Skeleton Fleets VANISH TOO FAST!

  • I assume rare will do something about this, but I need to get it off my chest.

    I've been sailing today, waiting and waiting for skeleton fleets to appear, after roughly an hour, one finally appeared. (Me being the moron I am) decided now is a good time to stock up and gather some kegs, It took me about 10 mins to do so...?

    I decided to head out towards the skeleton fleet cloud, and literally straight after, it deactivated! I WAS CRUSEHD! one never came up after that.

    I love that RARE focused more on skeleton forts (as they are more popular) and I particularly don't like skeleton fleets, but... give some love to the fleets.

    Sorry. I don't like to rant but It had to be done!

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  • I'm pretty they sure last longer than 10 minutes. Maybe someone just cleared the fleet in 10 minutes rather than it deactivated?

  • Same thing happen to me today we had to wait 3 hours seem like for the next one I was hot honestly but I think they should pop up more often

  • I believe (speculation from observation) that an uncontested skeleton fleet will despawn after 15 minutes. I believe that this is intentional to give skeleton fort events more precedence. I have also noticed that fleet events that have started take longer to despawn. Since I have been working on my skeleton ship accommodation, I have a suggestion. Normally, when the cloud first appears, most crews would not have the supplies on hand to tackle the fleet directly, and would stop along the way to get supplies, resulting in missing the event due to it timing out. What I suggest is, go straight to the event and engage it. I believe that once fleet has been engaged, it takes much longer to despawn. You can either engage and then leave, or take out a couple of ships first before leaving to get adequate supplies. There are inactive forts near 3 of the fleet spawn locations where you can quickly get enough cannonballs and barrels.

  • I hope that they can allow for these to become independent events so they can coincide, and then not have time be such a limiter on the fleet.

  • @hazeree Interesting, thanks for that information, I'll defiently give that a shot the next time I chose to fight these guys! Thanks for the advice.

  • @tundra-793 Pehaps, but I doubt, we were around the area [Fortresses] I don't recall seeing any ships, this isn't the first time it's happened, to be honest, it's probably due to me and my crews slow paced stocking LOL!

  • @coldyoyosync We have sailed from one end of the world to the other, not stopping a long the way and at it as soon as it popps up and have missed it. Nothing like almost being there and watching the cloud disappear before your eyes.

  • There seems to be some misinformation in this thread.

    There is a guranteed rotation of in world “cloud” events. Three forts spawn first and after the third is cleared or left alone for too long a fleet becomes active. Also I don’t necessarily deny any of your claims that they despawn too quickly (I have burned as well) however they definitely do not despawn in 10 or 15 minutes.

    When the 3rd fort goes down (and by goes down that means the captain is killed and the cloud clears) the fleets will spawn in 2-5 minutes. That coincides typically with how fast you are off loading loot from the fort vault. The if you factor in sailing to an outpost and turning in and then sailing to the fleet there is almost no time for them to remain up.

    Doing the forts back to back or at least one of them is still the best way to prepare yourself for the fleet. It allows you to control when the fleet spawns as well as gathering you the respurces and gunpowder needed to clear the ships.

    In my experience they despawn in 25-30 minutes and I’ve timed it.

    Also someone up above said there are inactive forts in the map and that is not true. Before today the only non active fort was the new one in the Devil’s Roar. All forts have been active since around shrouded spoils.

    Lastly if you join a server and a fleet is up just don’t even bother. You won’t have enough time to gather adequate supplies. Just run the forts and if you bang those out you should be ready for the fleet to spawn in approximately an hour and halfs time.

  • @that-vegan-guy said in Skeleton Fleets VANISH TOO FAST!:

    Also someone up above said there are inactive forts in the map and that is not true. Before today the only non active fort was the new one in the Devil’s Roar. All forts have been active since around shrouded spoils.

    I'm pretty sure he just meant the forts are going to be inactive because forts can't be active while the fleets are active

  • @nofist420 Ohhhh. Haha my bad.

  • @that-vegan-guy Good information, thanks. No reason to miss a fleet then if it's always the third. Shame I can't pin that information just incase someone else comes onto the same fourm!

    Thanks again mate.

  • @coldyoyosync No worries my friend. That information has been gathered from me being very disappointed many a times lol

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