Community Idea's Master List 2019

  • @enf0rcer
    Are we allowed to post update reports of our pages here?

  • @bern-dimaii @x-Crowheart-x

    Sorry for the late reply to this, when I've done this before generally the best way is to get it all collated on a word document or something similar, then post it on the forums with it immediately being locked, now I can do this being a Deckhand, but @ENF0RCER can't, so perhaps a way round this might be to finish creating the original post, and this one remain the draft copy, and create a new one, perhaps stickied somewhere that can be updated from this draft thread but remain locked to further posts. This worked fairly well during the alpha days when a community member created a huge thread of categorised suggestions for us.

    Then it can be a useful index for the Community to read some of the ideas which have been buried over time.

  • @aperture011 said in Community Idea's Master List:

    Are we allowed to post update reports of our pages here?

    Wow that's a great question? I never though about that. It sounds like a great idea. So sure go for it.

  • @katttruewalker said in Community Idea's Master List:

    @bern-dimaii @x-Crowheart-x

    Sorry for the late reply to this, when I've done this before generally the best way is to get it all collated on a word document or something similar, then post it on the forums with it immediately being locked, now I can do this being a Deckhand, but @ENF0RCER can't, so perhaps a way round this might be to finish creating the original post, and this one remain the draft copy, and create a new one, perhaps stickied somewhere that can be updated from this draft thread but remain locked to further posts. This worked fairly well during the alpha days when a community member created a huge thread of categorised suggestions for us.

    Then it can be a useful index for the Community to read some of the ideas which have been buried over time.

    Wait why would creating and then insta-Locking the post help? I don't quite understand. Is there someone that has the permission to Pin Topics of other people to the top of the Catorgory Treads? That would seem ore usefull.

  • @enf0rcer

    Deckhands and moderators are able to pin threads but we do try to keep this to an absolute minimum, I was mainly replying to Bert and his query about having a post with just the links as a reference resource.

  • @katttruewalker said in Community Idea's Master List:


    Deckhands and moderators are able to pin threads but we do try to keep this to an absolute minimum, I was mainly replying to Bert and his query about having a post with just the links as a reference resource.

    Oh sorry i misunderstood your post.

  • @enf0rcer you can just go ahead and dump a bucket of impressed over my head.
    Astounding. This is an amazing thread.

    Honored to be on the board.

  • @nayfe-pacewell said in Community Idea's Master List *Updated* 11/27:

    @enf0rcer you can just go ahead and dump a bucket of impressed over my head.
    Astounding. This is an amazing thread.

    Honored to be on the board.

    It's great to have you. Rember if you have any other topics you can submit them here by posting the link in a reply. Additionally you may post any annonced updates to your tread here as well.

  • @enf0rcer simple enough, I'll be sure to do this if things change or something new arises.


    I have updated my voodoo doll and magic idea. Can you update the link?

    Sea Folk Magic (Voodoo Doll, Charms, Talismans)

    I am working on adding more example blessings and protections.


  • @x-crowheart-x Your link has been updeated.

  • New postures and photo mode 🤷‍♂️

  • @quietrobot said in Community Idea's Master List *Updated* 11/27:

    New postures and photo mode 🤷‍♂️

    Your post has been added.

  • Here is hoping for good feedback and a bright 2019 for SoT

  • Thanks for the shout out @enf0rcer!
    Ah... seeing that @sgt-palooggoo in the master list is really going to help with my narcissism.

  • @ENF0RCER An interesting post I had and do constantly update is the skeleton ship post I made, which more or less goes over the majority of my ideas about the skeleton ships and related topics. I feel it never truly saw the light of day due to being so small originally, but it has vastly grown larger and more interesting since.


    Update to New skeleton ship ideas
    By the way, do I need to add a change log or something like that?

    Updated page


    Wait wrong link sorry.

    Actual updated page

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Community Idea's Master List *Updated* 11/27:


    Update to New skeleton ship ideas
    By the way, do I need to add a change log or something like that?

    Updated page

    Your post link has been update. You can do a change Log if you like i would normaly do one for Large post where changes don't normally standout i also often date my updates for reference.


