SoT Store re-stock

  • I’ve started to become a sad collector of Sea of Thieves merch and would really love to get hold of the Shadow Flameheart. Will the store ever sell it again? I can find it on eBay but it costs a small fortune. Rare, please do a nice re-stock and allow us to get hold of this stuff again. Thanks in advance.

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  • @xraylexx Ahoy matey!

    It may come back in stock, the Shadow Captain Flameheart is an event exclusive so has been restocked for both E3 and SDCC so who knows, we may see it restocked for Gamescom or EGX.

    Keep checking back.

  • For me it's the gold Hoarders figure.. I let it pass so many times when they had stock and every time I decided to buy it was always out of stock...

  • And it was back!
    And then it was gone...

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