Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena

  • Whie I'm personally happy that SoT will finally get a PvP based mode, it does further highlight the neccessity of optional crossplay. I know many of us may disagree on just how much of an advantage keyboard and mouse has over a controller, but when you get down to it even the most miniscule difference will have negative effects for any competitive game mode. I get there's still concerns regarding player population so I'm not saying this needs to happen in the base game which doesn't truly emphasize PvP, but for Arena this MUST to be an option otherwise the issues between PC and Xbox players will be further exacerbated. I do not think allowing use of mouse and keyboard on console is a solution as many of us on console prefer controller and should not be forced to buy more equipment to remain competitive. If Rare can find a way to implement a system that distiguishes between m+k and controller and matchmakes players based upon that then even better, but I'm not aware of such a system that exist in any game, so for now optional crossplay for Arena at least is the most obvious solution or there are going to be many upset players upon launch of this update I believe.

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  • you're going to get keyboard and mouse support, if thats not enough, I'm really asking mysefl why everyone buy an xbox if its "that bad" to play...

  • @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Whie I'm personally happy that SoT will finally get a PvP based mode, it does further highlight the neccessity of optional crossplay. I know many of us may disagree on just how much of an advantage keyboard and mouse has over a controller, but when you get down to it even the most miniscule difference will have negative effects for any competitive game mode. I get there's still concerns regarding player population so I'm not saying this needs to happen in the base game which doesn't truly emphasize PvP, but for Arena this MUST to be an option otherwise the issues between PC and Xbox players will be further exacerbated. I do not think allowing use of mouse and keyboard on console is a solution as many of us on console prefer controller and should not be forced to buy more equipment to remain competitive. If Rare can find a way to implement a system that distiguishes between m+k and controller and matchmakes players based upon that then even better, but I'm not aware of such a system that exist in any game, so for now optional crossplay for Arena at least is the most obvious solution or there are going to be many upset players upon launch of this update I believe.

    don't count on it. Like @Amancebacabras said, kb&m support will most likely be out when arena drops so.

  • LoL, the reactions already to this thread.

    OP: I think the best we can hope for is they follow Fortnite's example and segregate by input.

  • @amancebacabras Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    you're going to get keyboard and mouse support, if thats not enough, I'm really asking mysefl why everyone buy an xbox if its "that bad" to play...

    That's a silly question. A better question is who buys a console which comes with a controller to have to go out and get a mouse and keyboard? If mouse and keyboard was anyone's preferred way to play they'd get a PC.

  • Why don't we let Rare build it with extensive playtesting and feedback from the Pioneers, before anyone here passes judgement.

    It may actually be fun and seamless.

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Why don't we let Rare build it with extensive playtesting and feedback from the Pioneers, before anyone here passes judgement.

    It may actually be fun and seamless.

    You know something it could very well be no difference, but that begs the question why has Rare not released any stats on fights between Xbox and PC players. Why not at the very least show who's on playing on PC and who's playing on Xbox by virtue of some sort of indicator, so people can genuinely see PC players do not have it any easier, but we don't even get that and no one knows who's playing on what platform. Rare has not taken any of the necessary steps to cull suspicions.

  • Not going to happen.

  • I'm willing to wait and see how it play out, but I got some predictions:

    • Around 10-20 threads on the first week complaining about xbox vs pc on this section of the forums
    • People complaining that they are getting matched against PLs and that they find it unfair to be fighting someone that played the game longer than they have
    • People complaining about EoR
    • People complaining that they are getting one shot killed by PC players, despite the fact that it is impossible to do so with any weapon unless you are at 80% hp and get fragged by an EoR bullet.
    • People complaining about cheaters, despite not having any proof, or knowledge of which cheats actually exist (the only confirmed cheats that exist are aimbot and wall hacks that can detect items in the world)
    • Complaining about playing with children on their team
    • Complaining about having afk players in their team
    • Complaining about the gamemode not being balanced
    • Complaining about no new weapons on the release of a new PvP mode (this one I'll do on the release of the update, I'm actually already writting the thread I'll post by then, kek)

    someone from rare has to give me $60 if i get all of these right or else I will post pictures of joe neate all over the forum with silly captions on them.

