Let's hunt the devs!

  • I've got this concrete quest for the skeleton hunting yesterday and it created a smile for me :) Look at the names of the captains. It's the developer team for the Sea the Thieves :) I must say this is a nice Easter egg :)

  • 9
  • @winsterz do you have a biger picture?

  • @closinghare208 It's full hd. Just click on it to open imgur and there click on the image to view it full size. Sry, I don't know how to include images on this forum other way

  • @winsterz ok

  • @winsterz most, if not all, of the Captains are named after staff and Community members.

  • I say hunt them for real “in game” next time they stream. I’m not bloodthirsty by any means but they need the full experience the Sea of Thieves offers to the rest of us.

  • @triheadedmonkey Three Sheets Neate is ingame name of Joe Naete.

  • @winsterz You might find a few deckhands in there to hunt aswell if you know what your looking for ;)

  • @winsterz correct, and most of the other Captains are either Rare Staff or Community members, so keep an eye out for more names you may recognise.

    (there is also a trove of other names sprinkled about too.... https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/16959/making-our-mark-official-list-of-community-influence )

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