i want my stats back.

  • i want my 240 skullfort skulls cashed in/ i want my 980 hatefull skulls, my 600+ castaways chests and so on. i dont care if i lose the titles, i want the stats i spent the last 6 months earning. i complained about this after the last patch was hoping for some sort of fix this week but after watching update video im even more annoyed than last week. your going to add athena commendations? what about the players who are athena 10 your most dedicated players who have almost no incentive to go back and do athena's again? ok so alot of people complained the commendations were to high, was it over half the people who play the game? im sure if you had done a survey players who never complained because they felt it needed no change would have said leave it as it was. the game has been out 6months and i had almost completed most of the titles. sure the titles wern't massively important but they were the only thing to work towards for people who were athena 10. i'll leave it at that for now will probably complain next week unless theres some sort of decent response addressing it.

  • 89
  • While you were working on those stats, people were here on the forums eating cheetos and typing up complaints about how it takes too long to get achievements. I am furious over losing 150 Skull Forts. I can't imagine losing 240.
    The game is being dumbed down because people got killed too much, things took too long, etc, etc,
    But hey, you will be able to play banjos !

  • @trickrtreat01 and now we've got people sitting around eating cheetos complaining about barrels.

    You know they mentioned higher tier commendations on the way right? Probably specifically designed to satiate your desire to keep grinding the junk items.

  • @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @trickrtreat01 and now we've got people sitting around eating cheetos complaining about barrels.

    You know they mentioned higher tier commendations on the way right? Probably specifically designed to satiate your desire to keep grinding the junk items.

    That doesn't excuse taking away what we already fought hard for. And when people cry about those being too hard then what ? Those get taken away too ?
    But hey, at least we might get jewelry too right?

  • i made this suggestion last week, figure you can't just complain without any idea of how to improve.
    suggestion on how to improve
    change the system so people can still get the title/grade 5 at what it is now, but increase to grade 10,gaining different coloured titles grades 6-10 with other cosmetics to unlock similar to athena, 6 clothes, 7 weapons, 8 sails, 9 hull,10 figurehead. might not work for everything, but i've always wanted snake pig chicken figurehead and especially Grogs and Sorrows. i would even prefer it if they were stupidly high and wern't unlocked by anyone for another year or 2. no shortcuts no lvl buying so that it actually meant something.

    if anyone else can think of a better system please put it forth because i hate the current 1.

  • @trickrtreat01 said in i want my stats back.:

    @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @trickrtreat01 and now we've got people sitting around eating cheetos complaining about barrels.

    You know they mentioned higher tier commendations on the way right? Probably specifically designed to satiate your desire to keep grinding the junk items.

    That doesn't excuse taking away what we already fought hard for. And when people cry about those being too hard then what ? Those get taken away too ?
    But hey, at least we might get jewelry too right?

    L**o It's great to see that you at least read what other people have to say. I did actually laugh at the snark though so well done lol.

    I think you're being dramatic though.. I doubt when the high tier ones drop your progress is going to be robbed. You've still handed in the amount you've handed in. Probably be similar to how it tracks now that they got lowered.

    Highly doubt if people complain about proper high tier commendations anyone here will justify lowering them. At that point design and intention is established and clear.

  • @monkey-d-flibly @Trickrtreat01 They probably still have those statistics you think have been lost logged.

    You never know when they add the legendary and Athena commendations they might Re-appear. You never know...

  • @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @trickrtreat01 said in i want my stats back.:

    @tre-oni said in i want my stats back.:

    @trickrtreat01 and now we've got people sitting around eating cheetos complaining about barrels.

    You know they mentioned higher tier commendations on the way right? Probably specifically designed to satiate your desire to keep grinding the junk items.

    That doesn't excuse taking away what we already fought hard for. And when people cry about those being too hard then what ? Those get taken away too ?
    But hey, at least we might get jewelry too right?

    L**o It's great to see that you at least read what other people have to say. I did actually laugh at the snark though so well done lol.

    I think you're being dramatic though.. I doubt when the high tier ones drop your progress is going to be robbed. You've still handed in the amount you've handed in. Probably be similar to how it tracks now that they got lowered.

    Highly doubt if people complain about proper high tier commendations anyone here will justify lowering them. At that point design and intention is established and clear.

    i dunno, I just don't think you understand what it's like to be clearing Skull Forts, working towards and achievement and title you really care about only to have it stripped away. It's made me not trust Rare and not want to play.

