Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0

  • @ant-heuser-kush They didn't have the data? Ok then.
    Is this person a pirate legend? Yes
    Is this person an Athena 10? Yes

    He can buy the legend shovel and the other stuff, no need to deliver 500 chest

    I would prefered that this object were locked by a level gap and not a commendation gap

  • @hruodbhertsasha said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    I'm little disappointed about the legends commendation, so an Athena 10 then has to grind again for unlocking some pirate legend item cosmetics?


  • @marsmayflower Was a retoric question, but thank you for the answer

  • So where is the rest of the wailing barnacle set and tools?

  • @blindnev Will be unlocked in the further next update, behind a commendation gap of 600 sunken chest but because Rare doesn't have the data, you will have to search for all the wrecks in the sea and grind for it

    Edit. Just jocking

  • So much to love about this update, but... this is all you needed to say:

    Raise your Tankard - You can now raise your grog to fellow pirates to celebrate a lucrative adventure or commiserate a crewmate sent to the Ferry of the Damned.

  • @hruodbhertsasha no problem.

  • @hruodbhertsasha so let's say Rare made them retroactive or linked to level. then A10 players would automatically get everything and then quit playing anyway. At least now they have something to go for.

  • Wait a minute...Am I missing something or there are really no skins for the level 50 ships? I can only see ones that belong to the low level versions.

    I was waiting for this update so I could finally finish my Rogue sea dog set.

  • I think what he meant was too bad it did not drop Kraken Meat to sell to the merchant alliance, or a Kraken Ink sack, or something that is more tied to the animal. It would certainly help with the Merchant Alliance reputation increase. And the same with the Meg, either meat or teeth that could be sold to MA.
    Looks like regular treasure which is nice but is a bit out of context for me. Would have liked animal specific stuff.

  • Nice update. Glad to see the feedback is being taken into account. Especially involving those constantly erupting volcanoes. I'll be updating tonight when I get home from work.

  • @txcrnr said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    Thats not the issue, it was the fact that players often would wait for it to stop erupting, bring their ship in ASAP to get as much time as possible... only for it to be useless because the island erupted within 5 seconds of stepping ashore, even if you rush to the island and park with godlike speed. There was just no cooldown, and sometimes you would end up getting 4 eruptions chaining one after another forcing you to circle the island for literally 20 minutes (I know because it happened to me once.)

    Well, I'm only playing for about 2 weeks (PC) but that never happened to me. Sure it could take a while to get the volcano to stop erupting, but I always had the time to dock the ship close to land and some minutes of island exploration before the earthquakes and eruptions began again.

    Now, I've played the new update for a few hours and 3 notes:

    1. The fog is somewhat of a disappointment, it stays on the horizon at a distance and doesn't surround our ship (like a storm), so it only acts as a FoV reducer...

    2. I was given the impression that roaming skeleton ships are apparently easier to sink. In the 3 or 4 hours that I've played solo on a sloop, I sank 3. One of the encounters revealed to be a duo (no, it wasn't a Great Battle of the Ancient Isles), as I started shooting the first one, a second one emerged right by my side, so I ended up having to fight 2. All of them, except for this last one, were passive.

    3. The chance of barrels emerging on the sea seems to have been GREATLY increased, while the duration of how much time they stay on the surface reduced. Also noted that these floating barrels now usually have around 30 cannon balls and planks. Measure to allow players to stock up?

  • Finally good update! But...

    First of all:

    • Thanks for Activated Skeleton Forts - the most fun events in the game.
    • Thanks for Kraken and Megalodon Rewards.
    • Thanks for Kraken Updates.
    • Thanks for emergent Skeleton Ships.
    • Thanks for a lot of additional features...

    Pirate Legend Commendations spoil all the impressions of the new update!
    I got Pirate Legend and Athena 10 about 6 month ago. I made about 150 Athena's voyages, sold about 150 Legendary chests, made a lot of another quests and commendations. But you didn't count it! Why should I do it again? Why do I need to make again about 100 Athena's voyages? Why do I have to sell about 100 Legendary Chests again? Why do I need to make again a lot of another quests and commendations if I did this a long time ago?
    Why didn't you count all these commendations automatically?

    This is not a content update! This is useless grind!
    Epic bosses, world PvP events, Dungeons, Daily quests etc... - this is a content update, but not your Pirate Legend Commendations.

  • @jagnew92
    Thanks Rare !

  • The colors to the new Wailing Barnacle ship customization options are simply amazing looking!

  • Has anyone else noticed that the Kraken is next to impossible to defend against now? I've been attacked by it twice in one hour, both times unable to get it to unravel itself from our ship despite a full galleon crew attacking it.

  • @sargent-sully How did you fight it?

    We had two/three people shooting it with canons and one sniping it/repairing.

    We killed him twice today.

  • Great update!

  • I love the update (then again I have not yet encountered Karen on my own on a sloop :))

    I can almost smell and taste the fog.

    I didn't read it in the update notes, but there are also six new commendations for merchant alliance about the cargo runs.

  • Awesome. Thank you, Rare.

    I never want to hear, "The server feels empty" ever again.

    Fog and free roaming Skellie ships... this is truely heaven.

  • @raen-yrtham you’re criticizing the wrong fog, that fog has been in game the entire time for rendering distance. You haven’t been in the thick of it yet ;P

  • While I'm still a pretty new player to Sea of Thieves, and I truly find the game and the new update enjoyable, I think 3 separate Megalodon attacks within 25 minutes is a bit much.
    The fog - Cool.
    The Free-roaming Skellies - Annoying depending on the timing, but still fun in a purely masochistic way.
    Constant Megalodon attacks - WTH?

