The "what did they think was gonna happen ? " thread...

  • Pulled up on a Galleon at a fort that had just loaded up all the loot.. Right before we can attack the Kraken gets us. Instead of sailing off with the loot, the other Galleon sails over, anchors, launches 3 people over and starts helping us repair....

    I swim to their boat, kill the last guy still there and take their strong hold skull, swim to the fort and hide it. We eventually sank them, got all the rest of the loot and cashed it in.
    What did they think was gonna happen ?

    I am sure there are many more like this. Do tell...

  • 6
  • Well, perhaps they thought their help would be met with gratitude. ^^

  • we'll, it was kinda an odd move on their part. it would have been nice to return a kindness with a kindness, but that'd be like expecting a scorpion not to sting.

  • @trickrtreat01 lol, Muppet's, their one chance to escape squandered, they got what they deserved

  • Kudos to that other ship for being completely awesome and trying to help a fellow crew in need.

    As for your crew.... slow clap Congrats on being able to kill one guy and steal the skull while 3 of them worked to save your ship. slow clap

  • crooked as a dogs hind leg fella

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