  • Hello All

    the titles are not worth anything anymore!

  • @monkey-d-flibly Although I have received a ton of new titles as I had already achieved most of the milestones I will admit as a vet to the game it's a bit upsetting yes. But you will always find that a lot of games try to tend to the newer player that enter their game and this may be a result of that. With that being said though since they did state that we would be getting new sets of commendations, not just the one for Legends, I would say to lay down the pitch forks for now until we see what this new system will be.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada sagte in i want my stats back.:

    @monkey-d-flibly Although I have received a ton of new titles as I had already achieved most of the milestones I will admit as a vet to the game it's a bit upsetting yes. But you will always find that a lot of games try to tend to the newer player that enter they're game and this may be a result of that. With that being said though since they did state that we would be getting new sets of commendations, not just the one for Legends, I would say to lay down the pitch forks for now until we see what this new system will be.

    They Rip the Hardcore Player with this Patch !

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in i want my stats back.:

    @monkey-d-flibly Although I have received a ton of new titles as I had already achieved most of the milestones I will admit as a vet to the game it's a bit upsetting yes. But you will always find that a lot of games try to tend to the newer player that enter they're game and this may be a result of that. With that being said though since they did state that we would be getting new sets of commendations, not just the one for Legends, I would say to lay down the pitch forks for now until we see what this new system will be.

    new players complained so rare changed the system, i say keep the pitch forks up, if old players don't complain now they would just keep it like it is now and we'd never get are stats back. i also put forth my suggestion for an improvement not just here to whine about my lost stats but to discuss what could be changed/improved about the game.

  • Im with you man. I have been thinking long alot if I want to keep playing this game after the new update and Im leaning towards no. I feel like when sea of theives started it was a grindy game with unrealistic goals that required alot of time. I enjoyed cashing in my last chest, skull, and animal to become legend. I felt genuinely happy and a sense of accomplishment. Now you can buy your way to legend. Smh. And you have people dropping Athenas for non legends. Whats the point of an exclusive club if everyones in it? Whats the point of having obscure commendations if everyone unlocks them? The game started as a long and crazy adventure. Now it just seems muddled and watered down.

  • I for one am glad they balanced the commendations. They weren't hard, they were however, ridiculously high in some cases. Grindy, same old pointless activities. That, as they stated, was never the intention of the game.

  • @british-legends

    and now the Legends with Athenas 10 can now only Hunt the crying Kids the over the high Commendations aim have cried ! so the New Players get Hunt Hard ! Nice :)

  • @stoker1980 Time to move on then; or get a job.

  • @british-legends said in i want my stats back.:

    I for one am glad they balanced the commendations. They weren't hard, they were however, ridiculously high in some cases. Grindy, same old pointless activities. That, as they stated, was never the intention of the game.

    Thats fine if they tuned the comms first month of the game, but they waited 6 months to nerf them and wipe players hard work because why? Its pathetic and inexcusable. Rare should put out an apology PSA or give us exclusive items for all our time wasted.

    Ps i work 40 hrs+ a week

  • @british-legends
    for me and my Mates all ok :)
    but we only Hunt now and doing PVP thats what Rare want so they get it !
    but dont Cry 2 mutch if u dont get the Legend status or Athenas lvl 10 :)
    we have nothing 2 do we have all Commendations ! :=P

  • @messiah-x6 said in i want my stats back.:

    Thats fine if they tuned the comms first month of the game, but they waited 6 months to nerf them and wipe players hard work because why? Its pathetic and inexcusable. Rare should put out an apology PSA or give us exclusive items for all our time wasted.

    I don't think it's wiped completely.
    it wouldn't surprise me if
    All of these statistics, every cannonball you've shot that hit a ship; every skeleton you've killed and what type they were, and every type of treasure. Every time you've gotten drunk and every time you've been on the Ferry of the Damned.

    were attached to your character someway; This being said. I'm sure they are aware of the stronghold skull commendation glitch. I would hope it's an issue that gets fixed. If not fixing itself the next time you turn in a stronghold skull.
    You're asking for an apology for stat wipe? that's the reason they're taking 4 hours to fix this patch. There have been issues with faction progression.
    They should apologize for how long it's taken them to fix it
    and why this build wasn't tested with Pioneers.

    Get out of here demanding an apology, exclusive items.