    It might just be me, and it very well could have been a one-off, but damn!

  • @xmaster13ag

    Same boat, Pirate Legend since May, Athena 10 shortly after and have done basically everything on the list except the new megladon kills. Even ran another sloop down who had a Ashen Chest of Legends, boarded, killed them, got the chest to my ship sailed off, boarded again sunk and turned it in. (Which I even have the video of as I was streaming at the time so the proof is there.), however I doubt any of our past feats as a Legend are retro paid to us, which is really unfortunate.

  • @blindnev Off the top of my head, I believe the Wailing Barnacle weapons were Bilge Rat limited stuff a few Adventures back, not sure if clothing and equipment were as well or if there is/ has been any at all.

  • @weststormborn Well, the horizon seems way foggier after the update (as shown in the Megalodon picture in the first post), and I have the FoV maxed on PC. But it is good to know then that I still have to meet the real fog.

    PS: It is the second time that an aggressive skeleton ship emerges after I get near a passive skeleton ship. Are the passive ships being used as a lure? :-P

  • @lem0n-curry said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    I didn't read it in the update notes, but there are also six new commendations for merchant alliance about the cargo runs.

    Hmmmmm, this is good news.
    I'll have to check it out myself though, just to clarify your claim.

  • @nightowltrucker said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.0:

    @blindnev Off the top of my head, I believe the Wailing Barnacle weapons were Bilge Rat limited stuff a few Adventures back, not sure if clothing and equipment were as well or if there is/ has been any at all.

    We had an adventure with the hat and coat as a reward already. According to previous updates, the rest of the clothes, together with the tool set should have been available together with the ship skins.

  • @marsmayflower I disagree friend, I can't talk for other, but me never complained about "what to do" I've always played, even if reache all the actual levels goals.

    So yeah, maybe I will just insta-earned everything (and to me isn't a problem) but still played.

    Considering my actual volume of free time I will achieve all this stuff in months and the numbers needed, really too much, doesn't incentive.

  • Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
    I logged on for just (somewhat of) a brief session, but wow, we had such a great time.
    I've been in love with this game since the beta and stress tests, but this is a really excellent update that, I think, polishes up a lot of the existing aspects of the game, and added some very nice stuff.

    My wife and I hopped on and were just going to visit each outpost to browse and buy the new ship customization options. We ended up running into a number of emergent adventures along the way!
    It was so wild seeing a galleon on the horizon and realizing it was a skeleton ship. We wanted to check it out, and decided to fight, and sink, it. Not bad loot from it either, considering it was only one ship (ship captain's skull, and precious gemstones!).
    After visiting two biomes, we noticed that the giant skull cloud was over a fort that's never been active before - so, we wanted to check it out.
    Along the way to the fort, a giant purple megalodon got in our way... and we decided to slow down and fight it. Another sloop came along at the very end of that battle and asked to ally with us to head over for the fort. We agreed (although, we kept our well-earned megalodon loot) and headed over to Skull Keep - when we noticed the skull cloud vanish.
    A sloop of two pirates was at the fort... and they refused our offer of an alliance. They sailed off in a chase with our allies, meanwhile my wife spied that the vault was opened, but filled with treasure!
    We pilfered the vault and defeated the enemy sloop (poor guys... but when I offered them to join our alliance, instead of losing 100% of the treasure, they just fired at me, haha! Good on you, ya pirates!).
    We turned everything in, including the new skeleton bone dust crate (which sold for 4.6k gold, if I recall correctly). And then noticed that another fort was already active!! And this one was Sailor's Knot Stronghold, so I was eager to see that one in action as well!
    I ate supper while we sailed south west across the map, and the fort was shrouded in fog!
    We fought the skellies on the land (it was really fun seeing them scramble across the high wooden bridges on that fort) and procured another great haul - this time including both the bone dust crate AND the stronghold gunpowder keg (I was outvoted 3-1 and we turned it in instead of blowing it up - haha, I was the only PL and they, understandably, wanted the merchant rep!).

    We then RAISED OUR TANKARDS with each other (YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!), made friends, and went our own ways.

    The seas are wildly active now. I've loved the game this whole time, and it is wonderful to see this update boost up the fun of this game even more.

    Well done!!

  • SUCH a great update! My attention was wandering to other games but now I'm excited to get back out on the seas!

  • Pros - Good to see new things. Lots of new things.

    Cons - Like the old fortresses that popup, the news ones are glitchy with skeletons. We had to leave a fortress then come back to get the skeletons to re-spawn. Later we had to blow ourselves up to get the skeletons to come back. This is a rather annoying situation to have one's self in. Please figure out a way to correct this issue.

  • @pdt-mindstream Good one! We got one of those fortress kegs, turned it in and got 4.9K for it. Yikes!

  • 'Six additional Skeleton Forts have now been occupied by the undead.'

    Did you change the spawn time of skeleton Forts ? Still around 3 hours ?

  • Does anyone know when the Devs will release a content plan video detailling all the future big updates to come for the game ?

  • The kraken attacked our brigantine twice within a three hour session, sinking us both times. Our third crewmate had left so it was just two of us. We didn't stand a chance, because the tentacles kept grabbing us. There was no way we could repair the ship.

    I think these battles should be difficult and exciting. But they should be rare. Being attacked by the kraken is supposed to be a sort of epic, mythical thing. It shouldn't be happening twice every session. Good grief.

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