Bunny hopping

  • @soviet-dan1992 no just no BUNNY HOPPING DOES NOT OCCUR IN THIS GAME!!!!!!!!

    opting out is moronic because people with LOW SKILL sets will still guess what HAVE LOW SKILL SETS!!!!
    and nothing will change they will try to find a way to blame something else for how terrible they are
    get better at the game or sit in disgust and blame EVERYONE else for how bad you are practice practice practice is all you need

  • @the-tonkinese
    Please define bunny hopping for me. I thought it was jumping around frequently to avoid damage while dealing damage to the player who can’t hit you. PC players can move more smoothly with keyboard and mouse than a console player on a joystick, and that’s just a fact.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Bunny hopping:

    Rare disagrees, bunnyhopping remains an intentional, viable movement technique.

    Immersion breaking, or not, it has been in SoT from the start.

    Does anyone see this going away?

    Not without a complete overhaul of combat and movement.

    Or a nerf, for no reason. Just because some refuse to accept it for what it is.

    just because a game has bunny hopping from the start does not mean it will or should have it forever. i dont believe bunny hopping was truely meant to be in the game since most official features of combat are very grounded and easy to keep track of. unless you can prove that bunny hopping does in fact contribute to the balance of combat, i am not convinced.

    I can tell you by the existence of this discussion, the continuation of it, and many other comments prove that a lot of people are convinced that bunny hopping makes combat looks ridiculous and i stand by that point. i can also state again that most official features of combat (dev videos, showcases, trailers, etc) are very grounded and easy to keep track of.

  • I just think Rare really likes bunnyhopping.

    Let's see if you detractors can get them to change thier movement system.

    I have my popcorn. Been watching this for a year now.
    I understand the sentiment. Before SoT, I hated bunnyhopping in every other game.

    In this game, I embrace it.
    I can't explain why, other than the efficiency of it.
    Maybe the fact that it looks silly to you, makes it more satisfying to me.
    Shows me that at its heart, SoT is a trolls wet dream of a game.

    Where bunnyhopping is appropriate.

  • No.
    We don't need to have the skill ceiling of this game lowered even further.
    And as stated above, jumping around isn't bunnyhopping.
    Bunnyhopping/strafe jumping allows you to gain speed while doing so, which is not present in SOT.

    You can keep some momentum off canons and sword lunges but it stops there.

  • @vulgrim-pvp said in Bunny hopping:

    We don't need to have the skill ceiling of this game lowered even further.
    And as stated above, jumping around isn't bunnyhopping.
    Bunnyhopping/strafe jumping allows you to gain speed while doing so, which is not present in SOT.

    You can keep some momentum off canons and sword lunges but it stops there.

    let us not debate over this, please. it does not further the discussion at all. i and most others just call it "bunny-hopping" because it saves time as opposed to saying "jumping repeatedly to confuse and/or outmaneuver opponents." unless there is a better way to pronounce it, i dont see it contributing to this discussion.

  • @mysticdragon297 said in Bunny hopping:

    @vulgrim-pvp said in Bunny hopping:

    We don't need to have the skill ceiling of this game lowered even further.
    And as stated above, jumping around isn't bunnyhopping.
    Bunnyhopping/strafe jumping allows you to gain speed while doing so, which is not present in SOT.

    You can keep some momentum off canons and sword lunges but it stops there.

    let us not debate over this, please. it does not further the discussion at all. i and most others just call it "bunny-hopping" because it saves time as opposed to saying "jumping repeatedly to confuse and/or outmaneuver opponents." unless there is a better way to pronounce it, i dont see it contributing to this discussion.

    Contribute to what?
    OP wants the game to be nerfed so he can land his shots because he can't aim up and predict jumping movements.

    Every time i come in here all i see is people complaining about non issues while the hitreg is completely broken.

  • Hit registration is an issue, but so is the ridiculous hopping meta which is a problem from both KB&M and Controller users. While better hit registration would help greatly, it wont resolve the problem. There is a reason you see a large amount of complaints about it, and it's not because every one of them needs to "get good".

    It takes advantage of poor hit registration.
    It is simply annoying.
    It is also more advantageous to KB&M over Controller.

    There have been a couple Rare Streams where they ran into overly bouncy pirates and were obviously annoyed with it as well.

    There are plenty of good ideas out there that would help balance things out, and I hope they explore various options.

  • @archangel-timmy As i stated, learn to aim and predict, jumping is EXTREMELY predictable, you should be able to land shots on jumping enemies 100% of the time, in any input method, you will always know where they will land.

    Hitreg is broken, yes, they will fix it though.
    Here is a protip - as of now, aim behind them as the hitboxes are desynced.

  • @vulgrim-pvp Predictable yes, but it still favors KB&M over Controller due to turning speed and precision. That only real problem with the argument between KB&M / Controller is how much of a gap their actually is due to the Hit Reg.

    Predicting movements is one thing that can help in general, but it doesn't work in every scenario. Long range the advantage goes to precision, but this is also hindered greatly by the hit registraion. Close range, the turning speed is a major problem because the mouse it is pretty easy to jump through/around/over another player and quickly 180 strike them in the back before they are able to turn and block on a Controller. Even maxed out, the speed just isn't there.

    If sword combat was the only complaint, then perhaps the answer wouldn't be to deincentivize/nerf jumping, but a buff to the blocking?

    Rare is working on the Hit Reg and it sounds like a solution is imminent, so all we can do is wait and see how it affects things and go from there.