  • @trickrtreat01 from what it sounds like to me, you'll get those commendations back anyway, only instead they'll be legendary, or some other high rank that they decide to go with

  • @stoker1980 sagte in i want my stats back.:

    @dcr-lt-kanada sagte in i want my stats back.:

    @monkey-d-flibly Although I have received a ton of new titles as I had already achieved most of the milestones I will admit as a vet to the game it's a bit upsetting yes. But you will always find that a lot of games try to tend to the newer player that enter they're game and this may be a result of that. With that being said though since they did state that we would be getting new sets of commendations, not just the one for Legends, I would say to lay down the pitch forks for now until we see what this new system will be.

    They Rip the Hardcore Player with this Patch !

    Wow yeah the infamous „Hardcore Players“! I have a Wife and a child and I’m not a Hardcore Player! I think I’m the opposite of a Hardcore Player, im thinking Hardcore Players are very very poor people then :/ sry for all Hardcore Players

  • @monkey-d-flibly sorry man, the casuals have ruined your actual achievements in favor of "i want it now!"

  • @king-deka said in i want my stats back.:

    @stoker1980 sagte in i want my stats back.:

    @dcr-lt-kanada sagte in i want my stats back.:

    @monkey-d-flibly Although I have received a ton of new titles as I had already achieved most of the milestones I will admit as a vet to the game it's a bit upsetting yes. But you will always find that a lot of games try to tend to the newer player that enter they're game and this may be a result of that. With that being said though since they did state that we would be getting new sets of commendations, not just the one for Legends, I would say to lay down the pitch forks for now until we see what this new system will be.

    They Rip the Hardcore Player with this Patch !

    Wow yeah the infamous „Hardcore Players“! I have a Wife and a child and I’m not a Hardcore Player! I think I’m the opposite of a Hardcore Player, im thinking Hardcore Players are very very poor people then :/ sry for all Hardcore Players

    Bad time management, or pandering to casuals?

    I have 3 kids, a wife, and run a business...I am not poor and still find time to be a hardcore gamer

  • @aod-fluid The irony of how you talk about the “I want” people and yet that’s all we seem to be getting from the “Hardcore” players...

  • @imadeyoureadme You say the wrong player base, what gives you guys the right to decide yours is the correct one?

    Maybe they are catering to the majority? They have specified they will be adding legendary commendations. They also haven’t actually specified that all those stats are gone. For all you know they are still recorded (Which is highly likely) and might count toward those commendations.

    Most of these hardcore gamer threads are built from assumptions and narcissism. The game is designed for a multitude of different play styles and people.

    The grind to pirate legend and Athena’s 10 is a really long one. It’s not Rares fault if you went nuts and speed ran it. That was the Hardcore players content for now.

  • @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid The irony of how you talk about the “I want” people and yet that’s all we seem to be getting from the “Hardcore” players...

    I see casual people.

    Seriously, you have a high "gamer score", so you are obviously playing on an Xbox. Allow me to explain the tiers of gaming:

    Top level - PC
    Mid level - Console
    Bottom level - Mobile

    Being in the mid-level automatically excludes you from the "hardcore gamer" category. You may put a lot of time into games on the Xbox, but you have proven that you are not dedicated enough to gaming to really be on top.

    I am not being rude here... it simply is the way it works. I don't laugh when I hear console players call themselves "hardcore gamers". It is okay to me, albeit delusional...but man I crack up when a mobile gamer refers to themselves as "hardcore".

    I am Athena 10 and have been for months. I have 8 million meters miles sailed in this game. I cannot tell you when the last time I lost a ship was. You hide your achievements so I cannot compare them, but I would wager that everything is above and beyond yours, except maybe meters sailed... which, if you have over 7 million of those and are not Athena's 10, calling yourself a "hardcore gamer" would be laughable.

  • @aod-fluid You judge people by grouping into silly stereotypes while using social stratification to push yourself up your own personal hierarchy. I pity you with that kind of mindset.

    I have no need to have a conversation with someone like that. Have a good day and I hope you find what you are looking for out of SoT.

  • @imadeyoureadme said in i want my stats back.:

    @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @imadeyoureadme You say the wrong player base, what gives you guys the right to decide yours is the correct one?

    The grind to pirate legend and Athena’s 10 is a really long one. It’s not Rares fault if you went nuts and speed ran it. That was the Hardcore players content for now.

