SPOILERS - Shores of Gold Bug

  • My crew and I spent 8 hours doing Shores of Gold this morning. We never expected the finale to take so long.

    We did great with the puzzles, although they took some time. Getting through the traps was a real challenge and frustrating at times. But the reason I'm writing is the final battle.

    We fought that battle for an hour and a half. Most of the time it didn't feel like we were making any progress at all. At one point something strange happened, and one of our crew got sent out of the chamber somehow. I'm not exactly sure where she wound up, but it was after 5AM and she had to get up at 6:30 so she left. The two remaining members of the crew (me and my wife) kept fighting and, to our surprise, the Gold Hoarder finally fell. A door opened and the music stopped. But...nothing else really happened. We found the skull somewhere in the chamber (not where he actually died). We picked it up. We lingered a short time but nothing else happened, so we left. Not sure what to do next, we just took the skull to Galleon's Grave and sold it. The quest did not complete, nor could we complete it. It just sort of fizzled. The Shroudbreaker stayed on the ship. I even sailed back to the Shores of Gold after my partner left. It appeared the island reset, since the Gold Hoarder's coin was gone and it was no longer possible to enter the dungeons. So basically that was it. All that time for nothing.

    I get the feeling the whole "boss" battle was bugged from the git go. It should never have taken so long to finish onwe battle, finale or no finale. I think the battle reset when we lost our third crewmate, and with the two of us it only took a few minutes. Something went wonky and we wound up wasting an hour and a half on that battle with no chance of completing the quest.

    We've enjoyed Tall Tales immensely and always looked forward to our next session. We were really fired up for the finale. Seeing Tribute Peak for the first time was awesome. The puzzles were well done and they nailed the atmosphere. The traps got to be pretty crazy and tedious at times, more for some of us than others, but we eventually made it through. Even the battle was quite exciting and dramatic...at first. After a solid hour, though, with no end in sight...we were all pretty much over it. Then for the whole great Tall Tale to just fizzle at the very end...I can tell you, it was beyond disappointing. It was a bit heartbreaking to be honest.

    None of us are looking forward to going through all that again. What a shame. :(

  • 15
  • @genuine-heather mad...

  • @genuine-heather if you are on a galleon or brig it makes the diffuculty of the gold hoarder increase if you do it on a sloop you can kill him in 15 to 20 minutes with good shots and sword swings.

  • @fast-bike94 This wasn’t simply a case of being too hard. Something glitched.

  • @fast-bike94 said in SPOILERS - Shores of Gold Bug:

    @genuine-heather if you are on a galleon or brig it makes the diffuculty of the gold hoarder increase if you do it on a sloop you can kill him in 15 to 20 minutes with good shots and sword swings.

    15-20 seconds*

    Lol jk but it is very unproportionally balanced for crew size.

    Sounds like a lame bug to encounter though, hopefully they fix it and if you try again you can complete the tale.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo don't think it's a bug think it''s poor distibution

  • @fast-bike94 said in SPOILERS - Shores of Gold Bug:

    @a-cranky-eskimo don't think it's a bug think it''s poor distibution

    I meant the no credit bug the OP encountered. The balancing for crew size is for sure off.

  • @a-cranky-eskimo hmm no credit that's odd

  • @fast-bike94 It doesn't seem like you read my whole post. It was definitely a bug because the quest glitched and never completed. Also, today my wife and I completed the quest and it was far easier this time. Something was definitely wrong.

  • @genuine-heather yeah I skimmed your post.

  • @genuine-heather said in SPOILERS - Shores of Gold Bug:

    My crew and I spent 8 hours doing Shores of Gold this morning. We never expected the finale to take so long.

    We did great with the puzzles, although they took some time. Getting through the traps was a real challenge and frustrating at times. But the reason I'm writing is the final battle.