  • @archangel-timmy Of course, the KB+M "argument" again.
    You can plug a mouse and a keyboard on your xbox now, time to adapt and improve instead of complaining about people who choose to use it.

    Whenever i feel like laying down in my chair i play on a controller as well, and when i do i use 5.5 sensitivity, i have no problems with people going around me, because i know how to position myself in ways they can't simply jump around me, you should always keep your opponent in your field of view, and if i can do that on a controller with 5.5 sensitivity so can you, and everyone else.

    Can't jump around while blocking and aiming on a controller? try claw gripping it.
    Not difficult, but people always seem to find excuses for their lack of mechanical skill, instead of training adapting and improving at the game.

  • I dont usually bunnyhop during a fight. Except to dodge a blunder shot. But please dont take away my ability to hop around outposts and islands. I dont wanna be stuck walking cause i ran out of stamina......

  • @vulgrim-pvp said in Bunny hopping:

    @archangel-timmy Of course, the KB+M "argument" again.

    It's not an argument, it is fact.

    You can plug a mouse and a keyboard on your xbox now, time to adapt and improve instead of complaining about people who choose to use it.

    A cross-platform game should be as balanced as possible and not force one input over the other.

    Whenever i feel like laying down in my chair i play on a controller as well, and when i do i use 5.5 sensitivity, i have no problems with people going around me, because i know how to position myself in ways they can't simply jump around me, you should always keep your opponent in your field of view, and if i can do that on a controller with 5.5 sensitivity so can you, and everyone else.

    While skill is a factor, you cant always dictate the location of a fight, nor your position. And I call fluff at always keeping them in your view at 5.5.

    Can't jump around while blocking and aiming on a controller? try claw gripping it.
    Not difficult, but people always seem to find excuses for their lack of mechanical skill, instead of training adapting and improving at the game.

    I have no issues with jumping/aiming/shooting with my controller scheme, and that isn't the issue at hand. It is the jumping meta which is exacerbated by the input disparity.

    Again, updated Hit Reg might help, but I doubt it as the issue runs deeper than that.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Bunny hopping:

    I dont usually bunnyhop during a fight. Except to dodge a blunder shot. But please dont take away my ability to hop around outposts and islands. I dont wanna be stuck walking cause i ran out of stamina......

    This is where it could possibly only affect you while holding a weapon or eating food as those are the major problem areas.

  • @vulgrim-pvp said in Bunny hopping:

    @mysticdragon297 said in Bunny hopping:

    @vulgrim-pvp said in Bunny hopping:

    We don't need to have the skill ceiling of this game lowered even further.
    And as stated above, jumping around isn't bunnyhopping.
    Bunnyhopping/strafe jumping allows you to gain speed while doing so, which is not present in SOT.

    You can keep some momentum off canons and sword lunges but it stops there.

    let us not debate over this, please. it does not further the discussion at all. i and most others just call it "bunny-hopping" because it saves time as opposed to saying "jumping repeatedly to confuse and/or outmaneuver opponents." unless there is a better way to pronounce it, i dont see it contributing to this discussion.

    Contribute to what?
    OP wants the game to be nerfed so he can land his shots because he can't aim up and predict jumping movements.

    Every time i come in here all i see is people complaining about non issues while the hitreg is completely broken.

    i meant not debate whether or not to call it bunny hopping, but lets go there i guess.

    directly accusing people of being bad players is a fallacy argument that does not contribute anything to a discussion. you cannot prove a persons true intent. OP thinks that it breaks immersion, that he/she suspects it effects hit registrations, feels that bunny hopping has made healing mid-fight easier than it needs to be, and is simply curious of other's thoughts on the matter. i can confirm this because thats exactly what he/she wrote. no need to attack OP for it.

  • @soviet-dan1992 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6jm9iGW2Co
    is an example
    consoles do not have joysticks they have gamepads A VERY BIG difference
    no thats not fact at all SKILL with the instrument used IS WHAT advantage the user has there is no argument SKILL 99% of the time ALWAYS wins NOT your peripheral equipment
    you can be a master at kb&m and dominate or you can be a master at a gamepad and dominate IT is mastering the tool and learning to tool you use!
    other wise you are just a poor workman with a great tool! and no one to blame but your lack of skills!

  • @the-tonkinese
    Looks like an exploit on control scheme to me

  • @soviet-dan1992 well i can't change who poorly you understand things that's on you

  • @the-tonkinese
    And I can’t change how you want to keep your exploit around because it benefits you. Once again with the “GeT gOod We AlL hAvE tHe SaMe tOolS” nonsense. Every time Rare updates something, a new cheap tactic comes out. 2 gun is back with a vengeance if you are on PC, and now we have this jumping around nonsense. It stops becoming a skill issue when you are exploiting controls that other players don’t ha e access to. I understand you probably wanna hit That 240 wins by spamming this, but the rest of us are actually playing the game, without exploiting anything.

  • Im xbox and dont really see the problem. Fighting is more than 1v1 in this game. There is tactics etc aswell and strategies. Out smart the bunnyhopper and they go down.

    Im not best pvp and in some cases i know if i go head on i will lose.
    I will use my surroundings to my advantages.

    Fight the hopper where he cant hop for example. Predict movement.

  • @soviet-dan1992 double shot WAS there at launch FOR BOTH SYSTEMS and can not be done now but you still can assign weapons to your d pad ON CONSOLE!!!!!!!!!!

    there is no exploit jumping around makes it harder to hit someone that why they do it TRY PRESSING A when moving GUESS WHAT YOU CAN JUMP!!!!!!!!!!!
    stop making excuses

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