Pirate Poll

  • Which Type of cursed chest is your favorite chest?
    Not because of price
    Comment which one is your favorite

  • 16
  • @die-gute-doc
    Gotta say the new Reaper chest. It has made for some good pvp.

    Chest of sorrows was my favorite. Drop on on a skelly ship watch it sink.

  • My favorite is the Box of Wondourous secrets because I like the reapers chest and I also like the design/colors on it.

  • @nwo-azcrack Would it change your answer if I asked what chest is your favorite.-Any kind

  • @die-gute-doc
    Nope. Had to much fun with the sorrows chest. And like i said that reapers is wonderful. Im more about what the chest does as far as gameplay.

    For looks i still like the darker captains chest the best though

  • as far as abilities I like the reapers chest the best.

  • I wonder if it’s possible to have a storm chest so the storm follows you. Would probably break the server and be abused for storm type fish. I just think it would be fun.

  • @die-gute-doc Is the box even a cursed chest?

  • A cursed Chest is any chest that has unnatural abilities.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 :) :) :)

  • Chest of 1000 Grogs

    For the obvious reasons lol🤪🧜🏽‍♀️

  • The Reapers Chest... liking the doubloons :)

    On another note got me thinking.....
    Not a cursed chest but.... it needs some love

    The Castaway... has a special place in my heart.

    141 days ago I made 50 in Gold Hoarders.
    With a humble Castaway Chest... I had a choice of chests to get me over the line... I choose the Castaway.
    It suited the end of my journey perfectly... Legendary Commendations are made of this :)

    alt text

    Btw: I made Master Merchant... with a hand in of a Black Pig.
    Not the lowest tier... granted... but not golden.
    I like the simple understated-ness of it :)

    Has never been about the gold always the glory... for me... no matter how it is achieved

  • Reapers Chest for me. I do hope we see more cursed goods in the future. They massively elevate the experience.

  • @die-gute-doc

    Chest of a Thousand Grogs!

    It's literally a party in a chest.

  • i like the Chest of a Thousend Grogs...OOOH , the fear and accompanying adrenaline when you try to cash this is while Flintlock, Eye Of Reach and Blunderbuss shots miss you by a hair because the Chest steered you in an unexpected drunken move that made the shots miss....Epic Fun and Thrills...

  • Sorrows you can sink other players and skeleton ships with it.

1 out of 16