Find a crew! section alliance spam posting

  • As I know that people don't like to read essays and the issue should be well known already, here's my question/suggestion right away:

    Does the "Find a crew!" section need an additional anti-spam rule and/or a rule that alliance memberships applications need to be done on the alliance website/discord rather than on the SoT forum?

    The problem in a nutshell, for all who're unaware:
    (Everyone else might stop reading here as the only change suggestions were all made above )
    Some alliances get bumped to the top of that section over months and even years so far because...

    1. ...membership applications are specifically requested by the OP to be made within the same post instead of the alliance website/discord.
    2. ...of repeated and constant ad-bot like comments from members that only contain single phrases like "omg, dis alliance so good!!"
    3. ...of several unnecessary double or even quadruple comment postings (instead of just editing the post) by both the OP and alliance members.
    4. ...of OP announcements/updates that basically only mirror the information of his/her initial post of page 1 and don't tell you anything new.
    5. ...any other lesser relevant comment imaginable that's seen as necessary to bump the thread once again over one of another alliance that's also doing the things as mentioned above. Nice runaway effect here.

    As a result of this, it's always the same few alliances that are always on top while other alliances' posts with a less, let's just say "questionable", approach or those of single guys that just want to find a little crew are getting buried pretty quickly.

    Do you see this as a problem as well?

  • 12
  • @trlalon What the hell are you talking about??? I'm legitimately confused. I just play with friends or use LFG.

  • @klutchxking518 Then why do you even comment instead of taking a look into the topic I mentioned beforehand??

  • It is a problem, but it is a problem that is not ours. It is a problem for the moderators to figure out.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Find a crew! section alliance spam posting:

    It is a problem, but it is a problem that is not ours. It is a problem for the moderators to figure out.

    Really not ours? I mentioned it before, such behaviour spoils the "competition" and therefore affects people that don't have directly anything to do with the spamming alliance as well.
    I won't even get started about people that just delete their post if it didn't reach enough reactions and repost it the day after and thereby push older posts even farther towards the next page, as the deleted posts are still taking space in the feed. How desperate can one even be?

    Go ahead, make a post in that section without any spam mechanic. Let's see how fast that one gets buried by a bunch of posts that were started 2 years ago and are still hogging the front page.
    Forget about asking some people to form up a galleon crew with you.

  • @trlalon Because I'm looking to get an explanation so i can understand!

  • @klutchxking518 sagte in Find a crew! section alliance spam posting:

    @trlalon Because I'm looking to get an explanation so i can understand!

    You'll get that explanation by looking into the "Find a crew!" posts that were made 2 years ago but because of spamming still hog the front page of that forum section.

    Do I also need to provide you a link to that forum's section or...?

  • @trlalon I don't understand your problem, though. What are you getting at? The OP seemed kinda vague.

  • @klutchxking518 What OP? There are several of these alliance spam posts from different OPs, of course. Not everything applies to every alliance recruitment post in the same way.
    If you look at some more, you'll see what I meant in my first post.

    Btw I don't link or name these exact posts because these are easy to find on the front page of the crew section and because if I do, I'll get flagged for harassment (or whatever) for sure.

  • Why are you even using a method that has proven futile? There are plenty of other, and better ways, to recruit a crew.

  • @galactic-geek The point of that section is that people can find a crew, or not? Pretty sure that the idea was not a free ad-platform paid by SoT staff for statspadding servers.
    What has has been happening there so far is the reason that using this method is futile in the first place.
    Also this isn't about me, I still see people posting their request because they just follow the description of the forum categories.

    But well. In order for any mod to care about specific feedback, one probably needs a big YT channel or something.

  • @trlalon your op.

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