rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp

  • @scurvywoof I'm losing the point? The whole point of this is you think sword blunder is for people with no skill. That is my load out. Sword blunder. You use double guns, which are terrible strategically. You tried acting like I was a terrible player and I said I know how to PvP and that I literally have videos of me wrecking ships Solo. You said to show you videos of my sword going "swing swing". You think the sword is broken and OP. I disagree. You dont like my playstyle because you think blunder sword requires no skill. But I think blunder sniper requires less skill because you are either one shotting from a far or one shotting close up. I have no problem with your weapon choice until you said my weapon choice requires no skill. Especially when my playstyle is rushing players and obliterating them and your playstyle is running away and trying to pick them off with sniper bullets.

    This whole thing is because you get mad when you get killed by a sword user because of one simple mistake you are making. You dont use a sword to block and fix all your problem.

    Honestly just swap your blunder with your sword and if you're as good as you say you are you should be pretty lethal.

  • @scurvywoof tucking for steals and boarding someone's ship and obliterating their crew then sailing off are two separate things.

    Tucking is a disease plaguing SoT because new players all think they are pros now and will fail at tucking 3 times on Fotd then try to ram your ship for the next 3 hours because they're mad

  • @scurvywoof "take a picture of people asking for advice" why dont you just go through all my videos for me. Look at all the people literally asking me what sensitivity settings I play on because they're also on x box and want to get better.

  • @robby0316 Lol, double gun is a terrible strategy? I dumpster sword users, PC or XBox in arena and adventure. Its funny really, you called me terrible first and all of a sudden, "Eughghghgghgh, you called me bad first!" Btw, went through majority if your vids. They either have NO COMMENTS or a few COMMENTS and NONE ask what your dpi and sens are. And explain about your edited post how, stealing and boarding and camping so they sink are two separate things? I get they are quite different but tucking and then moving on to sinking them with your opponent getting as little buckets as possible is the ultimate goal. Not put together, you are correct, they are very separate things. I wanna get better? Hold on, I have an athena emmisary, with luck, ill steal from them. If New Players think they are pro's, that is totally on them, not the steamer's fault. And how do you sail off if you are tucking, btw? Makes no sense, yet again. Lemme just gather up some clips -should be done by thursday, hopefully earlier- and ill compare them to your playstyle. Then we can agree who's better and be on our merry way, how bout that? Or are you too stubborn and would like to keep going to make this thread 10 pages? Your choice really.

  • @scurvywoof Please start up a youtube channel and start posting your PvP abilities. Be sure to comment back on here with a link to your clips. Looking forward to it. Also an example of somebody asking my sensitivity settings is on my video "Why I switched to blunderbuss"

  • @robby0316 Noted. Will create channel in future.

  • lol, i just left outpost and saw an emmisary get krakened and these guys got silverblade, too.

  • @scurvywoof you said your clips will be done by thursday. You have around 48 hours. Looking forward to your videos so I can see your playstyle.

    On a side note, when I say sail away while you're tucking. You're supposed to have a rowboat somewhere on the island or sink their ship and take their rowboat. Otherwise what's the point of the steal if you cant sell...

  • Completely agree that hitreg needs a fix but if it was as simple as you think it would be done already.

    Also agree the sword range is too long mostly because it doesn't line up with the animation maybe if they tweaked the swing animation?

  • @robby0316 btw, probably won’t have videos such as montages posted for a while as I have no experience with video editing at all. I’m sure I’ll learn the ropes though. I will post the videos to you in the forums when I can though.

  • @robby0316 sagte in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @insaiity said in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @robby0316 sagte in rare needs an update dedicated to fixing pvp:

    @scurvywoof (...) Arena is trash, it's way too easy to cannon yourself off to an opposing Galleon and absolutely obliterate everyone with a blunderbuss. Which is funny because everyone thinks all the sweats play arena when the real PvP is on adventure mode, (...)

    Never read anything more wrong. It's true that sometimes Arena is ridiculously easy, when you face off against fresh sailors that just hopped in to try it out.
    Once you play a little bit and face off against the actual good players you'll think differently. Or, who knows, maybe you yourself are also that good, who am I to judge without seeing you play first.

    Sadly what ends up happening is Arena players that only play Arena become very routine and predictable, where as in adventure mode you learn to be flexible and overcome different circumstances, then again, I'm not a PC pRoGaMeR as I'm on console and once you're an alpha console PvPer it's kinda hard to lose to other console players. Especially if you're a console adventure mode pirate that occasionally plays Arena before getting absolutely bored of the 45 minutes of waiting for 3 rounds of galleons where no one can shoot, 80% of people are tucking on the boat to sell the chest on, and only 3% of the arena server is actually trying to get the chest. What I normally do in Arena is just sail around Sinking ships with just cannon combat, waiting for the selling ship tuckers to kill most of each other, steal the chest from the people that dug it up, have the crew board the selling ship with whoever has the chest on our crew "protecting them" from stragglers/tuckers, and call it a win.

    Like I said, I'm not on PC, because as a console player I can admit that going up against a PC with an x box is like a toaster attacking a decepticon.

    So obviously arena on console is way less sweaty and easier, but I still think most people that play Arena are either tucking or trying to dig and most are not that great at cannon combat and are only as good as an arena player can get at boarding ships.

    I really don't mean to sound harsh or insulting, I just don't know how to word it differently, but from what I've seen on yout YT-Channel you wouldn't stand a chance against the good crews in Arena on Pc.
    And there are a couple players that also play controller on pc and are beasts with it, like equally matched wit M&K players.

    On pc you rarely see people tucking on an outpost to steal the chest. Hell no semi-competent crew actually goes for the chest (I'm talking about galleons-arena).

    Once again I don't know how the console-only servers are but from what I've seen in your videos you absolutely have to wrong idea about what a good to very good pvp players is. At least if you look at pc-players.

    And btw about the glorious sea dog you killed, this outfit doesn't really say anything because you only have to get top 3 a hundered times to get it. You can get that by just being afk.

  • @ROBBY0316 Due to internet reasons, im gonna need maybe about a week or so to sort out my internet and get footage. Btw, can anyone tell me how to link videos, my footage of me being lagged out of arena aint working.

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