PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen

  • @cotu42 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:


    Yet you keep your voyage? No man, it is abusable if that is the case. Start fresh but from a different game... If you want to just make server hopping easier it will speed up the PvP crews actually. Who exactly do you think would use the tools provided more often?

    If you want to start fresh those 2 mins in the menu screen aren't that big of a deal. Be my guest to swap servers, but server hopping shouldn't be made easier... the game shouldn't make that the go to move.

    Never said that, so you're jumping to your own conclusion. If it is a concern, make them lose the voyage too. I couldn't care less on that. Though, to be honest, I also wouldn't really care if they were allowed to keep it since we're talking about it. All it does is plant treasure in whatever server they are on for it to be potentially stolen by yet another crew, and if they've already scuttled to use the feature they've already lost some of it when you came at them since that is now floating in the water (unless they just had nothing).

    I'm capable of presenting suggestions for the game that I wouldn't make use of myself. My own play style is to leave any treasure I have on my boat until I log off and in that time I will happily engage in PvP. Sometimes I lose all that loot, more power to the winner - I'd rather they have some reward for winning the battle. That's the game loop and it doesn't bother me, but I also just don't really have some undying need to make it more difficult for people to admit defeat and move on. They've gotten their butt kicked, let them find a new server without a bunch of load screens. No reason it can't be treated as a loss to use it, just like a scuttle.

    Could PvP players server hop more, sort of, but solely because they would save themselves a few load screens which I also don't see a problem with. I have no qualms about folks who server hop looking for things they want to engage with. Again, I don't need to engage in the behavior to understand why some might want to (limited time and really want to engage with some specific feature, like a world event) and I don't fault them for it or feel like they should be made to sit through more menu time in order to enjoy playing the game. I'm fine just jumping in and seeing what happens during that session, but I don't think my style of play needs to dictate what others might want from the game so long as it doesn't detract from the vision.

    Heck, we can add more layers of security to it if people are really concerned about this. Maybe said option is only available for some set duration (let's say 30 seconds for argument sake) after the ship has been sunk or scuttled. Now you can't do it mid battle for sure, until you go down or scuttle (again, go down), at which point you have an option to move on to another server. Again, this could easily give a warning that "you'll lose your presently active voyage, are you sure?"

    I dunno, it seems a lot of the issues with this seem to boil down to I'd rather see people sitting on loading screens if they don't like things rather than trying to pose ways to potentially make things better. What is the harm of having one more tool at your disposal along with the others. It isn't pulling them out of the pool of players, servers are designed to try and keep populations, we'd all still have marks, we'd just be saving a subset of people time and letting them play more.

    Anyways, you're welcome to be against the idea, but I can't say your reasons are even remotely convincing as to why this might be such a bad idea.

  • @redeyesith
    Well, if they are allowed to keep their voyage, it's an easy way to start the second leg of an Athena if the crew is being followed or otherwise on the radar of other crews.

  • @lem0n-curry said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    Well, if they are allowed to keep their voyage, it's an easy way to start the second leg of an Athena if the crew is being followed or otherwise on the radar of other crews.

    Ok, that's a fair concern, so as I said clearly, don't let them keep it.

    Granted, in said situation they would still have to complete leg number 2 and still hand in, so it isn't a forgone conclusion that it just lets them get away with it. It isn't as if Athena steals only happen via people encountering you at the beginning of them. Sometimes they get ya as you are heading to that Athena. Sometimes on the way to the Outpost. Thus why I personally don't see it as a problem, but if people really care as clearly noted just remove their voyage too.

  • @bloodybil Sorry to say that but this game is full of kid/stupid people. At least give RP server i don't play this dead game anymore when stupid kid love to chase us even when i dont have a single loot, (oh and n-word everywhere in this dead game).
    Now this game is only for kid and stupid player that's only good for harass and trashtalk. If dev dont do something this game will sink on sea of fail.

  • @redeyesith said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @lem0n-curry said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    Well, if they are allowed to keep their voyage, it's an easy way to start the second leg of an Athena if the crew is being followed or otherwise on the radar of other crews.

