Shameful Tales

  • Me and my buddy were playing.. Saw a galleon sink a sloop at an outpost... Then this happened.

  • @ooskinwiggleoo said in Shameful Tales:

    At that point I dropped our sail to try to give the guy some time

    I love that, reminds me of the movies where the undercover cop is trying to do the right thing but not blow their cover.

    I can relate to that situation a lot, I have my own personal Pirate Code, but it doesn't always align neatly with the crew I'm sailing with at the time.

  • i once left a golden snake just inside the oos tent before logging out . at least whoever got bit got some gold

  • I still feel bad about this.
    I was sailing with my brother. We saw a sloop all lights on parked next to small island. I took a gunpowder barrel and jumped to the water. He came to the beach and clearly saw our sloop but not me so they turned back and looked at their map. Gunpowder exploded and they didn't give a sht.

    I went to the island and he clearly saw me but didn't care. He started to dig and when the chest came up I one shot killed him. He had no clothes and the chest was castaways. He was probably doing his first mission since he didn't even understand to beware of me.

  • @naichau Welcome to the thunderdome!!!!

    @Ve111a man you are spot on with those gifs haha i got to get that negan one haha.

    I can't wait til lighting things on fire is a thing. Then we can drink away our shame after literally burning people's loot right in front of their eyes joker style mwhahahaha

  • @wicked-six-gun excellent

  • @hoppentosse I know lol

  • When doing the Hungering Deep voyage me and my shipmate teamed up with a couple of other sloops and a galleon. We had about 10 in the party and we killed the Meg. Afterwards, when we received our reward from Merrick, everyone was dancing and playing instruments. At this time me and my shipmate took out our blunderbuss' and slayed everyone. Not our finest moment

  • @holezinya said in Shameful Tales:

    One of my first skull forts I was solo slooping. while I was killing waves at the fort a galleon came up and asked if I would team up and share the loot.

    I said sure and as soon as the captain popped I rushed to grab a barrel dropped it deep beneath there boat and ran back to finish off the captain.

    The Galleon started panicking that their ship was sinking but since I was fighting beside them when it went off they didn’t suspect me. I told them “just load everything on my boat and we can get it cashed in.

    On the way to the outpost everyone was playing music dancing and drinking so I blunderbussed 2 from behind killed the other 2 and cashed in the skull fort for myself.

    I felt bad for a minute or two, but honestly that was one of my most piratey moments.

    This is so beautiful it almost brought a tear to my eye and warmed my cold dead heart, bravo sir, true Legend material!

  • I've done a lot of things I probably should feel guilty about, but the only one I actually regret is this one...

    So my Danish friend has just turned Legend, he's still in the purple phase, and he's sick of the grind. So we decide to go hunting and we find a sloop at Devils Ridge, we're in game chat for once so we think it only Gentlemanly to announce our presence, or more specifically his presence, I'm sleeping in the crows nest amongst the gunpowder. Turns out this guy's soloing OoS, so my buddy is in the water at the far side of the ship, and I slip down whilst he distracts him and get into the water quietly at our side. He asks permission to board so they can discuss battle plans etc to do the OoS together, and The Great Dane explains that being Legend he doesn't want the loot, just the kills for commendations, when he gets permission I grab the ladder at the same time as him from the other side, I've already muted myself so as not to give myself away laughing. He lures the guy off and I board behind them, I check and see he has a lot of skulls already, but we decide via facebook messenger to help him to get a few more as he has a 4 skull highish level contract. Whilst they're in the caves I casually replace all his skulls with strategically placed gunpowder and go back to sleep in our crows nest. So far so piratey, no guilt yet, but here's the bit that got me, being in game chat I could hear the Dane chatting away, but I couldn't hear the other half of the conversation all the time cos of proximity. Turns out he was a really nice guy, helped us get the skulls to the beach then insisted The Great Dane took one as a thank you for all his help, but as soon as he was on board I pulled the trigger anyway, cos I spent ages setting that gunpowder up and I really wanted to see it go off, plus once he noticed he might not stay nice, and he might use all those barrels against us. Anyway, we got pretty rich, and I did definitely feel a brief flicker of guilt for that one, if you're reading this I'm sorry mate, add me and I'll make it up to you sometime!

  • Finishing up an Athena's voyage last night at Sunken Grove. A solo sloop was parked there and hadn't noticed us roll up I guess. We were in party chat so I got out my megaphone and emoted "Friend or Foe". While I'm doing this a discussion is going on about how we can't let him live because it's too risky for our Athena's chest were about to dig up.

    He emotes back "Friendly". A few seconds later the rest of the crew opens fire on him. I join in as well since the fight has begun and we sink him quickly.

    I wouldn't feel so bad if I hadn't gotten his hopes up with my "Friend or Foe" comment. At least he didn't have any loot. Probably doing mermaid statues.

