PSA: Reapers Mark, Legendary Cursed Voyager Bug/Issues.

  • Hello there! I have recently started attempting to unlock the Legenday Cursed Voyage commendation and have noticed an issue which will innocently hinder your progress.

    I have been solo slooping so my voyages take a lot longer so it’s quite frustrating when you compete one and it doesn’t count towards the end goal.

    The Bug If you invite someone to your alliance midway through a voyage it will take down your reapers mark flag and make the current voyage you are doing not count towards the commendation, even if you put it back up straight after.

    It’s happened twice now but also basically means you cannot join or invite anyone to an alliance while voyaging, you will need to wait untill you are done or cancel the voyage and start a new one.

    I just thought I would put this up for people so they don’t lose progress like I have unfortunately I’ve lost about 2 and a half hours gameplay time due to this.

    Needless to say I have submitted a bug report :)


    Any info would be appreciated I don’t believe they do.

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  • I Don't think thats a bug as the goal of the commendation is to complete voyages while making yourself a PvP target. By making an alliance with your would be attacker is the oppsite of that goal as the challange is now taking away. This was suppose to be a PvP event in theory but players can still complete the event by working together and avoid PvP altogether. Infact it's easier to do it this way.

  • @enf0rcer I’m not sure, I no I spoke to a developer and they said the Reapers mark isn’t necessarily a PvP tag. It can be used for a multitude of things like finding crews for PvP and people for voyages/Alliances ect..

    But bear in mind aswell that there’s is a commendation for being in an alliance and doing a voyage.

    But either way I’ll update the post when I get a response from the ticket but I also just wanted to make people aware that they will lose progress if they do.

  • @knifelife said in PSA: Reapers Mark, Legendary Cursed Voyager Bug/Issues.:

    @enf0rcer I’m not sure, I no I spoke to a developer and they said the Reapers mark isn’t necessarily a PvP tag. It can be used for a multitude of things like finding crews for PvP and people for voyages/Alliances ect..

    But bear in mind aswell that there’s is a commendation for being in an alliance and doing a voyage.

    But either way I’ll update the post when I get a response from the ticket but I also just wanted to make people aware that they will lose progress if they do.

    The reaper Flag is a tool like everything else in the game. That means a player is free to use the tool in any way they see fit. Nothing is forced just suggested. The Devs thought this would help PvP play but they also knew players would find other uses and they both acknowledged and engorage this. This is a game where player dictate the gameplay not the devs. So like i said the EVENT in theory was to promote more combat as it encouge players to make themselves a target on the map while on voyages and encourage players to explore the map searching for CCBs to use agianst both players and AI. It's a Suggested way of play not a Forced way of play. But your PSA is appreciated I'm sure it will save many salior time as i tested this myself the hard way.

    Also Please note the reaper flag must be on before you start the mission in odr for it to count torward the commadtion and the flag stays on even after your sunk even thou it may not visably appear on the ship after respawn.

  • @knifelife true, we scratch our head the first time we witnessed this trying to understand what we did wrong.. The same way goes if we place the quest first of raising the flag. It won't count..

    This is why I asked to separate normal flags from alliance flags. Placing One shouldn't affect the other..
    Overall this system is a lot bugged since it's release.
    Making flags to disappear from our flag pole after we sunk, or just because..

    This is another feature that needs to be worked

  • @nunoazuldimeter It’s all your fault! Ya pioneers had ample time to find these issues and report them to Rare.

    God in my day pioneers got stuff fixed! ;)

    Needless to say I’m joking hahaha

  • @knifelife sorry my cellphone keeps "correcting" my sentences...

    I meant to say I asked to separate the flags, placing 'normal' flags shouldn't affect the alliance flags and vice versa.

    What would be the harm of having my "normal" flag and the Offering alliance flag below that, at the same time?
    Would avoid this kind of things.

    Ahahah yeah I know we pioneers are the worst... Always conspiracing against the whole community 😂 :o)

  • @nunoazuldimeter Agreed tweaks to the system need to be made. Sadly most of the resources are dedicated to making new content more then they are fixing already established content. They said they are going to take more time to polish content. So thats a good thing.

  • @knifelife Thank you for warning us about this!

  • @enf0rcer That’s good.

  • @lukayzarell No worries bud. :)

    @ENF0RCER Im sure they have learnt a lot over the past few days. I just hope they keep up with the community interaction and transparency they have been giving us aswell.

  • @knifelife said in PSA: Reapers Mark, Legendary Cursed Voyager Bug/Issues.:

    @ENF0RCER Im sure they have learnt a lot over the past few days. I just hope they keep up with the community interaction and transparency they have been giving us aswell.

    I'm sure they have. Rare has always was good at listing to there community which I repect and appreciate them for that. The problem comes down to time magement which is always difficult. I do hope they keep up with the transparency but they have had a few communication issues they still need to work on. But only time will tell. While I may somtimes be overly critical to the devs it comes from a place of respect and a principal stance of holding a high standered so that both this game and it studio succeds as it is a staple of the gaming community as well as being a strong fan of the studio it self. The Studio it self has yet to reach it's full potential just like their game and I still wait patently for that day to arrive.

  • @personalc0ffee said in PSA: Reapers Mark, Legendary Cursed Voyager Bug/Issues.:

    If at any point during the current voyage the Reaper mark is removed, you have opted out of that voyage counting towards the 30 voyages.

    The Reaper Mark must be on before you start the voyage for it to count and there does not appear to be any way to cheese it.

    I belive this was the intent, i think they could have made it a little more clearer in the comandations menu.

  • @personalc0ffee The issue I had was I didn’t try to cheese it, I just tried to help some people who wanted to join my alliance. And while you can have 2 flags up whilst you are in an alliance it removes the Reapers one when you try to offer another crew to join.

    I don’t believe it was intentional. More of something that was just missed over.

  • @musicmee have you had any luck with message in a bottle or mysterious journal voyages counting? I personally haven’t so wasn’t sure if I should add them to the OP.

  • @knifelife I believe it has to be a voyage that ends with a “Voyage Complete,” and the Journal/Bottle voyages wouldn’t count. I believe the idea would be that you raise the flag not knowing how long the voyage would be and then complete that voyage - being able to do this with Journal/Bottle voyages would defeat that intent since you know they are always going to be one offs.

    One theory I’ve come up with though is with regard to OoS voyages. I believe that, if you’re flying the Reaper’s for that voyage and someone else completes it, you still get the credit. I was kicking myself in the pants after a Brig rolled up and started attacking me while I was doing a Reaper’s OoS at Wanderer’s. They discovered the type of voyage I was on and left someone on the island while the Brig chased me. I dropped the Reaper’s flag and then saw the Captain killed banner and the Voyage Complete. My guess is that, if I’d left it up, I would’ve gotten the Reaper credit.

  • @bran-the-ent Thanks for your info mate, I’ll update the post. I’ve spoken to a few people and it seems the common consensus is they don’t count towards it.

  • Can confirm 100% they do not count towards It even If you pick up the message in a bottle while you have the flag up and complete with flag up the whole time it doesn’t count.

    Easiest way I’ve found is to stack animals and just put the flag up and start sailing to outposts to sell it’s fast and efficient and makes a good amount of money.

    The best part though is It keeps you moving so your never a sitting duck

  • @knifelife if they offer the alliance and you just join you don’t take down the reaper flag and don’t lose the progress. Sucks if both people are mid voyage but if only one is then it would matter.

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