    Ok, that's a fair concern, so as I said clearly, don't let them keep it.

    Granted, in said situation they would still have to complete leg number 2 and still hand in, so it isn't a forgone conclusion that it just lets them get away with it. It isn't as if Athena steals only happen via people encountering you at the beginning of them. Sometimes they get ya as you are heading to that Athena. Sometimes on the way to the Outpost. Thus why I personally don't see it as a problem, but if people really care as clearly noted just remove their voyage too.

    AFAIK when you merge in another server you're not close to another boat; bugs aside leg 2 will be without any danger when switching server.

  • @tabemono1007 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @bloodybil Sorry to say that but this game is full of kid/stupid people. At least give RP server i don't play this dead game anymore when stupid kid love to chase us even when i dont have a single loot, (oh and n-word everywhere in this dead game).
    Now this game is only for kid and stupid player that's only good for harass and trashtalk. If dev dont do something this game will sink on sea of fail.

    So RP servers will save the game from kids and stupid players?

    Do elaborate on how you will be less salty from being robbed by people roleplaying.

    You can already mute other crews, report verbally toxic people, and custom servers are coming where you will be able to roleplay peacefully to your heart's content.

    Seems like all your prayers are already answered 🎉

  • @lem0n-curry said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @redeyesith said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @lem0n-curry said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    Well, if they are allowed to keep their voyage, it's an easy way to start the second leg of an Athena if the crew is being followed or otherwise on the radar of other crews.

    Ok, that's a fair concern, so as I said clearly, don't let them keep it.

    Granted, in said situation they would still have to complete leg number 2 and still hand in, so it isn't a forgone conclusion that it just lets them get away with it. It isn't as if Athena steals only happen via people encountering you at the beginning of them. Sometimes they get ya as you are heading to that Athena. Sometimes on the way to the Outpost. Thus why I personally don't see it as a problem, but if people really care as clearly noted just remove their voyage too.

    AFAIK when you merge in another server you're not close to another boat; bugs aside leg 2 will be without any danger when switching server.

    Yea, in theory - in practice, well just YouTube some videos on server merges. This is more true of fresh spawns in a server (pick the outpost that has players away from it).

    Now, that is likely a flaw in the system which we shouldn't consider balancing around, so we can look at this a few ways:

    1. Again, we can elect to not let people keep the Voyage, as I have noted there is no problem with that. They are cheap and largely not needed.

    2. We can place you intentionally away from your goal. Yes, you get a new batch of players (who, if you're lucky, might be less skilled than you or less aggressive), but you still need to do some work as a result. Also, if treated like a scuttle, this normally pushes you away from you goal so that is generally in line with the proposed idea. Making them need to sail means more chance to encounter players on the new server.

    3. Treat this different than a standard server merge with a reduced radius of no players that it works with. In this way you might spawn into a position that has a player ship within view (not right on you, but if they are watching the horizon like they should be they'll become aware of your presence).

    You seem very hung up on this specific facet, admittedly, which I find odd since among my proposals is not letting them keep the Voyage as a possible solution already. Regardless, the point is there is more than one way to make this potentially work in a reasonable way, so all in all I think this could be a potentially beneficial addition to the game. Like I say, I'd rather people spend more time playing and less time on load screens.

  • @wyvrax I totally agree. my brother just got into this game and his 5 year old daughter and 7 year old son really like playing it but you have twitch crews just sailing around on galleons to go sink sloops. My brother just wants to login and chill and do a little bit in game after a long days work and get a little sot done just to be hunted for hours. While yes its a pirate game and sinking others and getting sunk is part of the game its a rep and gold farm...... your level in game or the cosmetics you wear mean nothing other than you have spent more time playing. there is no real prestige in this game. PvE servers already exist you just need organized discords to do it. Which is kinda lame having to wait in a que to just play PvE because rare wont support it.