    I updated the page again, here is the new link (sorry if it is inconvenient if I update this often)
    Updated Page

    Change Log:

    • Defined the separation between different sections better.
    • Added 'Bootleg Turn' entry to 'Abilities and Attributes' and to 'Grappling Vessel' entry.
    • Renamed 'New Modes' section to 'New Modes and Areas' and changed description to match.
    • Added 'Skeleton Infested Area' entry to 'New Modes and Areas'.
  • @ultmateragnarok said in Community Idea's Master List *Updated* 11/27:


    I updated the page again, here is the new link (sorry if it is inconvenient if I update this often)
    Updated Page

    Change Log:

    • Defined the separation between different sections better.
    • Added 'Bootleg Turn' entry to 'Abilities and Attributes' and to 'Grappling Vessel' entry.
    • Renamed 'New Modes' section to 'New Modes and Areas' and changed description to match.
    • Added 'Skeleton Infested Area' entry to 'New Modes and Areas'.

    Nah man it's NP at all. Infact i admire your Productivity and Creativity and is the excatly the reason why i created this post i only wish i can upvote u more then once i hope this list help to you to get more eyes on your post.

    Keep it up. The more you and others work on these idea's the more motivated i get to keep this list updated and advertised.

  • @enf0rcer

    Another Update

    Change log:

    • Elaborated more on the 'Skeleton Infested Area' entry (name suggestions appreciated from anyone with one [preferably read the post to understand the area better, place names there])
    • Added 'On Skeletons and Spiders' entry

    By the way, the reply button makes your name in lowercase, but the drop down menu from placing and @ sign makes it capitals. You didn't seem to see the lowercase version.
    Yet another update

    Change log:

    • Changed title from 'New skeleton ship ideas' to 'New skeleton ship ideas (although it isn't all related at this point)'
    • Added 'lavaball' entry
    • Edited 'Skeleton Infested Area' entry to be slightly more detailed
  • A lot of this sounds really good. But Another good idea is to make it where you can change your character model for in game cash with out effecting your reputations, I made a fat pirate when I was new to the game and didn’t know that skinny was better and now I am regretting it. I want to switch my character. But I can’t without deleting my current one, which I am almost a pirate legend.


    Even more updates

    Change log:

    • Added 'Skeletal Ships and Their Relation to Their Figurehead' entry
    • Added 'Inkball' entry
    • Added 'Skeletal Shipwrecks' entry

    This update in particular

    No change log, just spelling and grammar fixes.


    Even more updates

    Change log:
    *Reworked 'Yardball' and changed description to match (I changed it given the functions you informed me of)
    *Edited 'On Skeletons and Spiders' entry

    I almost forgot about this super popular thread I had not so long back:
    Ship Type Changing Mid Session

    Might be worth a check.

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Community Idea's Master List *Updated* 11/27:

    I almost forgot about this super popular thread I had not so long back:
    Ship Type Changing Mid Session

    Might be worth a check.

    Thankyou this was actually going to be a reference post for my Rogue Wave Project but couldn't find the link. What you ask for here is for what i call a dynamic player looby which is a big technical ask from Rare as it will quite complicate by the way in which they have designed the merging system to work. I would however love to see this implemented i think Rare could do it but it would be alot of work. It is actually the one part that ask the most from Rare. It by itself would probably take as much time as a full content update.

  • @enf0rcer
    Hehe, thanks mate!
    Glad I could help out your Rogue Wave idea!

    I know ship type changing mid Session is a big ask for the Rare dev team but maybe someday they'll get it working.

  • Do you mind adding this?

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Community Idea's Master List *Updated* 11/27:

    Hehe, thanks mate!
    Glad I could help out your Rogue Wave idea!

    I know ship type changing mid Session is a big ask for the Rare dev team but maybe someday they'll get it working.

    This was a good post!

    Changing ship size is probably the most important quality of life change Rare can make to keep pirates on the sea and happy. We should not have to go in and out of the game when our needs for the type of ship or crew size changes. Keep us in game, continuing our voyages without interruptions and having to start over.

  • Some other ideas for consideration on the list:

    New Advanced Skeleton Types

    Session Based Power Ups

    Clockwork Chest

    Quest Vaults


    Passengers Part 1
    Passengers Part 2

    The Pearls of Power

    The Mark of the Sea Queen

    The Castaway King

    NPC Deckhands

    Long Voyages


    Could you also add my thread 'Idea to solve alliance and crew size limitations'? It should have some new opinions and is a fairly interesting idea (I think).


    My post Fishing, Crabbing, Digging Clams, and Harpoon Monster Hunting about how fishing and more could work has been updated. Detailed functionality of each item. Expanded hunting Megs and Karen with harpoons. Please update the title at your convenience. Thank you!

    Custom Crew Flags is updated as well: Fly More Flags and Make Your Own Flag.

56 out of 109