects PvP in specific situations of course.
    There is also no "ok toxicity"
    Where to draw a line?
    Simple No exploit, no toxicity!!!
    Including the so called minor exploits and trashtalking.

    yah I urge people to visit sot partner streams and call them out when they use known exploits. supposedly these guys are supposed to set the standard for all players... but I don't think they exemplify the correct way to 'play' at all.

  • @treefittymonsta Did it provide a huge advantage during PvP? I guess I never thought so. To me, the advantage was hearing where the repairs are occurring and having the ability to shoot through walls and decks. That to me is more advantageous than silent repairs. It never was truly silent either. There was always at least one hammer shot. They’ve now removed the ability to shoot through walls and decks, so I guess their idea of balancing that out is to remove the silent repair.

    My crew’s sends multiple people to board during PvP and we always sweep the lower decks as part of the process. So silent repairs or not, lower deck pirates are rooted out anyway.

  • @promotordj silent repair allowed to hear people swimming and boarding ur ship easier. also, a person boarding wouldn't hear u repairing so wouldn't immediately know ur positioning on the ship.

  • @treefittymonsta I agree to a point. Audible repairs doesn’t limit my ability to hear swimmers/boarders. I’m still able to make that call out. Being able to make a kill through a solid object because you heard where they were below or next to you was much more advantageous in my opinion. You didn’t even need to be within line of sight and you could make a kill.

    As I said, it seems they made the wall bang change, and balanced that change with the audible repair change.

    I don’t honestly even know if silent repair was an intended design aspect or not. If they did not intend it, then yes, it can be considered an exploit. If it was part of the original intended design framework (which as we’ve been discussing it here, it feels like it may have been with wall bang vs silent repair balancing), once they changed one they had to change the other to try and maintain their balance

  • Definitely an exploit, and one that I use. I wouldn't miss it too much though in pursuit of fixing the bugs/exploits in this game. Would be a nice trade off if they gave digging a slight bump in speed in exchange for no double dig.

  • @stundorn said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    @jollyolsteamed the doublestandard and where to draw the line.

    The line for me is no exploit, it all affects PvP in specific situations of course.
    There is also no "ok toxicity"
    Where to draw a line?
    Simple No exploit, no toxicity!!!
    Including the so called minor exploits and trashtalking.

    then what about the sword dash water glide? everyone used that i bet even you have used that

    and no the water glide was not a mechanic the developers intended and it counted as an exploit that the developers liked

    there are people out there who don't know how to use it

    is that also bad?

  • @jollyolsteamed: yes its bad, they should've been consequent and remove it to slow down the game and make it less attractive for exploiters!

    remember the cancel of the penalty after a lunge?

    over time more and more players started exploitung and made it a pvp meta. With Arena rare attracted more and more overly competetive and toxic players exploiting.
    If you dont think this is true, then have fun playing, i'm out exactly because of that.
    Because of the trash gamers exploiting and trashtalking and removing any sense of a playful, funny pirate adventure.

  • I have seen how OP wallbanging is, and am glad that it's gone. If it had never been removed, I may have never realized just how useful shooting through the grates really is - those things are strategically placed, so that in most instances, you can see virtually the entire lower deck from specific angles. You can run, but you can't hide. 😜

  • Exploit would be more along the lines imo like macroing. Or juggling a chest on land because it's extremely hard to do on Xbox so imo it's a exploit

  • @stundorn said in is dig cancelling an exploit?:

    @jollyolsteamed: yes its bad, they should've been consequent and remove it to slow down the game and make it less attractive for exploiters!

    remember the cancel of the penalty after a lunge?

    over time more and more players started exploitung and made it a pvp meta. With Arena rare attracted more and more overly competetive and toxic players exploiting.
    If you dont think this is true, then have fun playing, i'm out exactly because of that.
    Because of the trash gamers exploiting and trashtalking and removing any sense of a playful, funny pirate adventure.

    i still don't see the digging treasure exploit to be that bad

    the comparisons you are making is that of a feather compared to a handgrenade

    some exploits are worse than others

    this is what people are saying

    they want rare to start with the worst exploits you know the exploits that actually ruin stuff and go down the list

    lets take insta switch gun exploit

    when that was a thing lets say there was an exploit which allowed you to pull out your compass faster

    which would you want gone first?

    the compass exploit or the insta gun switch exploit

  • @treefittymonsta it's an exploit and they shouldn't do it out of principle

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