    The big fear is that the online player base will become all PvP try hards and streamers and all the easy prey will be gone, which is just sad, the galleon crews going around feeling big cause they own the solo sloopers... lol

    Rare allowed xbox players to opt out of playing with PC because the skill gap and input speed is so vastly different. But who knows Rares focus is on steam right now because clearly the PC player base must have been running pretty dry after xbox got their walled garden so maybe they are right? maybe having a pve mode really would kill the game, though people already do it. Gold and doubloons mean nothing.... I have nothing to buy im at 36 mil gold 28k doubloons..... PvE has spoiled me I guess but its a cosmetic driven game that they only add a few cheap cosmetics per month. Ive been waiting for the next PL set that will cost 5 million per item but lol PLs getting more cosmetics... maybe in 2 more years

    I say if they arent going to add a PvP mode then at least make it so sloops only play with other sloops. brigs and galleons can be mixed if fairplay is something they really care about.

  • @magus104 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    Gold and doubloons mean nothing.... I have nothing to buy im at 36 mil gold 28k doubloons..... PvE has spoiled me I guess but its a cosmetic driven game that they only add a few cheap cosmetics per month. Ive been waiting for the next PL set that will cost 5 million per item but lol PLs getting more cosmetics... maybe in 2 more years

    I say if they arent going to add a PvP mode then at least make it so sloops only play with other sloops. brigs and galleons can be mixed if fairplay is something they really care about.

    You will be happy to know custom servers are coming then. You will be able to invite your friends and chill with your kids doing only PVE if you want. Good thing progression and currency means nothing since those servers will provide neither.

    Don't forget to help test those on insider whenever they are ready to be tested!

  • @ctghost88 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    Could’ve scuttled my man easy fix

    I don't scuttle my man, I fight back... but it is a valid way to give up. Not exactly sure why you are telling me to scuttle?

  • @redeyesith

    Voyages are not just things to put treasure on islands. They also have value in the form of chapters and try to have you have a little investment in the world you are currently in. Remove that and what remains to tether us to the world, just the treasure on your ship that you are going to lose anyway?

    Want to swap worlds, just deal with the loading screens. You act like it really is that big of a deal.

    You want to add an option, that adds nearly nothing to the game other than: make it easier for people to make a new session while still within one... the game should promote to have people try and stay on the same server for their session, not make it easier to keep resetting.

    Also... it isn't really relevant if the person is unwilling to deal with PvP joining another world with PvP isn't going to be some saving grace.

  • @magus104 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @wyvrax I totally agree. my brother just got into this game and his 5 year old daughter and 7 year old son really like playing it but you have twitch crews just sailing around on galleons to go sink sloops. My brother just wants to login and chill and do a little bit in game after a long days work and get a little sot done just to be hunted for hours. While yes its a pirate game and sinking others and getting sunk is part of the game its a rep and gold farm...... your level in game or the cosmetics you wear mean nothing other than you have spent more time playing. there is no real prestige in this game. PvE servers already exist you just need organized discords to do it. Which is kinda lame having to wait in a que to just play PvE because rare wont support it.

    There isn't much Rare can do against people working around their systems like this, but that doesn't mean that they want to support it. They actually have been very clear that they don't want to be making these.

    May I add, it is fine that you choose to have family members of age 5 and 7 play the game. Yet this is a Teen rated game, therefore the game might be to difficult for them.

    The fact is your level in game doesn't matter, it is how you learn from your experiences. If you want to relax on the seas it is simply done by paying attention and making the right decisions. Learn to play the game, become the pirate you want to be.

    The big fear is that the online player base will become all PvP try hards and streamers and all the easy prey will be gone, which is just sad, the galleon crews going around feeling big cause they own the solo sloopers... lol

    No actually that is not their concern at all. The main concern is that when people want to do voyages, tales, etc. they will hop into the peaceful mode and only join the rest when they want to fight.

    You complain now that the game is brutal, wait till everyone that wants to be doing PvE for the evening leave the seas and those that want to have some PvP fun and attempting to steal from people join the PvP server.

    There will be no more shared world PvEvP server as that is what this request is.

