Shrouded ghost Meg

  • The wife and I finally encountered the shrouded ghost. Pink on top pink eyes very pretty and extremely aggressive. As soon as it surfaced it immediately attacked the side of the ship and sent us both flying off the sloop. I know we were a bit disappointed, we managed to save the ship and turned around to go back to its area, upon returning though a yellow one spawned in its place. Lol I feel if you make a shark this rare, at least allow us to fight it when returning lol. At any rate it was nice to see and the fact it just took a chunk out of us right off the bad made it feel like a shark battle for the ages. Also not sure if this helped, but we did have an ashen legends chest, having just completed the devils roar Athena voyage, we were almost at the outpost to turn in. I know we plan on testing this theory in the future, perhaps an Athena chest triggers it.

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  • @bababooey though that encounter was disappointing, I’m glad you got to see this elusive beast. A rumored suggestion in tales is that it’s a higher chance to happen with white lights and fog. Perhaps you’re next occurrence with the beast will be its doom.

  • @weststormborn
    Yes I forgot to add it was foggy, as we couldn’t even see the end of the ship and also there was no meg music just came out no where and attacked us, didn’t even have a chance to react before being sent off the boat. The white lights you’re referring too would that be the flame from dying by lightning strike.

  • @bababooey yes those flames

  • Don't get to helpful on your theory. I encountered the ghost helping a friend of mine new to the game... her first ever meg... was the ghost. As we did a level 1 Gold hoarders.

  • Real question is that shroud ghost meg fake or is it a real thing I've along with a lot of other people have not seen it at this point to us it's fake???

  • @gho5tstorm why would it be fake if there are specific titles which are tied to the ghost.. titles which I have seen people equip in game

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