  • @prodigy-burns Perhaps Rare doesn't because they are making the smart choice of not getting into a fight which you cannot win. It wouldn't matter what Rare said, what evidence they provided, etc, most people who do not like the answer (regardless of which side) will still complain regardless and challenge it.

  • @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @barnabas-seadog said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Why don't we let Rare build it with extensive playtesting and feedback from the Pioneers, before anyone here passes judgement.

    It may actually be fun and seamless.

    You know something it could very well be no difference, but that begs the question why has Rare not released any stats on fights between Xbox and PC players. Why not at the very least show who's on playing on PC and who's playing on Xbox by virtue of some sort of indicator, so people can genuinely see PC players do not have it any easier, but we don't even get that and no one knows who's playing on what platform. Rare has not taken any of the necessary steps to cull suspicions.

    K/D Ratios are obsolete in a game where it can be 4 v1, 4 v 2 or whatever uneven match up, in a game where each ship on a server could have different motives.
    The Arena is a chance for Rare to get everyone in a server with the same motive, to win. They can actually take the data from this mode and make changes accordingly for Pvp.
    K/B & M vs controller wont matter if they have a half decent skill based matchmaking system. Im sure there will be a system but like any other competitive game trying to find its legs, it may take a while to fine tune especially in a game where it's alot less simple than getting kills for points.

  • @prodigy-burns we have had months of forum requests for XBOX KB+M support and now you reckon that many of us on XBOX prefer controllers?
    You know what? I know plenty of PC players that do too!

    Of all the concerns with regards to crossplay, the use of KB+M is not really on the high end of the list for me. I worry more about loading in times on the console compared to PC, especially when returning via mermaid or from the ferry. I also worry about macros (which should be a non-issue come the death of double-gunning).

    Should people having to use the adaptive controller now be able to also choose to segregate themselves from the rest of the XBOX community too for Arena?

  • @sshteeve Well given the fact there are practically no games exclusive to Xbox and the fact Sea of Thieves is one of the least demanding games out there - as far as modern Triple A goes - there's a very simple solution for you and others who want mouse and keyboard that does not have to effect the rest us on console, get a PC. Seriously I just don't find any rationale to owning a console, xbox in particular, if you don't like playing with controller.

    A console should come with the promise of all players being on a level playing field. If MS starts adding keyboard and mouse support in every game without having the option for players to opt out they might as well discontinue the console altogether. I don't know why you bring up the adaptive controller as those players are quite obviously hindered and should most definitely have the option to opt out more so than even normal controller users. Remember what I'm suggesting is an OPTION.

  • @enticed-malice said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Whie I'm personally happy that SoT will finally get a PvP based mode, it does further highlight the neccessity of optional crossplay. I know many of us may disagree on just how much of an advantage keyboard and mouse has over a controller, but when you get down to it even the most miniscule difference will have negative effects for any competitive game mode. I get there's still concerns regarding player population so I'm not saying this needs to happen in the base game which doesn't truly emphasize PvP, but for Arena this MUST to be an option otherwise the issues between PC and Xbox players will be further exacerbated. I do not think allowing use of mouse and keyboard on console is a solution as many of us on console prefer controller and should not be forced to buy more equipment to remain competitive. If Rare can find a way to implement a system that distiguishes between m+k and controller and matchmakes players based upon that then even better, but I'm not aware of such a system that exist in any game, so for now optional crossplay for Arena at least is the most obvious solution or there are going to be many upset players upon launch of this update I believe.

    don't count on it. Like @Amancebacabras said, kb&m support will most likely be out when arena drops so.


  • I've defeated my fair share of PC players. I was outnumber all of the times.

    I play on Xbox.