    We fought that battle for an hour and a half. Most of the time it didn't feel like we were making any progress at all. At one point something strange happened, and one of our crew got sent out of the chamber somehow. I'm not exactly sure where she wound up, but it was after 5AM and she had to get up at 6:30 so she left. The two remaining members of the crew (me and my wife) kept fighting and, to our surprise, the Gold Hoarder finally fell. A door opened and the music stopped. But...nothing else really happened. We found the skull somewhere in the chamber (not where he actually died). We picked it up. We lingered a short time but nothing else happened, so we left. Not sure what to do next, we just took the skull to Galleon's Grave and sold it. The quest did not complete, nor could we complete it. It just sort of fizzled. The Shroudbreaker stayed on the ship. I even sailed back to the Shores of Gold after my partner left. It appeared the island reset, since the Gold Hoarder's coin was gone and it was no longer possible to enter the dungeons. So basically that was it. All that time for nothing.

    I get the feeling the whole "boss" battle was bugged from the git go. It should never have taken so long to finish onwe battle, finale or no finale. I think the battle reset when we lost our third crewmate, and with the two of us it only took a few minutes. Something went wonky and we wound up wasting an hour and a half on that battle with no chance of completing the quest.

    We've enjoyed Tall Tales immensely and always looked forward to our next session. We were really fired up for the finale. Seeing Tribute Peak for the first time was awesome. The puzzles were well done and they nailed the atmosphere. The traps got to be pretty crazy and tedious at times, more for some of us than others, but we eventually made it through. Even the battle was quite exciting and dramatic...at first. After a solid hour, though, with no end in sight...we were all pretty much over it. Then for the whole great Tall Tale to just fizzle at the very end...I can tell you, it was beyond disappointing. It was a bit heartbreaking to be honest.

    None of us are looking forward to going through all that again. What a shame. :(

    mad so mad anyways try again mate then it'll be worth it

  • @closinghare208 Yeah, I've done it a couple times since then, one with my first mate and one solo. Both were far better. It was a huge disappointment that the quest glitched out the first time finishing it. Such a letdown after all the buildup, you know? But you're right, it was worth it in the end. Absolutely amazing adventure, all around. I especially enjoyed Robin Beanland's wonderful score to the finale of Shores of Gold. Very satisfying, indeed. I hope Rare can find and squash whatever bug ruined it the first time for us.

  • @genuine-heather yeah I know!!

  • UPDATE: Tonight I went through Shores of Gold #9 again with my three-woman brigantine crew. Everything went fine at first. We whizzed through the puzzles. The traps still gave us some trouble, but I eventually made it through and started the final battle. My crewmates rejoined me at that point. We fought well and we fought hard, but the battle still went on and on. Exactly one hour into the battle, we each saw a message flash on our screen: "The Gold Hoarder has lost patience with you." Or something to that effect, anyway. After each of us died after that, we wound up outside. Two of us were on the ship, and one was at the waterfall. That quest failed and that was it.

    Now I understand sort of what happened the first time we did the quest. Somehow the game glitched at the one-hour time-out, and only one of our crewmates was ejected. The two remaining then managed to kill the Gold Hoarder, but the quest was already "over" so we never got any credit.

    Regardless, this is clearly way out of whack. That final battle should never take a whole hour. It's not like we all suck at the game, either. The mere fact that there's a time-out after an hour tells me that the battle was never intended to last that long. This can't be intended. It must be a bug.

    When I did the quest solo, the whole thing took a little over two hours. The final battle took maybe 20 - 30 minutes. As a duo, even on a brigantine, it took us about 30 minutes. But with three people...we have yet to complete it. That's out of whack. One member of my crew now has done the quest twice but has nothing to show for it.

    I hope Rare investigates this and fixes whatever is wrong. I've submitted a bug report.

  • Not sure how it is on a brig, we did the Shores of gold with an Galleon (with my crew of 4), the final fight is about 30 - 45 min i guess (whould need to check my vod to confirm).

    But yeah the scaling in the game is just strange. I did Brigsy on a duo sloop but solo and it just takes about 5 Blunder Shots and a few swings to kill here. While with my galleon crew it's 30+ min >.<.

    We now spilt our crew in 2 sloops when we are doing kill tales.

7 out of 15