Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?

  • I'm sure this has been brought up before, although I couldn't find anything in recent threads. I know the Sloop is meant to be the fastest into the wind, but last night upon being chased by a belligerent Brig, it was still able to gain ground on me despite heading straight into the wind.
    At first, I had my sails turned to the side as I traveled into the wind but noticed they had their main sail angled directly into the wind, while the front one was turned to the side. Thinking they may be utilizing the sail glitch I attempted to turn my sail head on into the wind too but no matter what I did they still gained on me.
    Any tips?

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  • Heared about it and if true, must be fixed. Meanwhile you may drop lightened gunpowder barrels behind your sloop to get "extra push"...

  • Brig has more sail area, so don't be surprised if you look over your shoulder and they're right there. If a brig is that dedicated to optimal sail trim for upwind speed, then I bet thier turning radius is lousy. Sloops only advantage here is it's agility.

    Loose your pursuers on the rocks/sandbar and/or fog.

  • @Goedecke-Michel - Good idea with the barrels!

    @Barnabas-Seadog - Unfortunately I did try to lose them between rocks and the shallow areas around islands but for every bit of ground I gained that way they immediately recovered it once we were both out of those areas. Even tried making it into a storm but they gained on me too quickly for me to make any significant progress towards it.

  • ive heard about this also, ran a test with another crew straight into the wind and they were just a small tad slower then me on the sloop. This was with the sails both port side. I then squared off sails for extra speed then started to pull away from the brig.

    Brig then squared off sails and appeared to be at the same speed. They are very close speed wise it seems into the wind.

  • @ENTICED-MALICE - Interesting, thanks for the insight! I'll have to be more careful when Brigs are around it seems, seeing that what I perceived as an advantage on the sloop isn't as handy as I expected.

  • @onyxeva just make sure you square off the sails when sailing directly into the wind and you will always have the advantage against the brig and gally.

  • @ENTICED-MALICE - Thanks for the advice, I'll try that next time. :)

  • Brigs are very hard to escape with a sloop now. They would always catch me 2. Now I just fight them they still sink easier then a sloop. I would like sloop to feel faster against the wind again.

  • @Barnacle-Blake - Fair point! They certainly made an effort to board my ship but had little success. In the end I just ended up scuttling since I had nothing on board with me. Managed to kill one of them before swimming to my mermaid, which was quite satisfying.

  • @onyxeva When a brig wont let up I try and take them into devils roar as I can be safe below deck and still see ahead and they will get lava rocked hard when they are top deck of brig. Which this move only works if you can get to volcano before they get to you.

  • @Barnacle-Blake - Good idea, that was what I intended to do but with a storm. Unfortunately I was basically smack dab in the middle of the map which severely limited my choices for potential distractions. :(

  • @barnabas-seadog sagte in Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?:

    Brig has more sail area, so don't be surprised if you look over your shoulder and they're right there.

    For this very reason they were always slower riding against the wind, which should be the case, shouldn't it?

  • @onyxeva said in Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?:

    Any tips?

    If you can't floof/billow your sails, don't angle them.
    Keep you sails in the default position your sails have when your ship spawns in, if you can't catch the wind.

  • @enticed-malice sagte in Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?:

    @onyxeva just make sure you square off the sails when sailing directly into the wind and you will always have the advantage against the brig and gally.

    You mean set the sail perpendicular to the wind, I suppose. Aka "Full idiotic position".

  • @goedecke-michel said in Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?:

    @enticed-malice sagte in Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?:

    @onyxeva just make sure you square off the sails when sailing directly into the wind and you will always have the advantage against the brig and gally.

    You mean set the sail perpendicular to the wind, I suppose. Aka "Full idiotic position".

    Counter intuitive to how it should work, but these are the present and unfortunate existing game mechanics.

  • Yep, had this happen to us just the other night. Couldn't shake a Brig sailing into the wind (even with our sails squared). Went all the way from Shores of Plenty to Devil's Roar and they stayed more or less the same distance behind. Only lost them because a skelly ship attacked and we managed to fire an anchor ball at it, by the time it recovered it focused on the Brig behind.

  • I appreciate all the feedback so far! Even if the mechanics are wonky, it's good to know how they work so I can adjust accordingly.

  • Sloop is faster into the wind. Brig is the fastest to accelerate. If you make small mistakes and wind change or heading change can be enough to allow a brig to accelerate quickly and gain. You need to be very precise with heading to keep the advantage.
    Galleon is fat pig.

  • @sprungnickel427 Mistake or a big island in your way or the end of the map.

    The first problem is that the "into the wind" is not line, sometime is a curve, and brig has just to throught this curve.

    Do you meet brig players that perfect hits at each reload to the sloop driver ? They are so annoying

  • @onyxeva when heading into the wind, so against the wind, you are faster when the sails are centered, but be aware, the sail needs to be EXACTLY in the default/centered find that position I always use the wheel, so the waves doesn't effect my vision, and look up...this way you can tell better if they are a bit too far on one side or not

  • If you have nothing on your ship, head for the flameheart event if it's up. If they follow you into THAT they will sink faster than you will. Or if no flameheart is up head for the red sea off the edge of the map. They won't follow you there....heh

  • IDK it happened to me as well. I was chased by a brig against the wind for like 30 min. at first I was getting away because I was on a sloop, but after a while, they caught up to me and eventually sunk me.

  • @pikapika1472 said in Brig faster than Sloop into the wind?:

    IDK it happened to me as well. I was chased by a brig against the wind for like 30 min. at first I was getting away because I was on a sloop, but after a while, they caught up to me and eventually sunk me.

    Did you have your sails in the default position or to the side ?

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