  • @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @sshteeve Well given the fact there are practically no games exclusive to Xbox

    Halo, Gears of War, Forza, Crackdown, State of Decay... Did I mention Halo?

  • @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @sshteeve get a PC. Seriously I just don't find any rationale to owning a console

    Good PCs are usually very expensive. Consoles are cheaper, and Xbox is now bringing M+KB support. Consoles are easier to manage.

    There's your rationale.

  • @prodigy-burns did i say i don't like playing with a controller?? Am I also made of money?! As @NintenKid9000 has already said in a couple of different posts here now (cheers dude/dudette), why should I buy a new device JUST to play SoT when I have a perfectly good console that can ALSO use KB+M now if I want it to??

    With regards to OPTIONS - why not split the player base more?
    Why not options for:

    • XBOX One
    • XBOX One S
    • XBOX One X
    • PCs with low end graphic specs
    • PCs with mid end graphic specs
    • PCs with high end graphic specs
    • slower internet
    • faster internet
    • different languages
    • PVE players
    • PVP players
    • SSD users
    • HDD users
    • Digital copies
    • Disc copies
    • Roleplayers
    • Streamers
    • Record breakers
    • Achievement hunters
    • under 18s
    • over 18s

    I'm being completely ridiculous there I know, but even so you could argue that every single one of the above have a different set of needs from the game. That every single one of them requires their own server and that it MUST be optional for them to do this, otherwise it is unfair.

  • @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    I don't know why you bring up the adaptive controller as those players are quite obviously hindered and should most definitely have the option to opt out more so than even normal controller users.

    This one is fairly simple: If you;re going to say something like ""I know many of us may disagree on just how much of an advantage keyboard and mouse has over a controller, but when you get down to it even the most miniscule difference will have negative effects for any competitive game mode in your OP, I am going to say to you "What about people who can't use KB+M OR Controller?"

    You reckon that we should have the OPTION to split the player base 2 ways - PC and XBOX (or perhaps KB+M/Controller?), but then we have to continue to think about the other people out there with different controllers...

    I play on XBOX, with a controller and I have no issue, though I will likely plug in a KB+M (from when I played FFXI on my XBOX 360 with one instead of the controller) for Arena moving forwards.
    I see no issue with PC and crossplay and to be honest, I may have met 5 Pirates TOTAL in 280+ hours who look as though they had an advantage over me because they were on PC, but likely they were also just better than me, so I shrugged it off.

    Anyways said my peace, see what other folk come and say, but be prepared to listen to other sides of the coin. Afterall, we're here in a discussion forum.

    Enjoy the rest of the week.


  • @nintenkid9000 All except Halo is available on PC

  • @prodigy-burns Sadly Rare does not care about this problem. So the only advice is to stay away from the Arena. But I think once the Arena launches and more competitive PC players comes to the game. The more console players will be obliterated and more will complain or stop playing.

    Hopefully then Rare comes to their senses.

  • @prodigy-burns They all also originate on Xbox, and are only available on Xbox and Windows 10 PCs, through the windows store.

  • @sshteeve said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @prodigy-burns did i say i don't like playing with a controller?? Am I also made of money?! As @NintenKid9000 has already said in a couple of different posts here now (cheers dude/dudette), why should I buy a new device JUST to play SoT when I have a perfectly good console that can ALSO use KB+M now if I want it to??

    With regards to OPTIONS - why not split the player base more?
    Why not options for:

    • XBOX One
    • XBOX One S
    • XBOX One X
    • PCs with low end graphic specs
    • PCs with mid end graphic specs
    • PCs with high end graphic specs
    • slower internet
    • faster internet
    • different languages
    • PVE players
    • PVP players
    • SSD users
    • HDD users
    • Digital copies
    • Disc copies
    • Roleplayers
    • Streamers
    • Record breakers
    • Achievement hunters
    • under 18s
    • over 18s

    I'm being completely ridiculous there I know, but even so you could argue that every single one of the above have a different set of needs from the game. That every single one of them requires their own server and that it MUST be optional for them to do this, otherwise it is unfair.

