Borderline Unplayable

  • Im a competitive FPS player. I run the same mouse sensitivity across all games. Otherwise it severely affects my aim.

    There is a SEVEN PERCENT Discrepancy with my sens conversion. That is huge, and unacceptable. You need to expose at least 1, preferably 2 more decimal points to the in-game slider.

    And the game also needs to allow ADS to NOT affect sensitivity. ADS 360 and non ADS 360 need to be the same distance physically. Im not a controller user and i set my sensitivity to where it is for a reason. Please do not change it without my say. i don't even know why ADS is a thing in this game. It contributes nothing to the skill ceiling. Its a redundant button press. And this game is no way realistic. An easy fix for this would be to up the limit for ADS sens from 10 to 20. Mouse-sensitivty does use these values and i can't see anyone exceeding 20 without having unfeasibly low sens.

    Also at my sensitivity, which is only 8.9 inches for a 360 (esports average is 13!), the map is completely unusable. it needs its own slider as well.

    How this game has been out for over a year on PC without even minimum acceptable level mouse support i have no idea. It should have an option for raw input as well. but im not even being that picky.

    This severely affects my experience and if it weren't for my sister not enjoying it, honestly id would request a refund. None of these changes should be hard. All of these changes, apart from map sens, are already variables . You just need to adjust the precision and bounds that are select-able in the options screen. If this game was made by even half competent developers, which im assuming it is, no other change should need to be necessary.

  • 28
  • 10/10 Fishing is my favorite part of the game too =)

  • @jc-yukaze I mean. The fishing i have no problems with. Rather relaxing actually. About the only thing i do in this game until proper mouse support is added.

  • @wylie28 I mean, this isn't a competitive game... So it's not that important.

    I also have no idea what any of the terms you used mean... Can someone please tell me what ADS means? xD

    Though in general, i don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to have as much sensitivity freedom as possible in any game, so. Why not, i guess?

  • @sweltering-nick ADS = Aim Down Sight But yeah im also a bit confused on what he is talking about. Maybe you cant do 360 turns while ADS?

  • @jofjjay said in Borderline Unplayable:

    @sweltering-nick ADS = Aim Down Sight But yeah im also a bit confused on what he is talking about. Maybe you cant do 360 turns while ADS?

    I think it’s because such a lot of SoT coding is quite basic.

    The ADS severely reduces sensitivity. That’s normal in all games but it’s often adjustable and would often differ between weapons. Aiming a pistol would have higher sensitivity than a sniper rifle. Because there’s no adjustment if you aim the EoR I’m guessing you’d have to move your mouse about three feet to complete a 360.

    As I read it, that’s the complaint.

  • It's not a super competitive game. You don't need to fly about and spin in every possible direction at any point, if you know what you're doing you'll manage like the other few million players on it do.

  • @sweltering-nick Its VERY important. Playing ANY fps game at a different sens, when ALL my other one use the same exact ones with less than 1% discrepancy can really screw my aim up. There is ZERO reason why i should just bow down to bad mouse support. The fix is easy. Simply adjust the possible bounds at the UI level. Assuming these are competent developers, which is reasonable given this is Rare, no other adjustment should be necessary, A hard coded limit would be a really stupid limitation for a professional to code themselves into. Don't support this level of lazy/ignorance. You GAIN nothing. But quite a few people lose.

    Im using a LOW sens. No competitive gamer uses high sens. I won't be "flying" and "spinning" about at any point. What i will be doing, is moving my mouse the same distance i do in LITERALLY every other first person game installed on this PC. Or will, if its fixed.

    What i don't need to be doing is playing or promoting this game. Don't fanboy and support incompetence. There should never have been such limits to begin with. Especially for a game attempting a Twitch Rivals campaign.

  • @wylie28

    Playing ANY fps game at a different sens, when ALL my other one use the same exact ones with less than 1% discrepancy can really screw my aim up.

    You can't headshot, so no, it's not that important... You don't need the best of the best sensitivity in this game, for the best accuracy, because you don't need acutely accurate aim... Just an approximately decent aim.

    There is ZERO reason why i should just bow down to bad mouse support.

    Crossplay? I mean the game is designed to equalize Xbox and PC players somewhat, i would argue the balance between Xbox and PC players is a good reason why your MLG demands don't HAVE to be met. xD

    Don't support this level of lazy/ignorance.

    Kind of ironic, coming from you. :S

    You GAIN nothing. But quite a few people lose.

    MLG gamers are a clear minority on this game... If you're looking for sympathy for the competitive PC playerbase, you've got a real challenge on your hands, mate.

    The only people that lose, are MLGers like you, because only people like you are bothered by the games current sensitivity options for PC... I mean the PC playerbase are already a minority, and MLGers among them, even more so.