  • Another time where I felt kind of bad is when I managed to steal the stronghold skull... I don't think they had any idea that I actually got away with any loot at all...

  • @Sshteeve you must have one surely? You've sailed with me lol

  • Not quite shameful, but shameful intentions at least:

    I was a-sail on the Sea of Thieves late last week when I happened upon a galleon laden with treasure. I drifted my swoop towards them, intending to pilfer some of their goods. As the sloop drew close, the mighty kraken emerged from the deep and sunk the galleon like it was made of paper, spilling the crew into the darkened water...

    ... from where I ended up rescuing them.

    They'll never know how close they came to losing some of their spoils...

  • ok, so me and my crew had set sail on a wonderful gold hoarder voyage, in order to keep our loot safe, we took some "precautions" in order to do so, as in 13 explosive barrels on the tip of our ship. so as i added to our ever growing pile, i set a barrel down and since i last had my sword out thats what came to hand, i suddenly noticed a smudge on my screen, and forgetting it was a touch screen i went to wipe it away, and well, i guess you can tell what happened next.

  • So my buddy and i were playing, and he logged off for just a moment to go grab some grub, so I wanted to put us in a really bad position (with tons of loot) to make him mad. So I sailed us right into a sloop, with all white sails and normal hull. She immediately freaked out, and gunpowdered the poor lads killing them a fun their chickens.

  • Thinj back to a time when Skeleton Thrones just came out. More than one crew was needed to sit in the larger thrones. My wife, Laiietta, age 20, my friend, SharkTRipFace, age 19 and I, age 21, sailed up to a Galleon. It was filled with pre-adolecants. I boarded their ship, promised them a captains chest if they helped us. They agreed. On the sea, one of their games crashed. He complained loudly and dragged 2 other of their crew off to another game. It was just one (maybe 12 year old) boy left on their Galleon. I joined his crew, so our two ships were both manned by 2. After one throne, a Fortress popped up. We got his help completing the fortress and fighting off other players. After it was done, we convinced him it was easier to transport all the treasure on one ship. So while my wife, he, and my friend loaded the fresh (and valuable) haul onto our ship, I put 3 gunpowder barrels in his bilge. While sailing to the outpost, the boy had to go for supper. At that time, I detonated the barrels and joined my crew again. When he returned, he asked what happened. I told him we were attacked by another ship and lost all the treasure - while holding a captains chest at Galleon's Grave. He believed me, and still invites me to play to this day.

  • On this day I was sailing alone letting the adventure come to me. I was in command of a sloop running it solo as I sometimes do. Out of the corner of my eye I spot a ship wreck and a Galleon. Hoping to grab the treasure I drop anchor and raise sails preparing to scoot. With the Galleon within range I ditch the ship and run. The larger vessel adjust course to intercept my lonely vessel intent on sinking it. That ship chased me through the shores of plenty mercilessly, wanting my head on a spike. I then came up with a deceitful plan as night rolled in, adjusting my course to head to Golden Sands. As I thought they followed my dinky sloop, maneuvering my ship I bring myself to as close I could to the dock. There I hopped ship and bolted to the tavern to hide. Watching my ship disappear into the horizon as the Galleon speeds past. They didn't see me, my plan had worked. Once the coast was clear I walked to end of the dock looking out into the distance, they had chased my ship all the way to the wilds it looked like. The only sign being their bright lamps in the distance. I laughed as they had been sent on a goose chase across the world. Denying them the bloodlust they craved and sending them home without treasure or a head. Leaving them to with lack of satisfaction that comes by destroying an empty ship. Thus marking the day in which they almost caught me.

  • One thing I have done is got in a crew of 13 year olds who were new at the game, so since they didn't know what a freakin gunpowder barrel was, I blew up our ship as soon as they found a castaway chest. They didn't even recognize the boat was gone until they came back. I immediately left the game I avoid the yelling and any hate messages 😜🇺🇸

  • Yesterday I was playing, I just did a quest with 3 chests plundered, It was getting close to the time i should have been getting the dinner ready. I made for an outpost to cash in my chests, before I logged off. As I approached I saw another sloop anchored off the beach. I parked up at the jetty a bit wary of the other sloop, I quickly carried all of my chests up to the crows nest to hide them. I then went to cash in my first chest. As I did so the owner of the other sloop shot me in the head and i died. On the ferry of the dead I waited for the door to open then returned to the game, I spawned on my ship and was immediately shot by two of them. Swines. I spawned again and was shot at again, I dived overboard and was shot in the back. Rinse repeat. I then waited a minute or two after the doors back to life opened on the ferry. When I finally spawned they were off of my ship and shelling it from their sloop. I quickly ran up the mast, grabbed my loot, jumped into the sea, up the beach, cashed it in, then took up position behind some rocks. When they swam aboard I shot one in the face ,he didnt die, but ran away, so I ran to the sea, and swam underwater to their sloop, climbed up the other side ladder, raised the anchor and sailed off. Now as I had to make the dinner i didn't have time to do anything else, so I proceeded to throw all of their loot over board, then dove into the sea, leaving them on the island and minus their plunder. Sweet revenge....

