[CLOSED] Win Wednesday - Sea of Thieves Cursed Sails T-shirts giveaway!

  • Spawned in to my friends flashy new Brigantine, in the midst of a naval battle with the cursed crews. As I get my bearings in the new vessel, Meg spawns in and capsizes the Brig with a single lunge, knocking me and my mates off the deck. The Brig returned upright, but by the time we made it close enough she was on her way down to the sea floor.

    We regrouped, upsized our boat, and finished the questline while stocking supplies and gunpowder barrels before going in and attempting again. Too bad we didn't realize when in game date changes to the 11th in our instance, the event won't reward you despite a win.

    Tonight we attack again, and this time with more knowledge, and hopefully some other ships in our server we can form an alliance with!

  • I spawned on a lone sloop with the aim to solo a skeleton ship. I went northwest of Smuggler's Bay and sailed around for about a real time hour and found nothing. Eventually gave up and sailed my ship off the map, then played sad music as it sunk.

  • Full stocked brig with one other and a sloop - difficult!

    Other Brig’s crew were concerned about powder keg on deck at front and busy trying not to sink... jumped aboard, grabbed keg and jumped off to them thanking me - boarded skelly ship and fused it in lower decks - sweet, sweet victory came quickly!

  • We were unceremoniously sunk by a ship on each side shooting dancing cursed cannonballs repeatedly until we danced our way to the bottom of the sea.

    Subsequent battles have yet to provide a dance party as long as this one.

  • @old-salt-gorg today i did my first battle with those skeletons and we had a megalodon attacking the skeleton ships. he was such a sweetheart... until the break between before the captain spawn. he then attacked us :(

  • So me and my friend sailed on over to Marauders Arch in a sloop. Two skeleton ships came up. We started firing cannons at one ship. They shot one cursed cannonball at us... and we couldn't stop dancing until our boat sank.

  • Went with the new brigantine and we fought our hearts out, but didnt last to the end. Still was an amazing time

  • Me and my crew set sail in a galleon for Marauders Arch and teamed up with others to defeat the skelly crews.

  • @old-salt-gorg My first run in was with only my Galleon Crew and I. We thought we were ready until they Grogged us(As if we weren't already drunk enough.) and we were too drunk to repair. My crew fought bravely but unfortunately we now sleep at the bottom of the sea.

  • kept getting bronzebeard error trying to start a closed crew so i joined open and found some friendly pirates, we sailed around to wait for the challenge to start and when we arrived another brig showed up to help us. whole crew was Russian with hunter load out for the ship and crew i think one of them was pirate legend. we couldn't communicate but we formed an alliance and quickly sank some skelelton ships. after getting some loot one of the skele ships re-emerged right under me and i was back in the fight. i hope i get this, i never win these things :P

  • With just 50 cannon balls and 25 planks, a new spawned brigantine sailed bravely toward the shores of plenty skeleton fleet. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, finishing investigating Wanda’s alchemy lab moments before. The excitement on our boat peaked with the music and carried for 3 waves of ships against the fleet, but we were not prepared. We sunk after sinking just 4 of them, mermaning back to our ship, getting some allies, and crushing them just before the turn of the last day. With piles of loot, it will be a battle remembered by our crew (and alliance ship on our way back).

  • Aye Lads, she was a fine vessel and she put up one hell of a fight, but no amount of cursed pirates of old are a match for Castaway Elrick and my crew sailing the Sirens Command! With my crew at my side and the wind in me sails those skeletons were no match! They may have their fancy magical cannon balls but we have heart and the grit of true pirates who have been sailing the seas their whole lives. And with the Pirate Lord as my witness we sent those sorry excuses for pirate crews back to the depths of Davy Jones's Locker where they belong!

