Make the 'boss battles' more interesting

  • Just finished the Gold Hoarder fight. After all the fun stuff done to get to that point, to finish the Tall Tales with a big old bullet-soak of a boss left me and my crew feeling really hard done by. It was a slog. A time-waster. Busy work.
    The rest of the TT material was interesting. Those final boss battles should have been too. Gold Hoarder should have been something relating to his treasure. Maybe dump some in lava to cause him damage. Or light fires to melt down and boil the gold in a huge smelter, before getting him to follow you to a pressure pad that dumps the molten gold onto him - literally killed by his own greed. Something, anything other than beat him very, very slowly to death while being shot at and hacked to death over and over again. Please, more interesting, clever and rewarding boss battles. Please.

  • 3
  • Agreed! Very disappointed to see that all the bosses are just retextured bullet spongy clones of eachother.

  • By far the biggest disappointment with Tall Tales for me.

2 out of 3