Guess for Gold Competition - How many Skeleton ships sunk?

  • 9,500 AI ships

  • My guess is 8500, although does it count when they run themselves ashore and sink? That might push the number up a bit.

  • @lizalaroo I guess 22,143

  • 14,460 skeleton ships.

  • 17,873 sunken skeleton ships ahoy!

  • I'm going to say 12,345

  • I'm going to say 6,597

  • Random guess 17,131

  • I SAY AROUND 3,550

  • How about 14,972?

  • It's 14563

  • 16,599 is my guess!

  • my guess is 12323

  • I think 60

  • My guess is 13,457

  • I going to go with 17846

  • 16368 definitely

  • @lizalaroo 1750

  • I think 17,876 skeleton ships have been sunk

  • My guess is 17372

  • 13096 is my guess

  • 16,245 shiparoonies

  • 19,234 Skeleton Ships

  • 18,923

    thanks google

  • 13,142 Skalleons

  • my guess: 10420

  • 16325 is the number. counted them all

  • 14,242 because there is two times "42" in my number

  • 17,894 ships.

  • I think it is 432

  • 13450 skeleton ships sunk!

  • my guess is

  • 13,951 i think

  • @lizalaroo My guess is 12,106

  • 124 is my guess

160 out of 334