    Rare allowed xbox players to opt out of playing with PC because the skill gap and input speed is so vastly different. But who knows Rares focus is on steam right now because clearly the PC player base must have been running pretty dry after xbox got their walled garden so maybe they are right? maybe having a pve mode really would kill the game, though people already do it. Gold and doubloons mean nothing.... I have nothing to buy im at 36 mil gold 28k doubloons..... PvE has spoiled me I guess but its a cosmetic driven game that they only add a few cheap cosmetics per month. Ive been waiting for the next PL set that will cost 5 million per item but lol PLs getting more cosmetics... maybe in 2 more years

    Xbox players didn't get the opt-out due to skill level or input speeds. They got separated because Microsoft wanted to protect their financial interests. They have a hardcore group that refuses to interact with PC players, even if they use a controller and since they wanted to add an option for controller vs mouse and keyboard (which is available on both platforms) they added the little Xbox tag as well to protect their money makers.

    It has nothing to do with skill level, hunting down players and all that. If you believe the grass is greener in the Xbox only servers, be my guest and go try it out... but I bet you will be disappointed.

    I say if they arent going to add a PvP mode then at least make it so sloops only play with other sloops. brigs and galleons can be mixed if fairplay is something they really care about.

    Why... sloops are great vessels that can hold themselves perfectly fine in a battle. It is fair?

    Since you don't care about gold, etc. purchase a custom server when they hit the market and sail in peace?

  • SoT is a toxic players Valhalla. What other game can you and 3 friends jump into with the guarantee that you will be able to attack smaller teams sailing weaker vessels. All the while hiding your pathetic masochistic tendencies behind the thinly veiled mask of " just being a pirate". SoT's is a bully's paradise. That's why I rarely play this game anymore. I don't need the grief.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    SoT is a toxic players Valhalla. What other game can you and 3 friends jump into with the guarantee that you will be able to attack smaller teams sailing weaker vessels. All the while hiding your pathetic masochistic tendencies behind the thinly veiled mask of " just being a pirate". SoT's is a bully's paradise. That's why I rarely play this game anymore. I don't need the grief.

    It seems like so little people know what the Seas is - Article about the seas:
    "While Rare is traditionally a console game developer, it realized how players from PC survival games like DayZ and Rust, and simulation games such as Eve Online crafted their own stories by using the tools provided in the game. However, Rare remarked that these games are often very punishing in nature, and the team aspired to create a more light-hearted and accessible version of these games."

    Guess which games allow for bigger groups to attack smaller ones.... the games that inspired the games creation. If you think the Seas is a rough and brutal world... I suggest you try full open world PvPvE survival genres game that were the inspiration of the seas you thread on.

    Attacking others isn't griefing, it is part of the game. Sinking, stealing and killing is all part of the world.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    SoT is a toxic players Valhalla. What other game can you and 3 friends jump into with the guarantee that you will be able to attack smaller teams sailing weaker vessels. All the while hiding your pathetic masochistic tendencies behind the thinly veiled mask of " just being a pirate". SoT's is a bully's paradise. That's why I rarely play this game anymore. I don't need the grief.

    Well leaving out the sailing part as that's pretty exclusive to SOT:

    • Rust
    • Conan Exiles
    • Ark

    You can find solo players with smaller bases in these games and groups/clans have the upper hand because they have more players. These games even offer more difficulty (and possible frustration) as you can even loose stuff while you're not online.

  • @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

  • if said pve mode was implemented, and players where able to host their own servers, u cant possibly expect it to be right to be able to carry your reputation and loot from public to private servers can you? because this is obviously not fair to those of us who have hours worth of grinding to get our reputation, all with the constant threat of other pirates. i dont mind if rare added this feature but i would mind if you are able to use this account in public servers. ive had plenty stolen from me, all a learning expierence buddy, how do you expect to actually get good at the game if all you do is kill bots and follow a treasure map?

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    SoT is a toxic players Valhalla.

    Geas someone never played Rust lol.

  • @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

    Judging by your past comments he is not a million miles off the mark my dear Watson, you are very ill informed about the game.. Weaker vessels?? Two good crewmates on a sloop can take on anything.

    I solo sloop most of the time and have little trouble avoiding 'grief' if there is indeed such a thing as 'grief' in a video game.

    Are PvE encounters 'toxic' too in your opinion?

