A tale told through images & short stories; my journey on the Sea of Thieves

  • Sea of Thieves is a game like none other to me. I have spent hours on the forums, hours in the game, and hours with various communities outside the game. It's a game about stories, and going on adventures. It is also a very beautiful game, which led to me taking a lot of screenshots during the Beta, as I could not do so during the Alpha.

    My habit of taking screenshots continued upon release. Which is when I started compiling them in an album; writing short stories about the things that had happened when/during/or before I took the picture. I wanted to document, in a way, all the fun that I have had in the game. A way to remember those funny, weird, awesome, and strange moments.

    I never intended to do anything with this, but it seemed like a waste putting in all that time to compile something I enjoyed making so much and not sharing it with others. So, for any of you who would like to see what I've been up to and how my journey on the Sea of Thieves has been; here is a link to my album, the pictures, and the short stories I wrote about my adventures and the people I went on these adventures with. Something I plan to continuously update as my adventures continue.

    Be warned, it is rather lengthy as most things I write are...

    *Edit - had to re-upload, something went wrong D:

  • 9
  • Loved looking and reading through this.

    It's like a time capsule, this will only get better if you keep up doing it, absolutely love it! ❤

  • You're crazy. :D

    This is by far the best thing I've seen in here in a long time. And it's an honor to be on one of those pictures.

  • @erinom3 Some really great screen shots in there :) This is awesome.

  • @erinom3 I love the whole idea. great work

  • @erinom3 This is brilliant, a great way to capture all those memories 🙂

  • Ahoy there @erinom3!

    That's an amazing visualization of your adventures, I'm a bit envious of your amazing collection of pictures and wish I took a few more :) Keep up the good work!

  • I wouldn't even know where to start documenting my screenshots like this matey! A fine piece of work!

  • @erinom3

    This is so wonderful, some amazing screenshots and loving the comments and account of each day's adventures - it would make a fantastic physical book I reckon!

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