    LoL, no.
    Stop it.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi you missed the intended cynicism of the post, have a little looksie at the full back and forth for my stance on crossplay matey.

    @sshteeve said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    I play on XBOX, with a controller and I have no issue, though I will likely plug in a KB+M (from when I played FFXI on my XBOX 360 with one instead of the controller) for Arena moving forwards.
    I see no issue with PC and crossplay and to be honest, I may have met 5 Pirates TOTAL in 280+ hours who look as though they had an advantage over me because they were on PC, but likely they were also just better than me, so I shrugged it off.

  • @nintenkid9000 Good PCs are not expensive, they're only expensive if you're aiming for something that does modern games at high/ultra settings at 60fps across the board which base Xbox hardware doesn't come close to.

  • This forum could be a fun drink game, everytime someone create a thread concerning Crossplay - Drink!

  • Stop crying and get a pc. Its better then xbox

  • @draconumkingx said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Stop crying and get a pc. Its better then xbox

    Gonna save this one for later, when crossplay is optional and PC guys are wondering why they see so many fewer ships.

  • @sshteeve said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @prodigy-burns did i say i don't like playing with a controller?? Am I also made of money?! As @NintenKid9000 has already said in a couple of different posts here now (cheers dude/dudette), why should I buy a new device JUST to play SoT when I have a perfectly good console that can ALSO use KB+M now if I want it to??

    With regards to OPTIONS - why not split the player base more?
    Why not options for:

    • XBOX One
    • XBOX One S
    • XBOX One X
    • PCs with low end graphic specs
    • PCs with mid end graphic specs
    • PCs with high end graphic specs
    • slower internet
    • faster internet
    • different languages
    • PVE players
    • PVP players
    • SSD users
    • HDD users
    • Digital copies
    • Disc copies
    • Roleplayers
    • Streamers
    • Record breakers
    • Achievement hunters
    • under 18s
    • over 18s

    I'm being completely ridiculous there I know, but even so you could argue that every single one of the above have a different set of needs from the game. That every single one of them requires their own server and that it MUST be optional for them to do this, otherwise it is unfair.

    Here's the thing, mouse and keyboard only recently became an option in a very limited selection of games, so why would anyone actually expect mouse and keyboard support for Xbox 4-5 years into its life cycle, let alone be forced to play against mouse and keyboards users? That's not something anyone who's ever owned a console could reasonably predict.

    The rest of your argument is false equivalency. None of the ideas I'm pitching here are new. Matchmaking systems aren't perfect, but they typically do their best to limit the number of variables between players. Some games allow you to be matched up based on region, some allow you to set preferences based upon language and playstyle, some go as far having full on servers dedicated to certain playstyles, but Rare doesn't have to go as far as that, I'm just asking Rare to have this one additional option for one mode. Why is letting people choose so hard for a game that constantly touts "player choice"?

  • @prodigy-burns my point was over exaggerated on purpose, as I pointed out. It is only available for a limited selection of games because there really are so very few where you would feel the need for it.

    I'm simply arguing the other side of the coin as an XBOX user who has no issues with crossplay really. But once you start to split the playerbase once, there will be cries for more options. Which only then results in lower populations.

    WoW and other online games had to start closing down PVP and PVE servers because when playerbases drop over time as the game ages and fades away, servers die out. I also love the randomness of this game - you genuinely never know who you are going to get on the other end of the cannons and that is one of the truly exciting features of this game.

  • Well I think I've argued my points as best I could and will not make any further comments or replies on this thread out of fear of repeating myself, so I leave the rest in the hands of Rare.

  • I agree but to solve this they need to do how Fortnite does this. They do crossplay the right way.

  • @draconumkingx said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Stop crying and get a pc. Its better then xbox

    If you live in the dark ages yeah

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