Why is the leaning bug still in the game and still so common?

  • So given the leaning character bug has been in the game for so long and seems to happen fairly frequently, why has it not been addressed? It is not only really annoying, but completely unacceptable to get stuck places because of the leaning bug where there is no way to get out as you just stutter back and forth indefinitely(especially when solo as you have no choice but to leave the game and lose all loot since there is no suicide function) and have your movement speed reduced greatly due to your character being leaning( which makes it extremely hard to do any kind of combat).

  • 19
  • @tripled565 Hmm, interesting. Can't say I've ever noticed any of the effects you describe whenever I've had the lean back bug. My crew mate and I are probably too busy giggling at how silly the "cockney lean" looks.

    If you're able to, I'd suggest getting some captures next time it happens and raising a support ticket here:


  • @TripleD565

    This happens to me almost every time I sword lunge off the ship. It was hilarious at first of course but it soon becomes annoying due to not being able to run, especially with "Gary" the Gunpowder Barrel Skelly hot on your heels. I have found the best way to fix it is a quick swim back in the water but this bugs been around since soon after launch.

    EDIT: I'm on XBOX 1X but my PC crewmates never seem to suffer from it.

  • I've never seen it either, on a bog standard Xbox.

  • @timboagogo said in Why is the leaning bug still in the game and still so common?:

    EDIT: I'm on XBOX 1X but my PC crewmates never seem to suffer from it.

    It happens to me all the time, and I'm on PC. I don't know why. I think it's something about the way I manipulate the controls when jumping off the ship and climbing onto shore. Although I have to say, it seems to be happening a little less often lately. Progress?

  • @genuine-heather

    I should also add that it used to happen on my XBOX 1S too. It's a weird one!

  • cause its hilarious!

  • @timboagogo I know a fix is to swim, but when you are in the middle of a large island, swimming is not an option. Also, just the standard of this bug has been in the game for a long while and has had no signs of reducing in occurrence or being fixed as a whole.

  • @genuine-heather Less often? I'm noticing it more hence why I decided alright fine I'll make a forum post since apparently this isn't getting better. Also on PC, if that matters.

  • Never happened to me!

  • I play on PC, and have experienced this bug since release. I've reported it. Friends of mine have reported it. Yet, I've never witnessed Rare actually acknowledging it, aside from a response telling me that my support ticket will be forwarded to the appropriate people.

    You shouldn't need to restart your game client, though. Like @TimboAGoGo suggested, try returning to the water and then walk ashore from a different location.

  • @wodyo Walking in the water only works if you can get to water, if you are in the middle of an island with no water, then there is no solution. Also, there are places you can get stuck while your character is leaning, that do not teleport your character back to your ship. This would require that you either be brigged, killed, or leave the game to fix it. Which if you are solo becomes especially problematic.

  • @tripled565 said in Why is the leaning bug still in the game and still so common?:

    @genuine-heather Less often? I'm noticing it more hence why I decided alright fine I'll make a forum post since apparently this isn't getting better. Also on PC, if that matters.

    Yes, for me it hasn’t been happening as often lately. Just lucky, perhaps?

  • @tripled565 said in Why is the leaning bug still in the game and still so common?:

    @timboagogo I know a fix is to swim, but when you are in the middle of a large island, swimming is not an option. Also, just the standard of this bug has been in the game for a long while and has had no signs of reducing in occurrence or being fixed as a whole.

    Ha ha, fair enough.
    It only ever happens to me when I sword lunge off the ship to the shore (almost every time) and come out of the water, so for me the water is right there and I just go straight back in and straighten myself up again.

  • @tripled565
    I'm unsure of how you are seeing it as a solo player as it has never effected game play for either of my crew mates or myself when the backward lean has happened to us.

    I wholeheartedly agree that it must be frustrating if quitting the game is your only option.

    The advice to swim is only good if you know that it's happening. As you've said you can't swim when you're already stuck on land.

    The game does need a suicide option due to so many bugs involving AI not spawning or skeletons getting stuck in the landscape, rocks, etc.

    I've seen so many buggy things such as a crew mate sliding around all three decks of a galleon, including staircases, whilst in the sleep position even though he was obviously running around.... on his feet.
    Then we have the current skeleton looking crew members that only appear as skeletons to one member of the crew.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    It definately affects game play, walking is awkward/slow and you can't run. I can tell straight away even though I can't see it myself, but if I'm with my crew they're always sure to laugh and let me know too.

  • Grabbing a cannon sometimes stands you upright as well as the other suggestions here.

  • @timboagogo
    If you "can tell straight away" then try what others have suggested before you get stuck.

    "Oops it's happening again, I need to take a quick swim or fire myself from a cannon" sort of thing. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole
    I'm not having problems like the OP because I recognize it straight away and do fix it.

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