  • So i finally used the search option in the SoT XBox Club to find a crew.
    After assigning to a couple of crews and getting ignored i found a galleon crew - even a german one so communication got way easier - and we set sails.
    As it was the 18. or 19. day and we spawned at Galleons Grave, we headed west first, looking for some forts to gather supplies and boom booms.
    Quite quickly we realized that all the gunpowder barrels were already missing, but at least we got the normal supplies, looted some shipwrecks etc.
    When we checked again, it was the 20., so we turned around, heading towards Marauders Arch to find some skelly ships.
    A solo sloop arived too, the legend on it already did everything forthe cursed sails, but we formed an alliance and moved towards the expected spawn point.
    Finally the skeleton ships did rise and we started fighting, probably wasting too many cannonballs on the first ships.
    Also an aggressive Meg joined the party every now and then, sending me to the ferry once.
    After a bunch of sunken skeleton ships, which switched their attacks between us and the sloop, we realizes that we will not last with our canonballs.
    While we were busy repairing, collecting floating barrels and avoiding to get rammed by the skellies, the sloop sank.
    While we finally got some supplies and started to fight again, the sloop joined back in.
    When we managed to take down the skellies flagship, we quickly slowed down the attacks on the remaining ship and collected our loot, all was stocked on the galleon for now, then we took down the last ship and headed towards galleon grave outpost again - exhausted, but happy.
    We gave the amazing sloop captain some loot to, cashed everything in and called it a day.
    It was a solid session with complete strangers and it was the first time i saw a cucumber salad handle a compass and board skeleton ships.

  • Did a lot of dancing at Marauder's Arch on the Brigantine with 2 other sloops. Think we sank 4 ships in between getting our groove on before time was called.

    Shame the cursed cannon balls weren't made up of little squares of mirror :D

  • Joined a crew who had found cursed ships with no crew that kept rising from the depths so stayed there for a few hours and made an easy 200k gold.
    Nearly felt bad about it for a moment

  • At the first encounter with these skelton ships we really overrated our luck as we tried to beat them alone.
    On the second try we had one over crew and with them it was pretty easy.

  • When we first encountered Skelleton ship we were alone and nobody ever came to join us. We fought off the first and second wave and our supplies started running low. We had to ride around the sea, look for seagulls to find some wooden planks ... and we had to board the skelleton ships to get their cannonballs. We rammed them at least 20 times, fought them with their own cannonballs and after two hours we managed to get to the final wave. After the last wave spawned they followed us and we needed to do some repair. It took us a minute to repair everything and the music stopped playing. When we turned around we saw that the last wave have despawned without giving us anything and when we got to the area again, everything started all over again ... but we didn't have any more supplies so we had to give up. But until the point of despawning it was one of the most exciting moments we had in the game!

  • @old-salt-gorg Me and a friend was on the Wanda quest heading down to thieves haven in a sloop(without any ekstra onboard). Unaware that shark bait cove was a spawning point we got a awesome but scary surprise. When the music started and we did not understand why AND suddenly the ship of the dead RISED from the ocean and scared the hell out of us, and made my friend panic to crash into the rocks. We were stunded by the awesome ships and killed as fast. BUT ooh YEAH we spawned again and filled our boat and sailed head on into death and glory again. SOOOOO fun. Love the update...

  • We have stocked up a bit on supplies before we went for the skeleton ships, however it wasn't enough. We were fighting them alone and it took us ages! Plus we were fighting the Ancient Isles crew, so we puked almost nonstop.

  • We joined the server in our galleon, sailed to the spot and formed an alliance with another galleon and a brigantine. The skellie ship emerged from the ocean like in Pirates of the Carribean and we managed to sink it, not knowing there are multiple waves.

    At the same time somehow a crew member of the other galleon got a message in a bottle and we all thought it was part of the cursed sails campaign and the bottle quest was where the cursed ship's treasure was to be found.

    But we were wrong and all we got from the bottle quest island was a foul bounty skull and a funny story. 🤣

  • @old-salt-gorg this is awesome but unlike the other people I don’t have a great sorry because me and my crew went east of marauders arch and nothing was there!

