Legendary Seadog

  • Ahoy,
    Sorry for asking but I can't find a reliable up to date source on the internet, I was just wondering..
    Why is the commendation to get the Legendary Sea Dog Title and the Athena's weapons have been changed ? I thought it was 100 wins in order to get this achievement, that before it was 240 but the rebalanced it, so why is it back to 240 now ? It's way too many..
    Or maybe it's a bug on my side ? But I'm sure I was at 61/80 and now I'm at 61/120 for grade IV..

  • 11
  • @kevlar830 It was always 240. There was talk of reducing the requirement for the special blunderbuss skin to 100 but they ended up keeping it at 240 as well.

  • There was talk of lowering it to 100 but there was significant backlash at the thought of reducing this. It is fine as it is, was no need to nerf it. They are called achievements for a reason, not participation trophies. Not everything needs to be easy, some things should require some effort to accomplish.

  • Thank fully it's not a bug. So many got the 240 before the time change.

  • @dlchief58 Haven't said it had to be easy, just don't want to spend +200 hours in Arena mode to get those skins actually. I thought I'd be done with this after only 100 wins that's it.
    Btw, Arena is not fun to play, it's only stress, troll, try hard and/or noob everytime. If you play public matchmaking, you're paired with a very new player most of the time. Each time I played Galleon lobbies, I had server issues half of the matches I played, so it's just a waste of time. But as a completionist, I guess I'll have to play and win those boring matches.. Or I'd stop playing the game since then

  • @kevlar830 There was talk about reducing it but they decided not to and if this is some post to argue why it should be easier for you then try arguing that to the people who already did 240 wins in the OLD arena where it was 25 minutes longer plus also it is the easiest it has ever been I got mine in a month doing old arena I'm sure you can get yours in 2 weeks if you play every day.

  • Do sloop open crew. If someone leaves, at least you can solo it and prolly win if you are a good solo sloop in the naval combat department.

  • Be glad you only have to play 15 minutes rounds instead of 25 as most of us did to achieve this one.

  • @mathemoto said in Legendary Seadog:

    Be glad you only have to play 15 minutes rounds instead of 25 as most of us did to achieve this one.


  • It’s 100 wins for the achievement, 240 for the commendation which unlocks the skin.

  • @kissofkilll Okk that's why I was so sure about the 100 wins thing.. Damn.
    Well, I guess you're all right, I'm really not a big fan of Arena but I'd really like the weapons skins so, I guess I don't have a choice. :(
    And yea I'm not bad as solo Sloop, but it's even more stressful, I'm not sure it's a good idea to farm only like this but thanks for the advices and clarifications everybody !

8 out of 11