My Journey to Pirate Legend (a video of memories)

  • Just recently I made it to Pirate Legend and have captured a lot of memorable moments along the way. This is a video of them that I thought to share so I hope you enjoy.

    Also Thankyou to all who were there on the journey (you may even be in the videos :) ), I won't tag you, you know who you are and I look forward to having many more memorable moments in this game.

  • 21
  • Ahoy there @stacky-a!

    Congratz on reaching the rank of Pirate Legend. The video looks like an amazing adventure! Especially like how you captured CaptnJaq from her best side, while she's puking from the cannon :D and the pass the snake game :)

    Enjoy your future travels as Pirate Legend and see you around on the seas!

  • Thanks @fishst1ck haha yeh I have so many fun memories from this game, definitely looking forward to more in the future!

  • Wow, a great and funny little compilation of your long Journey to Pirate Legend...Thanks for including both songs, the Rock and Roll version of SOT Theme but the one that really thrills my spine is the " We Shall sail Together song"...That has so much feels in it that i simply have to look away from the screen, laptops aren't waterproof....No , no no i wasn't crying ( * Yep, right , look how his nose grows ,just Pinochio...) it drafts in here ...
    Congratulations on becoming Pirate Legend , it was an honour to hear those achievements ping through thy headset , Mrs Stacky A.

  • Hmmm that makes actually for a good idea. Got way to many hours off video on my journey aswell.

    Nice compilation and above all really well sought music. Welcome to the PL club ;-)

  • @stacky-a Congratulations on making it! It’s always a good laugh when jumping aboard your vessel! Now ya have a title fitting of your deeds :)

  • Thanks @clumsy-george it was awesome to have you there to witness the occassion☺

    @nessiroj Thanks, and yes thats half the problem, so many video clips! but was heaps of fun going back through them all too.

    Thanks @KnifeLife always fun sailing with you!

  • @stacky-a said in My Journey to Pirate Legend (a video collection of memories):

    Thanks @clumsy-george it was awesome to have you there to witness the occassion☺

    @nessiroj Thanks, and yes thats half the problem, so many video clips! but was heaps of fun going back through them all too.

    Thanks @KnifeLife always fun sailing with you!

    Not many videoclips i streamed almost every minute of my PL journey lol, but looking back through them offcourse brings the memories back of both the fun and sad times ;-)

  • @stacky-a this is a well made video

  • @nessiroj said in My Journey to Pirate Legend (a video of memories):

    Not many videoclips i streamed almost every minute of my PL journey lol, but looking back through them off course brings the memories back of both the fun and sad times ;-)

    Wow, I don't envy your task then if you choose to compile a video of your journey. I thought a heap of 3 min video clips was hard enough to go through. Make sure to share if you do end up putting something together, would love to see others journeys.

  • @stacky-a I really liked that vid! Congratz and thank you for sharing your journey with me!

  • Thankyou! @tinballoon24929 and @AverageHeroz

  • @stacky-a
    Congratulations luv, it was both an honor and privilege to share so many laughter filled memorable moments along your journey.

    But you didn't include the best clip, us playing naughts and crosses (a.k.a. Tic, Tac, Toe) with cursed cannonballs on your very first stacky-a bought Athena's. lol
    I guess technically that was after you had joined the Pie-rat Leg-end club.

    BTW, I have copyrights to that game. lol ;o)

  • Your video made me misty eyed! Congratulations on reaching PL, well done!

  • What an awesome video!

  • Spoilers - They all lived happily ever after...........except for the ones who didn't.

    @stacky-a Thanks for sharing, and congrats.

  • @stacky-a congratz and it looks like a fun journey! Enjoy the rough seas as a pirate legend.

  • @stacky-a


    That's a wonderful set o' tales ye have there to mark yer journey, and here's to many more!

  • @Admiral-RRRSole haha thanks! Yes will have to save that epic tic tak toe game for another video of future adventures.
    It's a shame though that you can't choose where in the barrel to store the cursed cannon balls, as it is who ever goes first wins! Although I won so not complaining :)

    Thanks @KattTruewalker @KHARITES @Foxdodge @Veriye @PollyOliverPerk for your kind comments too and glad you liked my video :)

  • @stacky-a nice work on the video stacky and congrats on your legendary accomplishment!

  • Thanks @revanjstone and thankyou for helping to get there ☺

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