  • @old-salt-gorg
    We were all excited. Stocked galley and 2 other ships on our team. Ships rose from the sea and battle bega-nnn?! Not a cannonball fired towards our way. An empty ship.... Going around on a track it seemed, like a log flume jittering back and forth on turns.

    You said FIRST experience. It is pretty cool though and fun when that isn't happening.

  • I am going to paste my post from the Tavern Tales section, as it is my crew's first encounter. I apologize it is long...

    Driven back to the sea by the mysterious circumstances plaguing our once peaceful outposts, Gran, SingeBeard, and I, better known as "Cap'n", set our sails to the East of Marauder's Arch.

    Our maiden brigantine, a new golden lion fixed gloriously to its bow, cut the waves like a ravenous beast on the hunt for its cursed prey. The sky above our sails grew as murky as the sea beneath our hull, whispering the desirable melancholy that only The Wilds hold.

    The hunt was afoot.

    A bark came from SingeBeard that churned our bellies. "I see sails ahead. Off the port. Two galleons and a sloop." The light of his spyglass glinted with anticipation. "It looks like they may be fighting."

    "Fighting each other? Are they pirates or skeletons, man?" I asked, pulling hard the helm to our port side.

    "Can't tell from here," came the reply from Gran, who was now standing beside her fellow seaman on the bow. "Straighten her out. You're on course." The song of the sea had now changed to something far more threatening than anything The Wilds could offer.

    This was a song of the dead.

    Without warning, the sea beside our vessel burst open, giving birth to a monster built of splintered wood and unholy wrath. Cannons loosed their hate upon us, calling for our demise as scorn was cast from glowing eyes of gurgling skellies.

    "THEY'RE HERE!" I bellowed from the helm. "PORT SIDE! FIRE THE CANNONS! FIRE! FIRE!" Just in time did we answer their volley, wretched planks and bones showering onto our valiant deck.

    And so began the battle for The Wilds. Sloop and Seamen. Brigantine and Bosuns. Galleon and Gunners. All hands were clasp to wheel and weapon, fighting for days on end. Sloop and galleon fell to the might of the accursed sails, and faithfully our brigantine gained crewman after crewman. Even the terrible might of the Megalodon came biting into the fray.

    The triumphant return of the galleon kept the tide roaring in our favor. Out of cannonballs, our unrelenting brigantine fired crewman after crewman onto the decks of our enemies, ceasing the blighted cannons and cutting a path to victory through their broken bones.

    Then appeared from the very depths of the locker itself the damned captain in his unhallowed horror. This was it! This was their flagship. Smoke spewed from his maw like the very cannons we fired. The clang of cutless and blow of blunderbuss accompanied our shouting and shooting in an orchestra of determined destruction.

    Then the seas grew still. A previously unnoticed heaviness began to lift from us as the cursed galleon sank. Anchors were dropped and music poured forth from every gallant buccaneer until the sight of floating treasure abruptly ended one celebration for another.

    Docking at Galleon's Grave, the treasure was joyfully carried by each bully and bucko until a fond farewell bid each sailor back onto the waves for whatever adventure awaited them next.

    Aye. A pirate's life for me!