  • @wagstr said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

    Judging by your past comments he is not a million miles off the mark my dear Watson, you are very ill informed about the game.. Weaker vessels?? Two good crewmates on a sloop can take on anything.

    I solo sloop most of the time and have little trouble avoiding 'grief' if there is indeed such a thing as 'grief' in a video game.

    Are PvE encounters 'toxic' too in your opinion?

    Oh I'm experienced enough, LOL.

    My point is that SoT is one of the only games where you can get together with 3 friends and attack a group of 1 (or 2) people in a vessel with less firepower. So you have a guarantee of superior numbers and firepower. Plus, since progression is only cosmetic, you are guaranteed that none of the smaller teams has a +5 Vorpal Sword and 500 Health Points because he has been playing for a couple years.

    And you and your friends can hide the sadism behind the pretence of "acting like pirates".

    I'm not saying that everyone who plays this game aggressively is a Bully. Nor am I saying that a Solo Sloop can't sink a bigger ship. I have done it enough to know that it is possible. I'm simply saying that SoT is the perfect playground for Bullies, Cowards and Sadists. Because you have a guarantee of smaller/weaker teams to victimise. If they turn out to be too tough, no loss. Just start a new game and find some more unwilling victims to harass.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

    Care to divulge then ?

    It's pretty difficult to take you seriously otherwise.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @wagstr said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

    Judging by your past comments he is not a million miles off the mark my dear Watson, you are very ill informed about the game.. Weaker vessels?? Two good crewmates on a sloop can take on anything.

    I solo sloop most of the time and have little trouble avoiding 'grief' if there is indeed such a thing as 'grief' in a video game.

    Are PvE encounters 'toxic' too in your opinion?

    Oh I'm experienced enough, LOL.


    My point is that SoT is one of the only games where you can get together with 3 friends and attack a group of 1 (or 2) people in a vessel with less firepower. So you have a guarantee of superior numbers and firepower. Plus, since progression is only cosmetic, you are guaranteed that none of the smaller teams has a +5 Vorpal Sword and 500 Health Points because he has been playing for a couple years.

    It is precisely this reason why it is fair. The average galleon crew are carrying one or two players usually and are rarely coordinated thus fairly easy to sink. You're very unlucky to find a galleon let alone a galleon full of PL's if you don't want to and even if you do they don't have Ninjago swords either.

    And you and your friends can hide the sadism behind the pretence of "acting like pirates".

    I play solo or with my young son, we mind our own business unless we decide to put reapers up and we probably get sunk in equal measures to PvP and PvE and cry about neither because it's just a game, a game where you pretend to be a pirate in fact.

    I'm not saying that everyone who plays this game aggressively is a Bully. Nor am I saying that a Solo Sloop can't sink a bigger ship. I have done it enough to know that it is possible. I'm simply saying that SoT is the perfect playground for Bullies, Cowards and Sadists. Because you have a guarantee of smaller/weaker teams to victimise. If they turn out to be too tough, no loss. Just start a new game and find some more unwilling victims to harass.

    Anyone can start a new game if they don't enjoy the one they're in, no loss. Or, you can fight it out and get a bit better for next time, again no loss. I don't know how you keep finding these bigger ships all the time anyway, maybe should try avoiding them in future instead if you decide to play again.

  • @viperishemu2992

    My point is that SoT is one of the only games where you can get together with 3 friends and attack a group of 1 (or 2) people in a vessel with less firepower. So you have a guarantee of superior numbers and firepower. Plus, since progression is only cosmetic, you are guaranteed that none of the smaller teams has a +5 Vorpal Sword and 500 Health Points because he has been playing for a couple years.

    Rust and Ark fit this description to the T. Sea of Thieves isn't that unique of a game to be honest. I am much more familiar with Rust, but you could be a guy in a hazmat with a revolver facing down a Chinese Zerg with full metal kits and AK's. Yet in Rust, people don't complain remotely as much as they do over here where, I would even argue, the odds are much better over here when compared to Rust.

    To put it bluntly, the Sea of Thieves community is unwarrantedly whiny when compared to games with much higher stakes and bigger advantage gaps.