    Who said I grinded to Pirate legend/Athena's 10. I am neither. I play the game to play the game. I am not a player who strives to acheive everything right away, rather I play to get the objective when they are due. I hate the fact that I log in and get acheivement that I don't deserve because I didn't acheive them. I would at some point but I hadn't.

    Rare is not listening to the majority they are listeniing to the loudest. Those that play the game for an hour say theirs no content and this take too long.

    You are absolutely right that this game is built for multiple play styles. So why are they ruining those whose play style is to acheive the high reaching fruit? Why do they need to pander to those who don't acheive the 1000 seafarers? Why did they need to change the content release of the captaincy update to release 3 "Updates" that added a couple days playablity.

    ITs because the loud players argued, and screamed that this game isn't what they want and those of us ready for the SOT roadmap and excited for what they had planned are now stuck with a bug ridden game that acheives nothing but destroying its core player base day by day.

    Fair point I shouldn’t had assumed your playtyle. I generalised and that’s a bad way to go about things. I’ll try and answer your

    issues but I will state these are only my opinions obviously I do actually know the mindset of why Rare does things minus when they tell us.

    Firstly when the game launched it wasn’t just first time players who complained about content, it was basically everyone. There was even big concerns about the full games content before launch.

    In answer to you saying why did they pander, I believe they saw complaints about the commendations from people and then took a look into them. They stated in a recent post the connendations were never meant to be a goal for hardcore players or an endgame. They where designed to help players on there way to Pirate Legend, hence why once you complete them they give you XP towards that particular trading company. So they brought them in line with achievable standards for players doing that.

    They have also announced they will be bringing out Legendary commendations and maybe Athena’s for “Hardcore players”. I believe this is in response to the concerns raised this last week.

    And I honestly don’t believe they just do what the loudest voice says, trust me if that was the case we would have optional crossplay by now because if anything thats the biggest thing people have been arguing and debating over since before launch. And I just happen to have a very big mouth lol

  • @messiah-x6 I was confident they would change the commendations, it's certainly been a topic of discussion since the game was released. Honestly, I would have been more surprised if they ignored the crowd and didn't change them.

  • @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid You judge people by grouping into silly stereotypes while using social stratification to push yourself up your own personal hierarchy. I pity you with that kind of mindset.

    I have no need to have a conversation with someone like that. Have a good day and I hope you find what you are looking for out of SoT.

    And it just became laughable.

  • @aod-fluid said in i want my stats back.:

    @knifelife said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid The irony of how you talk about the “I want” people and yet that’s all we seem to be getting from the “Hardcore” players...

    I see casual people.

    Seriously, you have a high "gamer score", so you are obviously playing on an Xbox. Allow me to explain the tiers of gaming:

    Top level - PC
    Mid level - Console
    Bottom level - Mobile

    Being in the mid-level automatically excludes you from the "hardcore gamer" category. You may put a lot of time into games on the Xbox, but you have proven that you are not dedicated enough to gaming to really be on top.

    I am not being rude here... it simply is the way it works. I don't laugh when I hear console players call themselves "hardcore gamers". It is okay to me, albeit delusional...but man I crack up when a mobile gamer refers to themselves as "hardcore".

    I am Athena 10 and have been for months. I have 8 million meters miles sailed in this game. I cannot tell you when the last time I lost a ship was. You hide your achievements so I cannot compare them, but I would wager that everything is above and beyond yours, except maybe meters sailed... which, if you have over 7 million of those and are not Athena's 10, calling yourself a "hardcore gamer" would be laughable.

    Is this satire?

  • @aod-fluid You ARE being kind of rude. Please chill out and just let people enjoy video games without getting all stratified about it.

    Honestly that goes for everyone getting nitpicky about "hardcore" status. It's not important, do not get personal about it.

  • @kenji-salk said in i want my stats back.:

    @aod-fluid You ARE being kind of rude. Please chill out and just let people enjoy video games without getting all stratified about it.

    Honestly that goes for everyone getting nitpicky about "hardcore" status. It's not important, do not get personal about it.

    I am not being rude. I was attacked for stating obvious things. Okay though, I will stop being rude I suppose.

  • @monkey-d-flibly yeah my stats that have been grinding for are gone as well i was 5 skulls away from being pirate legend and now i have to start level 49 over. This is getting rediculous!!!

  • @deadlyinkdgirl It’s just a bug, your stats are the same and you haven’t lost progress don’t worry. Hand in your 5 skulls and you will still make it. :)

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