  • We set sail mid day after the challenge from the Cursed Helm. For hours our brows sweated and our backs ached as we loaded our ship with everything we could. We made haste to sail the waters as dusk fell upon us. Making three alliances along the way the gratification of sheer confidence was firm and strong, nothing could stop us now! We were a war band, 30 kegs deep in powder, a sailing war monger ready to send those infernal dead back to where they crawled from. As we neared our destination we were immediately caught off guard by the first ship. Barreling out of the water, sails at full billow and cannons ablaze, the first might sailing fortress of the cursed helm wasted no time in peppering us with cannon fire. All hands on deck, we took aim and returned fire with every inch of strength we had, our allies took to the starboard side and shredded away at the monstrous hull. We fought nonstop until she was sunk, but that was only the beginning of what we thought would be a victory. A storm was tailing us, moving in swiftly and showing no signs of changing course, we took action and prepared for the worst that was yet to come, one man below deck to bail and cannons loaded and ready the next two wretched hulls of the damned burst out of the water, one side swiping our port side allie. We lost them in a matter on minutes as the dead showed no mercy towards them. It was just us now, one galleon and one brigitine versus a colossal storm and two ships of plague. We fought side by side the ships circled us like buzzards ready for the kill. They blasted through our last allie, they were rendered defenseless as the storm claimed them in favor of the damned. It was just us now, going around in wild circles we could hardly see to save our own hides. The two ships reared to our stern and unleashed their unholy fury upon us. Ghoulish Green cannon balls whipped by us, a few managed to hit our sides. The ship began to pitch and yar, rocking with the storm's power. Tue creaking grew louder, the sails raised and our anchor dropped without the guide of a man's hand! The riggen had come to life, our own ship! Turned against us! That little speck of time was just enough for the ships to mercilessly obliterate our ship. The raging storm carried on over us and in one last ditch attempt, we manged to scourge a few barrels to blow one ship up but to our misfortune a bolt of lightning hit one of the barrels and ignited them all. We were now easy prey as our ship filled up with water. Four men weren't enough to stop the damage and fight. The skeleton ships were at an advantage and they took deep ruthless pleasure in destroying us. Our ship sank, claimed by the sea. The Cursed Helm took what be deemed theirs alone with a soured victory. Though we vowed, it was not the end. It was not the end until we sunk every last ship and sent those rancid creatures back to the crushing depths of Davy Jones Locker.

  • I didnt know I was in the event area, and the ship popped up next to my sloop and I cried in terror... needless to say they sunk me.

  • It was a golden dawn when our fleet set out. Upon our travels we had gathered a fairly large group of scoundrels and glory-seekers. There was the black-clad galleon "The Last Gasp", bedecked in skulls with a crew just as fearsome to look upon. There was our own brigantine "Booza Krooza", a ship of drunken fools eager for glory. And then there were two sloops, one flying the bright colors of the Ancient Isles upon it's sails named "Kiss of Luck", and the other a fresh-faced buccaneer just arrived to the Sea Of Thieves. That day we were a glorious sight, sailing off to battle the terrible skeleton ships terrorizing the seas. We were in high spirits, in the firm belief that riches beyond our wildest dreams were only a short fight away from our greedy hands.

    Oh, what fools we were.

    The battle began with a terrible trumpet-sound, and from the depths arose the ragged hulls of the Skeleton Captains of the Foul Grog. Joyously we clashed with them, cannons roared and splinters flew as we savaged the enemy galleons time and again. But even as one ship sank, another would rise to take its place and the battle would begin anew. Apparently the furious cannon-fire was exceptionally loud, as mid-battle a great Megaladon breached the surface in a rage and began attacking anything that drew near it. This proved to be as much boon as bane, for the Megaladon showed itself as likely to attack the Skeleton Captains as our own fleet.

    As the battle ground though, the battle began to tell on our fleet. Caught between 2 Skeleton Galleons arising alongside it, the "Kiss of Luck" fell to a relentless close-range barrage of cannonfire. The second sloop tried to pick the crew from the churning waters, but hungry sharks drawn by the presence of the Megaladon were faster and devoured the crew before anyone could arrive. The Skeletons' victory was short-lived though, as a blistering counter-barrage by the Brigantine and Galleon filled them with holes faster than the skeleton crews could repair.

    Then the second bout of bad luck came, as the enraged Megaladon singled out our brigantine "Booza Krooza" and relentlessly came at it again and again. Out of planks, constantly drunk from an incessant barrage of Grog Balls and low on bananas, we abandoned ship and made the terrifying swim onto our Galleon through shark-infested waters. Once aboard, our combined crews proved too much to take down as we were now able to fire full volleys without pause at any galleon or Megaladon that came close. As our Brig slipped beneath the waves, so too did the Megaladon as our Galleon and remaining Sloop pummeled it to death before turning on the last Skeleton Captain. Outnumbering our foe, our Galleon "The Last Gasp" rammed them from the side and a ferocious boarding assault began. The last Captain and its crew proved no match for us and bone shards littered the deck before it too capsized and sank.

