Overachiever Sails

  • @xcalypt0x I totally agree with this idea, It would be much more confortable than kind of "forcing" players to hard grind for this last week. Just because you were not here in time you should have the right to earn/do what people did for the same result ? This is not how you welcome new players imo.

  • @stellarsacia I totally agree its like a double nerf

  • @p0pc0rnh3mer01d I did

  • Sorry for pretty dumb question but english isn't my primary language and thus i have a lil problem with understanding one thing; is the term for achiving these sails also includes 14th or marks it's end?

  • @ardent-hallern said in Overachiever Sails:

    Sorry for pretty dumb question but english isn't my primary language and thus i have a lil problem with understanding one thing; is the term for achiving these sails also includes 14th or marks it's end?

    It ends on the 14th at midnight (UK time).

    The following link has the deadline converted in your time zone:


    So you still have 25 hours from now :)

  • @skulliah Thank You very much! :D

  • Nobody should be "forced" to grind anything. If you aren't that close to the Achievement then that was the idea. This was meant to be a special reward for those of us that spent hundreds and evens thousands of hours already putting in the effort to reach these insane goals put before us. Personally this is not a good change. Rebalancing and giving them to MORE people makes them LESS special and LESS unique as now MORE people will have them than deserved. Now over half of the ships you see will be sailing with these sails until people realize that they arent special anymore.

    With that said, I understand they could have informed people about it better. And on that note, I agree that people have a right to be upset.

    I do not think someone should be getting these sails for 360 Captains Chests or Villainous Skulls however. When I personally feel like I busted my butt off to get those 1000 item turn in achievements. Now people with a 3rd of the work are going to be toting sails that were once meant to symbolize dedication and hard work.

  • @marsmayflower said in Overachiever Sails:

    @stellarsacia kinda... I agree that the threshold is pretty low and you are going to see those sails quite a lot

    I also agree I see some new players that are going to get them ..

  • Is today the day we can get our Overachiever Sails?

  • @sprungnickel427 They aren't in the game yet.

    @Captain-Neleros This is the exact reason I suggested just making in-game commendations with the original values that unlock the sails and don't have a time limit. The rebalamced achievements can then just be for the achievement hunters.

  • What really sucks is I would easily have the over-achievement for all the categories if they didn't reset the values. I've been playing less lately and just hopping in for a couple of days after an update, but still in the 3 days I've played in the last 2 weeks I've been able to get about to grade 3+ on most of the new achievements. I only found out about the achievement a couple of days ago, otherwise I probably would have played a couple of more days. :(

  • @aliasmask said in Overachiever Sails:

    What really sucks is I would easily have the over-achievement for all the categories if they didn't reset the values. I've been playing less lately and just hopping in for a couple of days after an update, but still in the 3 days I've played in the last 2 weeks I've been able to get about to grade 3+ on most of the new achievements. I only found out about the achievement a couple of days ago, otherwise I probably would have played a couple of more days. :(

    The reps you needed to look at are Xbox achievements and not PL commendations. Two different things, sometimes connected but different.

  • Are they in game yet. Ive been searching for them?

  • Now this is odd. I have the commendation for 250 Merchant Voyages completed yet, I do not have the achievement for the same amount. There's a few like that as well..

  • @shurthugal I keep up with things about this game but with this one, it's been that way for a long while. I got other achievements anyway.

  • @personalc0ffee same for me.

  • @marsmayflower OK, it finally unlocked for me today after I did a few of them. Seems it is a bit buggy or something.

    I guess I"ll just have to keep at it with the other ones doing that and hope they pop.

  • Buying 250 voyages is not a qualifying achievement. Completing the voyages is.

  • @triheadedmonkey so there is only one set of sails?? Not a set for each achievement? Or a set for the first overachiever-sails and a new set for the revamped achievements?? Idk the dev team is super unclear about this whole aspect... I guess I'll just find out when I get home or when someone in game tells me cause apparently I'm just to stupid to figure it out, even tho I play the game every day for 9 months now and on the forums and YouTube 5 outta 7 days a week but it's cool

  • @smokintediz I don't know for sure as I hadn't completed any of the achievements in time for it (slacking, I know! :D ) but as it was mentioned that if you completed any of the rebalanced achievements you would receive the Overachiever Sails, my best guess would be it is one sail.

