(Major Update Idea) Personal Pirate Hideouts

  • I’ve been playing SoT for years and I’ve always enjoyed earning new cosmetics for my pirate and ship, making various unique outfits and ship sets with my friends.

    But one thing that we have been struggling with is maintaining a constant interest in the game. Like any game that requires you to grind in order to progress and earn rewards in can be hard to find the motivation to focus on a goal. Commendation hunting can only keep you busy for so long and soon enough you will have all of the cosmetics you’ve wanted.

    This is why I think Rare should add in a new personal pirate hideout (Similar to that of the lobby in the Arena). Where you can load into relax, wander about, interact with your friends and mess around. There’s also so much you could do with customising your own hideout. Such as change the layout and decor, mannequins that have preset outfits on display, trophy room that can display your various achievements, have your pets roaming around, etc.

    To add to the incentive of becoming a pirate legend you could make it so that only legends unlock this hideout, and that you can enter it by opening up the stairs to the legend hideout. But instead of going through the portal to the legend hideout you can take another one to your personal one.

    This is just a rough idea but I feel like it would add a new major aspect to the game that would help more players stay interested for the long term.

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  • @Wijj-Eclipse
    my ship is my castle ye landlubbers 😁

    Ok i'm not completely against it, bit also dont need it to:
    "maintaining constant interest" to stay in or with the game.
    I understand where you are coming from, but i doubt they will do such things as this would be more of a private thing and not that much of a MP feature.
    What would be bad is if you can hoard treasures/ loot ir hide there in a "safe place".

  • @wijj-eclipse I really think it would be a great addition to the game if done like Warframe's main spaceship.

    Imagine logging in and spawning in your customizable hideout where you can decide what to do and works also as a pre-game lobbywhere you can invite your crew before starting you adventure. Let's say there's a table where you can check your stats and stuff, maybe put there a newspaper with all the main new things in the update. Maybe also a shelf with in-game earned trophies (like from tall tales and commendations).

    At the entrance there would be a menu to decide the shipsize and if you want to go on adventure or arena.

  • @bugaboo-bill I don't see any problems with it as long as it's simply not accessible from the game, but rather just more of a pre-game area like Pella mentioned. And maybe have a new NPC somewhere that can take items to your hideout (similar to selling, but you don't get gold for it). A little central area similar to the reapers hideout.

    Would also be really cool if your ship rises up from the water the same way skeleton ships do, if you enter a server from your hideout.

    Even if players were allowed to store or take loot from the hideout, it wouldn't really matter much; players should not be able to have emissary status when entering or leaving their hideout, and the more loot you save there, the more you'll have to eventually turn in. So you'll be absolutely loaded with loot at some point if you decide to hoard like that.

    It could even be accessible from the game, but it should be a massive faff to get there. Like having to anchor at an outpost first, talking with an NPC there, and then following a special mermaid (gets scared off if there's any gunfire or cannonfire from another nearby crew), to a random spot where your ship sails down into the water again. Plus, lose your emissary flag (and status) on the spot if you do successfully dive down to the hideout.

  • @wijj-eclipse I always thought it would be cool to have the amount of gold in your inventory reflected as mounds of gold and shinys. The more you spent the mounds start to decrease. The more you turn into the companies the larger the mounds get.

  • @wijj-eclipse to add on... small islands can be bought for a LOT of money to be your “personal hideout” to give people incentive to grind for more coin and doubloons after they buy as many cosmetics as they want. Personal hideouts can only be hangouts (fighting disabled) if the crew votes they can enter hideout. Also though can branch off of this and create a sort of new in-game system where you can raise a flag on your island if you want people to try to “blitz” it where their goal is to get on the island, find a chest (named something cool) and take it back to their boat then escape. Islands can be customized and cannons can be bought to protect it. (Up to 4 can be bought and are extremely expensive) This would increase your difficulty level of your island and would give more gold to the looters. This builds rep for reapers, gives good gold & is fun as hell!

  • Yes please lol I have 6 million gold and own everything in the game (minus a few locked arena things) lol

    Ideas for hide outs... (based on rares copy paste structure)

    -maidens voyage island
    -legends hideout

    • arena waiting area
      -the caves from uncharted island/sailors bounty/ wanderers refuge etc
      -the arena area in the middle of the map

    Size determines price, caves are much cheaper then an island as an example. A new npc that sells cosmetics to decorate. New bilge rat adventures to locate other items of interest to unlock. Maybe a way to put up your own screen shots?

    Or they could make personal islands and you start from scratch. You can hire npc to make it look more lively. Choose your own buildings and items to furnish it. Huge money sink but worth it.

    I need something to spend money on lol emmisary gave me more money then I know what to do with. I could ask for more ship sets but that's getting old. Give us something new to be excited about lol

  • I would love to have a pirate hideout but the game designers should also add a small wooden house for player that aren't that far in the game but would like to hang with there friends and have fun, nothing too fancy or elaborate but stil cool and if they could also add a function that will allow you to design your own flag for your ship

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