    The remaining crews were amazed at the amount of loot that floated to the surface. Gold and Skulls rose to the surface in droves, and we quickly went into a frenzy of greed as we grabbed everything we could find floating in the waves. From there our remaining fleet headed to Ancient Spire to cash in on the grand pile of loot and celebrate our grand victory at the local tavern. From there the night devolved into epic drinking contests and drunken races with gunpowder barrels.

    (I'd like to thank my friend YonderWriter787 for recording that fight to allow this in-depth description, I'd also like to call out the Megaladon as MVP of that fight as it messed up everything that came within reach without mercy and made that fight all the more epic.)

  • Last night I had the opportunity to fight some of these ships on the new brig. Started up with a friend and we immediately started stocking up the ship for the upcoming battle. We cleaned out the outpost and then headed to a fort to gather more. I think we ended up with four gunpowder barrels, 150 cannonballs, and about 60 wood planks and bananas. Figuring we could make due with that, we set sail NW towards Smugglers Bay.

    On the way there we ran into another Brig. As soon as my crewmate started swimming towards their boat they got spooked and decided to take off full sail, directly into the island. One of the boats members temporarily left their party and we convinced them to join us in an alliance to take out the new skeleton ships. Turns out, these folks were pretty new to the game, it was only their 5th day playing, and they had only encountered hostile ships which is why they tried to sail off in such a hurry when we first approached.

    They had some loot on board so we told them to head to an outpost, turn stuff in, gather supplies, and we would meet them near Smugglers Bay. We opened up our crew and were joined by a PC player. By the time they arrived in the location we had already started the event and sunk two of the skeleton ships.

    When the other crew joined us, the chaos began. The greenies had not quite mastered sailing so they were trying to sail full speed in the small area designated for the battle. This resulted in them ramming our ship a few times. I was at the helm of our boat while the other two crew members focused on cannon fire and boarding. This worked out pretty well. They would punch a few holes in the ship, board, and then I would hop on a cannon a punch a few more holes while they stopped the repairing.

    Sometime in the middle of the battle our ally ran out of supplies and sunk. Luckily spawned at Smugglers Bay. They did not really know the layout of the map so it took them a good 5-10 minutes to make it back to us. By the time they arrived the final wave of ships had spawned. We were getting pelted by cannonballs on each side and end up running out of wood planks. My other crew members were still focused on sinking the last two ships so that left me to bail, sail, and fire cannonballs. I held out for about 10 minutes before sinking.

    One crew member and I took a mermaid back to the new ship and we immediately set sail out of Smugglers, hoping to make it back in time. Their was only one ship left by the time we exited the bay. The loot ship had sunk right as we did so we ended up losing that loot and before we could make it back our ally along with a third crew mate had sunk the final ship.

    It was at this point that I had to call it. It was late and I needed to eat dinner. I wished everyone a goodnight and closed everything down.

  • @old-salt-gorg Unfortunately, my first Cursed Sails encounters have been solely the incessant and unnecessary 'Guides' and spoilers on the forums.

  • Ahooy!

    I am here again with the pleasure to announce this week’s Win Wednesday winners!

    The lucky scallywags are @SirioNDB, @LongLiveCayde6, @Salems-Reject, @MrEMincedkraft and @Balbasuar!
    Congratulations from me and team, we envy you these great T-shirts. 😲

    Please send me your full name and postal address in a PM so we can get this merchandise delivered to you ASAP!

    Until next time,

    Your Old Salt Gorg.

    (Locking this topic as the winners have been selected and the giveaway is closed.)

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