  • recently with the new alliance system i have done a bad thing haha. i was at a port and two sloops of children sailed up. they wanted me to join their alliance. they had lots of treasure. i should have just joined them and got half. but I distracted them and turned their best stuff in myself haha. so i got about 3 thousand in skulls before they realized what i was doing and killed me haha.

  • Not usually one to fire on a boat that is just minding their own business, I usually leave the seas guilt-free. There have been times however when I've fired first. Usually it's when I'm on a galleon and I'm outvoted by my crew 3 to 1. I usually feel bad for a little bit and then let it go, but one boat still haunts me.

    My crew and I had a part of an Athena's voyage to complete on Snake Island. There was another sloop there. We had a lot of loot onboard and my crew didn't want to take the chance of having the sloop betray. So I agreed to attack first. I sword lunged off my boat to the sloop and saw a lot of loot onboard. I then saw one guy on the island, rushing back to his sloop with a Chest of Sorrows. I killed him, and then turned around to find 5 GP barrels tucked along the bow of his ship. Welp.

    I took one and lit it up, dropped it downstairs, and jumped off his ship. It was sunk before he returned from the ferry. When he spawned in the water, one of my crewmates killed him.

    We loaded all his loot onto our boat and began our quest on Snake Island. Soon, he returned, and we sunk and killed him again. This time he had a Marauder's chest onboard.

    I don't know what it is about this that makes me feel so bad, but it does!! He was just a solo slooper, minding his business, and I can't get the image of him running back to his boat with that Chest of Sorrows out of my head!

    My only solace.... why did he have those GP barrels tucked along the bow of his ship? Had he intended on ramming a galleon at some point? Who knows, but I like to think he may have had foul intentions, because it makes me feel a little less down on myself for my actions lol.

  • My buddy and I were in an alliance with a brig and a sloop. We suggested the sloops be loot clean up while hunting skeletons fleets. The other sloop sunk right away. We gathered everything. The sloop showed up in the end as they sunk the first skelly ship. Turns out the loot spawned there. Before anyone else swam down to check the loot we told them to go after the other skelly ship and it would have the loot... We loaded up all 4 chests and skulls. I set off for galleons grave. My buddy went over to help the "search" for the loot. Made it to the outposts, dropped the alliance cashed it all in while my buddy sunk them. I still have a foul taste in my mouth

  • I go around gathering gunpowder barrels and then store them at an outpost out of sight then sink my ship and return to the out post and wait for ships to come to port and sink them from under the water with them and steal the loot when they would teleport to there ship via a mer-person. Never felt bad until I sank a ship with fifteen chest because the pirate didn't know where to turn them in when the pirate came back in search of his chest and did tho k I sole them he just asked if my ship was sunk on this island to and then asked where to turn chest in to.


  • Glad this thread came with so much evidence...ahem, I mean videos - notice how many PC players are ganking console players. Rare - put an end to this please. The more your largest player base gets ruined by PC players as shown in these clips, the more console players will leave and not come back. We simply cannot compete with them.

  • i killed with a buddy a solo playing piratelegend on an outpost, just to complete our own athene faster....i felt really bad cause i know how it feels when u sail solo to an outpost with merchant stuff and someone park there.but have to say my buddi started that fight so what should i do.

  • _At an outpost twas I, when a vessel i saw be sailin me way, and just only a hundred fathoms it be from I indeed! I think to meself: "well no loot I have, so worry I not"! _ Then, of a sudden, like Poseidon himself reaching up from the sea and clasping his grip upon that galleon, yee ol' Kraken itself seized that ship!
    __Knowing that them lads n lassies might've simply been on their way back from hours of grinding for a fortune; me thinks: "I best give 'em a hand, as that is no way for hours of effort to end; in the grimy jaws of the kraken!"
    __So like Zeus' lightning I bolted, set sail, and filled my cannons! Moored aside the kraken I did and layed volley after volley into its tentacles! Shot a few words downwind of the other sailors did I; to clue them in that I am heartie & not ye lily-livered scallywag ye see. Misfortune unfolds that the kraken's tentacles be like the Hydra itself, and me sloop hadn't a chance once she took hold!
    __My shame is this: Perhaps in me attempt to lend a very effort distracted the galleoneers to a degree that they failed to fire on the kraken enough, as they wasted some cannonfire on me, unsure if I was friend or foe! Alas so this tale ends with both our keels in the locker, and meself I survived long enough to glimpse the galleon's several chests afloat in a watery grave where all it's voyagers had just drowned. I be with shame that I failed to save those poor souls. This drives me to be a better kraken hunter! But alas; Me have not seen her in many a moon, my eternal foe, yee ol' kraken!

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