The flameheart world event is so dope!

  • Kudos to the minds behind flameheart's blockades. It's always when I have business with an island he so happens to be blockading with his ships. Pure genius! A nice spice added to the voyage

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  • Half of my Vaults have had Ashen Lords lurking about.

    It's "challenging"

  • park outta range and use a rowboat to go in do the vault load it and extract it

  • @wolfmanbush said in The flameheart world event is so dope!:

    park outta range and use a rowboat to go in do the vault load it and extract it

    Oh, I do that. It's just the "hey come kill me" beacon...

    I don't even bother with the Chest of Tribute on a gold key. I can get more from the chests and being locked in with gold piles. My Goldhoarders emissary is very close to top tier just from raising my emissary flag while turning in. I had planned on making it a merchant month lol.

    I do like the flameheart event tho. Still haven't been able to solo it. Haven't given it a genuine try 😅.

    Pve things should be difficult too.

  • @pithyrumble said in The flameheart world event is so dope!:

    @wolfmanbush said in The flameheart world event is so dope!:

    park outta range and use a rowboat to go in do the vault load it and extract it

    Oh, I do that. It's just the "hey come kill me" beacon...

    I don't even bother with the Chest of Tribute on a gold key. I can get more from the chests and being locked in with gold piles.

    Just unlock the chest with 1 or 2 medallions it's 100% worth 20 extra seconds both for gold and commendations. I do them alone there is no reason to leave it behind imo you still have time to get out the high value items.

  • @itsyaboyd4890 I really enjoy the Flameheart event. He does seem to have a sixth sense about blockading the specific island that I need for my voyages though. At GH Grade 5 those ghostly chests are worth 5k a pop. Which makes for some interesting times, kill the fleet, clear the vault and you're looking at a massive payout. Of course clearing the vault while your ship is filled to the brim with ghostly loot is a fairly risky enterprise, do you leave someone on watch, or do you get the entire crew to help with the supermarket sweep? Decisions...

  • Yah I agree! I remember once when Flameheart blockaded the island that our Athenas chest was on! It was such a rush! Sailing in there under heavy fire! We barely made it!

  • While fighting the ghost fleet is fun, I think one of my favorite moments happened just last night.

    Cap'n Flameypants was hovering over Snake Isle when I sailed up to Plunder Outpost with a ship full of Vault loot.

    The next few minutes of unloading and turn-in was scored to his usual jibes and comments. The whole thing felt like he saw me dock at Plunder and was desperately trying to get me to come over and fight because he'd been there for hours and nobody was biting.

    I don't know. It just made me giggle. =D

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