Port protection might be a nice touch.

  • As much as I know its my own fault for solo playing I have to admit it gets old spawing on a port and dieing instantly to another player before i can fight back. Xbox one is just a haven for port camping and the probelms that go along with it. Even if i manage to get out of the start spawn i still can't land anywhere to sell my loot. Just seems like it would be worth while to introduce a port protection of sorts. Might help the trolling a little. Open waters by all means pvp islands by all means pvp forts by all means pvp but ports should really be a pvp safe zone.

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  • @foxcat245

    Here's one problem with that.

    If I clear a skull fort and start heading to an outpost, then you see me and decide you want to pursue and take that loot off me, all I need to do is go to the outpost and be free of PvP and turn in my loot. Doesn't seem right for the game to allow people to put an end to interactions in that manner.

    That's just one example of many of the sandbox player interactions that would be stifled by something like this. Additionally none of the loot on your ship is yours until you sell it. You can head to a different outpost.

    This problem you're talking about of "never being able to get out of the outpost" or "never being able to find a place to sell" is just not one that exists as prevalently as you make it sound. It is up to you to outsmart your opponent.

    What this does is it gets into adding rules to the game. Sea of Thieves is "tools, not rules"

  • @foxcat245
    ill be 100% honest with you...
    I have never (and I repeat) NEVER died instantly upon loading into the game.
    not only that, I usually have time to not only decorate my ship, but also stock up on more planks and cannon balls and food. either as a group or as solo.

    As for selling my loot. there are more outposts than ships allowed on the server... so assuming literally everyone else on the server you are on is camping an outpost there will still be a few more with no one on them.

    if we add port protection, the problem will be worse than before as now people will ally themselves and create a blockade around the safezone... not only that, having safe ports will cause more spawn camping than ever... people will team up on you and spawn camp you on your ship to give them time to take your loot onto their ship.

    and lastly, think of solo mode as nightmare difficulty in the game.

    port protections causes more grieffing than it solves.

  • @Foxcat245

    The game is not easy and it takes some time to learn the Ropes.
    I also never died when i spawn to other players.
    You have plenty of time to stock and decorate your ship.
    Very rarely someone arrived at the Outpost i have spawned on.

    Save zones are a bad idea honestly.

  • I get what you all are getting at I'm sure it sounds like some new guy complaining. Perhaps instead of a safe zone an anti troll system of sorts. I do get wiped 4 out of 5 intial spawns and I don't usually hang around the ports either. Its usually a gally with a full crew that flies in spawn camps while they strip everything from the boat then sink it. Either it happens like that or they sink it before they search the port and kill me. I would not suggest it if it was only a one time deal. Its been a constant this last week. I don't know what to put in place per say but something to prevent port camping or initial spawn killing would be a nice addition in my opinion.

  • @foxcat245

    Sounds like you've just been profoundly unlucky/unaware. It really isn't that much of a problem.

  • There should never be port protection this isn't a space sim it's a pirate game if you got loot and you are about to turn in you better belive I'm going to go full speed to that port and current you off or intercept you from selling

  • @foxcat245 yes but what if someone steals your chest of legends you cant fight back so they sell it right in front of you while you watch then you'd be mad at rare for implementing it

  • @foxcat245 I do not believe it. It is simply not possible to get camped when you login 4 out of 5 times. I'd like to see a full unclipped video of you trying to login on different servers and see what happends.

  • @foxcat245 people get more and more creative with the names of the stupid safe zone suggestion...
    Now it's called port protection...what comes next? Merchant areas?

  • @foxcat245
    It's not trolling if they were stealing your supplies. You can also always scuttle if you're being spawn camped.

  • @foxcat245 mate this idea has been made before but it will never happen I'm sorry to say

  • @ashbert157 always with the chest of legends lol mate

  • @foxcat245 It's a pirate game. Just like real pirates, players hang out around spots you're taking your ship that's overloaded with booty. The game has mechanics to avoid this, for example multiple turn-in locations or having a crew large enough to fight back. Solo-sailing your sloop with 20 chests on it, then taking 10 minutes to unload and expecting no one's going to steal from you is kind of ridiculous.

  • @closinghare208 well we lost one before so im just concerned

  • I play this game daily and almost never get attacked at an outpost during the outset. Most of the time I'm there for 15-30 minutes gathering supplies, fishing, and cooking too with naught a single ship in sight. Why do you think it's such a problem for you?

  • @ashbert157 true but sometimes you can't have your chest of legends and eat it too

  • I've heard this suggestion
    so many times that I'm actually warming to the idea... If it were for protection against cannon ball attacks only. It would force attackers to leave their ship if they want a chance at stealing somebody else's booty

  • @chronodusk couldn't have said it any better. Adding on to what you said if you do clear a skull for and take the loot to an outpost whats stopping someone from coming to the outpost and selling your loot without you being able to sort them? If you want to play a game with safe zones it ruins the PvP interactions and most of the community I'm sure agrees with this. Its a pirate game people aren't supposed to be nice but at the same time this game is probably 20% combat and skill and 80% strategy. Just find a method that works for you.

  • @closinghare208 lol

  • There is no Harbor/port, but outpost.
    an for a Harbor/port to be implemented, with cannons an other def.
    then you will in my opinion need a big city with guards an what not

  • @ashbert157 said in Port protection might be a nice touch.:

    @closinghare208 lol

    yes lol

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