What is your go-to solo ship and why?

  • You usually have a choice between solo sloop and solo brigantine.

    Whenever you sail solo what do you choose.

    Also, why do you choose this over the other?

  • 9
  • you chose solo sloop. it takes a lot longer for a sloop to sink so you don't need to worry as much if you fall into the water. also a brig is meant for 3 people whereas the sloop is made for two. its allot easier for one person to do all the necessary adjustments for sailing on a sloop. there isn't a good reason for even 2 people to be on brig in my opinion. Hope this helps

  • You choose solo brig so you can invite others to your boat, friends or other pirates from other ships even.

    You also choose solo brig because the speed factor lets you pick your battles and experience more of the world quicker (i.e. get more voyages done in a less amount of time).

    You also choose solo brig because the intimidation factor.

    You basically only choose solo sloop if you are one to fight any battle, no matter how futile, or if you struggle with managing two sails / drop anchor frequently.

    There are cases where I prefer solo sloop, such as when I ally with other ships (they are more likely to accept me since I don't pose a threat). But, I always regret it later when I'm the slowest ship out there and can't catch up / flee.

    Personally, I don't even mess with the sails at all soloing brig, or only the back sail.

    People who say sloops are balanced or the best ship in the game are honestly dreaming. They haven't fought a good brig or galleon crew I guess. Maneuverability is so overrated. Convenience is the only reason to play sloop period.

    Source: PL10 from solo slooping before the brig came out

  • i used solo brig a lot when the ship made it to the game to grind athenas.now i pick the solo sloop cause its less work i dont want to fight against spawning galleons, i could but it takes long to sink them solo for me

  • @daringclarky said in What is your go-to solo ship and why?:

    You usually have a choice between solo sloop and solo brigantine.

    Whenever you sail solo what do you choose.

    Also, why do you choose this over the other?

    sloop because I'm so used to it and a solo brig is a nightmare for me

  • @daringclarky

    My preferred choice is the sloop, due to the ability to sail around other pirates, maneuver in battle and my experience with it. In short the ship on ship combat, as I don't mind a battle and still can flee without much issues if I so choose.

    I have tried the brig, it is fine if your goal is mainly speed and your response to others is flee. Also, the added difficulty of PvE events is a big plus in my books for a brig. I am not the biggest fan of the nerfs that the whole scaling did for sloops, but then again I enjoy PvE challenges that are doable, but fairly unforgiving.

  • Im torn between both hence the reason for this post.

    However lately ive been playing solo brigantine and im comfortable sailing it.

    Love the speed.

    Ive been sailing it very high risk high reward though meaning i travel with kegs.
    If anybody boards me or lands that perfect shot its over for me but given the speed i find more often than not ive initiated and ended fights a lot more quickly than i did in a sloop, just using high risk keg. Its not recommended but i love it. Even when i fail 😂

    However the sloop lets me traditionally outlast and fight pirate style with cannons. But i never really sunk them that way until i boarded other ships.

    In a way for those who play Elite Dangerous i really find the Brigantine is like having one of those spaceships with an Interdictor.
    Meaning i can catch them and they cant escape easily.

    Beautiful thing is there is no right or wrong way.
    Your ship is as personal to you as any other part of your pirate.
    Thanks for sharing mateys

  • Didn't even know there were/are people who play solo Brig. That's pure masochism...

  • @greengrimz Its really fun. Only when you get comfortable.

    Remember the first time you sailed solo on a sloop and remember how difficult it was?
    Its like doing it all over again.

    Funny thing is though when you get comfortable sailing it through sheer struggle, a sloop feels really really easy to sail.

    I didnt enjoy the pain of sailing it.
    But it got much easier with time.

    Im in love with its speed though and its hard to go back.

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