  • @SmokinTediz, in fact, it looks like one sail and can be seen here https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/77507/overachiever-sails-are-out

  • @triheadedmonkey thank you, I completed 3 of them and was close to the 4th but didn't get it in time so no biggy, I just wanted at least one of them if there was more

  • @smokintediz congrats on your new sails!

  • I missed this by 4 damn skulls. This sucks.

  • @shamanmclamie I feel like that's what makes your account rare I don't think they should release items for sale in the game that were promo items at all that is what makes tuning in and staying up to date so fun

  • I guess I misunderstood what the criteria was. I have 270 hateful, 90 foul, 200 animals., etc. I just didn't have specific goals met? I didn't get the sails and I'm not entirely sure why.

  • These sails are to commemorate zyx's achievements by being the first to complete all of them. We are fortunate enough to be close to his achievements. If you have them as I do. I hope you understand why these sails are really in your inventory.

  • @jeremep

    It is not about the commendations in game. It is linked to the achievements (microsoft achievements)

  • I got the new sails (but i knew from the beginning that i would) 1000 chest,1000 villius,faul,hate and some of the other stuff,
    In My opinion this shuld be a Thank you sail for people that did the big grinds, not easy to get,

  • @shamanmclamie said in Overachiever Sails:

    So Rare has recently announced they're lowering the threshold for completing achievements which I am completely fine with because achievements aren't a big deal for me, but what is are in game items. I've spent a lot of time and money trying to get every item that the average player could possibly get. So it was to my chagrin when they recently announced that people who completed the original goals for one of the achievements would get a Special Overachiever sails.

    Obviously I'm a bit peeved because this came out of the blue and gave no advance warning about this especially a reward. Had I known I would have grinded it out to get one of the achievements and get the item. I like many other people were close to completing some of these achievements.

    A simple solution would be to make the over achiever sails a sort of hidden reward. If you complete one of the original achievement goals from here on out you'll be rewarded the sails. You still have to work just as hard to get it, but it's still available for people to get.

    This is not correct my fellow captain. It is announced before. It was in one of the developer updates. According to said dev update i even made a tread on this forum to ask Rare about which achievements would be needed for the overachiever sails.

    This was 1 or 2 weeks prior to the 14th of December.

    I think either u missed the mention in dev update. Missed the tread on forum. But it was there, it was mentioned.
    Bad luck on your side for not noticing it.

    Sorry u missed out on them now.

  • I really can't see what the problem is for some people with this? It's in the name "overachiever".
    Either you put in a lot of time in the game and will qualify for the sails without the need of knowing exact amount to unlock or you are just simply not an overachiever and not qualified for the sails?

    If you are unavailable to play the game due to work, family or whatever well that's to bad but that also doesn't make you an overachiever just as it should be.

    But i do agree with some that it maybe should have been even harder so it's more rare.

  • You sound like a crybaby. I had no problem hearing about anything.

  • And i just started playing Agane. Game got stail for a while got back in on the last up date. Now kind of wanting to quit agane. Pretty sure the counter is wrong lot of us have played since day one. Disapointed in not geting the sails.

  • I'm embarrassed to admit how easily I got these sails. It never felt like a grind at all. I simply never passed up a shipwreck. My crew and I always kept watch for shipwrecks and always plundered them when sighted. Even playing solo, I'd make a beeline for those seagulls. Because of this habitual behavior, I earned the apt "Hoarder of Barnacled Gold" achievement just over 20 days ago, well under the deadline. I didn't realize I'd earned the sails, however, until I checked yesterday. I was delighted and surprised to find them there in my collection. I never grinded for that achievement, I just played the game. I guess being somewhat obsessive has its perks. :)

  • The issue here is the appalling communication from the dev team. Not the first time either - remember the obsidian pack debacle? The game is great fun, but I think that Rare are repeatedly letting down dedicated players. The customizations are the only thing that sets you apart from other players. Given how critical they are to the gameplaying experience, Rare need to do so much better. They are losing goodwill hand over fist here.

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