  • @cotu42 you are replying without understanding

  • @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

    It isn't!? 😱
    No wonder I can't find you upon the sea! 🙄

  • @rowge-gaming said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @cotu42 you are replying without understanding

    Oh, trust me - @CotU42 understands better than most...

  • That would also be acceptable, and maybe in these servers, only a pirates crew can pick-up its own items, not anyone elses

  • @tpg5 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    That would also be acceptable, and maybe in these servers, only a pirates crew can pick-up its own items, not anyone elses

    How does the game know what belongs to whom? Nothing belongs to anyone until they turn it in.

    If I sank and killed you as you were finishing the final wave of a fort and I opened the vault and claimed the treasure is it mine or yours?

    If you hurried back and dished out some retribution and rightfully reclaimed your treasure back from my sunken ship is it still mine or now yours? You then might want to sell my Lvl 5 flag to the reapers for a bonus along with my bit of loot?

    Or I watched you start digging a spot, killed you and dug up the chest myself? Mine or yours?

    It is what it is out of necessity and works just fine. Selling often if you're not confident of keeping it is the way.

  • @galactic-geek said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @troubled-cells said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @viperishemu2992 il take your comments with a massive mountain of salt.

    It appears you haven't even played SOT according to your profile.

    This is not my gamertag Sherlock.

    It isn't!? 😱
    No wonder I can't find you upon the sea! 🙄

    Let's be honest.

    It's not the first forum smurf account to advocate for PvE is it.
    alt text

  • @rowge-gaming said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    @cotu42 you are replying without understanding

    You are asking for a PVE and PVP seperation in a game designed around a shared open world PvEvP concept.

    Rare has taken inspiration from games as Rust, DayZ, Eve Online and wanted to take the essence of the full loot open shared world content principles that have players create content. The content that is generated through the tools and environment that they provide, the conflict between the players motivations and mold it to a less brutal and devastating form. Which they succeeded at creating may I add.

    You state I don't understand the concept? Yet the brutal nature of the seas is mild at best compared to the games that inspired its creation.

    Maybe it is you that is not well informed or doesn't understand the meaning of a true open shared PvEvP world. If you think the losses on the seas are devastating I challenge you to try out the survival PvEvP game genre that was the foundation and inspiration of its creation.

    No game can be everything and perfect for everyone. People are to diverse and varied, there is a reason there are so many genres of games. Before you try and lecture someone of not understanding the concept of a game, maybe do your research on figuring out what inspired the game and what niche, demographic and design it strives for.

  • @galactic-geek said in PvE Mode NEEDS to Happen:

    Mute Other Crews

    Solves most of your problem quickly and easily.

    Aye, this seems to be the most logical solution. Having a PvE mode won't stop trolls and harassment. Private servers are in the works from what I hear, however you won't be able to farm any loot or gain commendations. Private servers will serve as a place for players to Host Player-Ran Events from my understanding. Having a PvE mode just defeats the purpose and the fun of this game. The day SoT implements Carebear servers is the day the game dies. No one will play because the game just won't be exciting anymore. Who cares about commendations/loot if it means nothing but having more pixels... Please just MUTE all other crews and stop trying to ruin the game, because that will make you no better then said troll. Enjoy the game for what it is, a beautiful Pirate game with risk & reward. There is a reason why so many players love the game, and its not because of the loot.

  • Hey Dude,
    First of all, I'm sorry you and your buddy got harassed. When conversations degrade into such talk, it's never fun and should be dealt with correctly.
    However, PvP and PvE in the game should not be separated. Like @CotU42 pointed out, the game is built on a PvEvP concept. Separating the two would kill the entire point of the game. It's a very carefully constructed ecosystem which needs both parts together in order to function properly.
    However, we can get rid of the toxicity. You can sink a boat without calling someone every bad name in the book. Competitiveness is good, degrading/bullying someone is not.

  • This has no constructive points to encourage the development team to make a pve mode. It's just you having a bad day with one single player. Mute him, report him, and move on with your life.

  • I ruined the 69.....

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