    I'm a casual PC player, with some hardcore tendencies, i have no issue with the sensitivity, none, whatsoever.

    I'm just playing the devil's advocate here, personally, i think both the PC sensitivity sliders, and Xbox sensivitity sliders should be high enough to allow players to spin 10 times with a microscopic movement, if that's the sensitivity they wish to have. :P

    It's just freedom of choice, really.

  • I'm able to get the same control as in other games no problem.

  • @wylie28 I'm not 100% sure I understand everything you just said there, far too many numbers for a simple pirate such as meself.

    Is it possible however, that as this is a cross platform game, certain limits have been set on purpose so as to even the playing field as much as possible between the platforms?

  • Ooor, you "competetive player" just go back to the other games and stop yelling at the options of a game not giving you 300 mouse sensitive options for your perfect aim, since this game is NOT A FPS game. It's an adventure game, maybe already an RPG and not focused on the shooting. And even more important: It's playable for 12 year olds, they wouldn't even understand half of the mouse options you want. Or which is probably the real reason for that "thread". Just admit that you are not the best player and people can beat you in gunfights. It's not the fault of the game option, just your lack of skill to adapt to another game. And now go cry in the chat of csgo.

  • Pretty sure this was a bait thread guys, hence my fishing comment earlier...

  • @bagunlp Im not even asking for additional mouse options. You didn't even read the thread! I simply asked for more decimals to be added to the mouse sensitivity slider. This slider already exists.

    I then asked for the three, already existing, ADS sliders to EXTEND past 20.

    The only new slider is asked for is a map scroll speed slider. Which no one can get confused about.

  • @sweltering-nick Ok. So the hell are you against ME having the FREEDOM OF CHOICE to have MY lower sensitivity. You are a hypocrite of the highest order.

  • @bagunlp Its an FPS game. And there is ZERO reason not to extend the bounds and precision of the mouse sensitivity slider. ZERO. No one is harmed, its a negligible amount of work.

  • @d3adst1ck And? Im not. You aren't the only person playing this game.

  • Nothing but fanboys here. I can't even request a feature without you defending stuff. Didn't even call your game bad. Even though it is since it doesn't have basic mouse support options

  • @wylie28 How about you just get your salty behind back to your tryhard csgo? I dont think anyone in here actually cares about these settings and ultimately, your tone makes me not even consider trying to debate these things. This clearly is not the game for you and since no one agreed with you, its pretty clear you're not very mature and resort to calling the game "bad"

  • @wylie28 said in Borderline Unplayable:

    @sweltering-nick Ok. So the hell are you against ME having the FREEDOM OF CHOICE to have MY lower sensitivity. You are a hypocrite of the highest order.

    Calm down dude.

  • This is no Quake 3... unfortunately.

    Also, mouse and keyboard are totally unusable on xbox... screen stutters everytime you try to turn (it's not my issue, many people have the same issue, it's the game issue)

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Borderline Unplayable:

    It's not a super competitive game. You don't need to fly about and spin in every possible direction at any point, if you know what you're doing you'll manage like the other few million players on it do.

    I was under impression Arena is supposed to be competitive, but it won't succeed in e-sports domain unless we get -

    2. GAME BALANCE aka 'fair chance' - same distance spawns etc.

    Most games successful in e-sports provide these essential functionalities because without them competition does not thrive.

  • @wylie28 Than I have an idea... why don't they programm that "negligible amount of work" and you pay them the whole effort?

  • alt text

  • @wylie28 said in Borderline Unplayable:

    Im a competitive FPS player. I run the same mouse sensitivity across all games. Otherwise it severely affects my aim.

    Buy a better mouse? My gaming mouse ups the sensitivity to what I need.

    Also at my sensitivity, which is only 8.9 inches for a 360 (esports average is 13!), the map is completely unusable. it needs its own slider as well.

    Someone clarify this for me? You travel 13" with your mouse to do a 360?

  • This is a major problem with a lot of games, and I'm kind of amazed the industry doesn't take it seriously. I think SimCity is totally unplayable for the same reasons as stated in the OP.

  • @doctorfork said in Borderline Unplayable:

    This is a major problem with a lot of games, and I'm kind of amazed the industry doesn't take it seriously. I think SimCity is totally unplayable for the same reasons as stated in the OP.

    Hearthstone, Magic Arena and Gwent could also use those changes, I mean they are e-sports too!

  • @zormis I shouldn't have to make a macro to play this game.

    I have to move 9 inches in order to make a 360. Or in actual terms, 4.5" in either direction to turn around. No one does turns more than 180 degrees at a time.

    However, the average for people that matter is 13 inches. I have a rather high sensitivty even

9 out of 28