The Golden Age of Adventure

  • Hello mateys,

    I truly believe that this is a proposal that will make adventure great again!

    Do you remember the first days after launch? That is what I still call The Golden Age of Adventure, and that was for a reason. Everyone in the server had the same goal, and everyone was still new, making some gold, leveling up, finishing voyages, and stealing some loot, when loot actually mattered. When you sailed around and encountered another ship, any outcome was full of excitement and great memories because we all had related goals.

  • 7
  • @phuzzybond aye we need to bring back the golden age of adventure

  • I don't know how technically difficult this would be for Rare to implement? But I can't see any possible reason why anyone wouldn't like this!?

    Perhaps 1 suggestion. The statistics (meter) should maybe only track the gameplay of a short period (say the last 6 weeks for the sake of this discusion). That way players would be "rated" on their current behavioural patterns, allowing people to migrate through different playing styles during their "Pirate Career".

    For example; I've played since launch. I Solo-ed up to PL10 in the first 4 months with as little conflict as possible. These days, however, I'm far more likely to attack other ships with my new-found crew. But if you took my "overall rating" since launch I'd still probably be deep in the green PvE zone.

  • So if I always ram and keg other ships and keep my cannonball usage very low.. then Ill be a shark on a PVE server? interesting....

  • @phuzzybond
    A definite "No" from me. It just looks to me like a back-door attempt at implementing PvE servers. Why do you want to separate the player base even more?

    One of the great things about this game has always been that it offers open access to everyone. Everyone has the same tools and abilities as everyone else and can do whatever they want. One day I can do a Tall Tale. The next day I can play defense at skull forts. The next day I can hunt every ship I see. Players should not be segregated based on those choices.

    Plus, this would never work anyway. Crews aren't just one person. I'm sure there are plenty of other players like me that play differently depending on who I am playing with. For example, what about someone who regularly plays on a crew that spends most of its time hunting other ships, but occasionally he wants to get on with his daughter and just sail around fishing? This idea would make that more difficult and that is bad.

    Basically, any idea to separate PvE players from PvP players is bad because this is a PvPvE game designed for PvPvE players.

  • @omnipotence13 these stats are just an example :) it would need way more to make this possible.

  • @little-squash Hey mate good points, whenever you are in a closed crew, the person that starts the server is the one that will be matched, since closed crews tend to want to do the same thing.

    On the other hand, this implementation could be within a 50% ceiling, it will all make sense if it was tested, for example, even a fully focused pvp player who wants to do TT later, will have 2 others ships out of the 6 in the server that match his play style, if they want to attack him, why not, he will have to keep his guard up, since he spent the last week attacking other ships.

    PVP players always have loot, but they get it from skullforts and such, they do not usually drop voyages to get things done, unless its an Athena, so stealing from PVP crews will be more rewarding since they will be more difficult than the casual SoT player.

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