What was your first in game encounter with a Pirate Legend?

  • I'm a bit more of a casual player and haven't made Legend yet but when I was very early in the game (under 10 level on all factions) I was solo slooping as saw my first pirate legend. I believe I was on Cannon Cove. Immediately I see him and start swinging my cutlass. He blocked me easily and ran back a bit and started playing music. I drew my flintlock and he waved. I stopped my attack as it was futile anyway and he showed me his ship. (mine was default and bland) Then I went back to digging up my seafarers chest and found a captains chest and an antique reliquary (my first time coming across a piece of trinket treasure) I didn't even know where to turn it in at first. He went on his merry way like some sort of chubby purple and gold Santa Claus and it was a very memorable experience.

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  • @m1sterpunch
    I had a good experience when I teamed up with a pirate legend for the first time. He brought me to the hideout and showed me around!

  • Mine was much less... Amicable. The individual wrecked my ship at every opportunity until I abandoned my voyage and went northeast, hoping to get as far from him as possible.

    And then he sunk me again and I left the server, with the exact same amount of coin I had when I started. I was... Not exactly impressed by his playstyle. I don't have issue with being sunk as much as when it feels like you're getting specifically headhunted and you aren't even getting looted for the effort.

  • Well i remember My first time, me and 2 of our crewmembers had a open slot on our gallion, a random joins thats was legend
    (I was hype)
    He showed the hideout i was hype

    We did one athena and i was hype hahaahahaah

  • @andriel1036 I guess they all can't be good ones...

  • @m1sterpunch Sadly, no. But, he wasn't the last encounter, and I've had more negative experiences than positive ones with Legends, but one does at least know that good pirate legends are not simply a mythical unicorn.

  • My first encounter was a galleon full of legends that sunk my sloop when I turned up being friendly.
    I survived and went to hide on their ship but I got a message from one saying "Sorry no time for others" so instead I made myself visible and had them chase me around an island for half an hour.
    I then got a second message "idiot". ^_^

  • first one i seen some guy randomly joined my open crew sometime in april sailor stuff on. he goes to put a voyage down didnt know what it was i go "get that **** outta here" then someone goes "wait what is that" then the guy proceeds to run down below comes up turns out he was a legend.

  • Met first one...that I talked to, on a ferry, he point at me and asked "How come you are not Pirate Legend?", with a very surprised almost shocked tone. I replied "I don't play a lot", to which he replied "Neither do I... I just sinks lots of ships"

    It was a short conversation.

  • @ajm123 mine was almost identical, he jumped in the game in sailors gear and asked if we could cancel the current voyage, it was only a mid level gold hoarders, but I was reluctant cos I wanted to try and make money, but he was the first random I'd had with a mic so I wanted to keep him around. I agree to cancel off and I'm fully prepared for him to proudly drop his initiation voyage, I could barely hide my disappointment watching those x laden maps disappear, but then he dropped an Athena's! He helped me to an outpost to get the cages and told me where to sell the final chest, then he just left, I managed to quickly invite some friends (this was before closed crews) and we did our first Athena's, took about 5 hours lol, none of us were over level 20, two of my friends were still under level 5 lol

  • Watching him running around in circles for an hour before I gunpowder kegged him.
    I would then see him in the ferry for the next few hours. I don't stand for that kind of behavior anymore

  • @m1sterpunch said in What was your first in game encounter with a Pirate Legend?:

    I'm a bit more of a casual player and haven't made Legend yet but when I was very early in the game (under 10 level on all factions) I was solo slooping as saw my first pirate legend. I believe I was on Cannon Cove. Immediately I see him and start swinging my cutlass. He blocked me easily and ran back a bit and started playing music. I drew my flintlock and he waved. I stopped my attack as it was futile anyway and he showed me his ship. (mine was default and bland) Then I went back to digging up my seafarers chest and found a captains chest and an antique reliquary (my first time coming across a piece of trinket treasure) I didn't even know where to turn it in at first. He went on his merry way like some sort of chubby purple and gold Santa Claus and it was a very memorable experience.

    My first experience was a galleon trying to sink my solo sloop only to get sunk as I made off with their treasure :)

    Turns out sending 3 people to board a ship and missing is a poor decision.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Thank you maan :) nice to hear :)

    Well ur alwaise welcome aboard the ship, ur a nice dude so i gladly help out, and be My first i play with from the forum and that have just Been positiv start :)

    But u have to admit (the first one you met) started to throw ur loot overboard was quite funny 😂😂😂

  • The first few I met were on random galleons where they saw that the other two members didn't have microphones and then left. It was only until a week ago where I met a genuine Aussie Pirate Legend (I'm Aussie too so I was over the moon when I met him) whom has helped me level up my Athena's and all the other factions.

  • My 1st encounter was with my crew mate @BRADBRE-360. We went on one of our typical voyages sinking everything in site and showing other mates the hideout as our mates cycled in and out of the game. He made legend in 3 weeks! I made it a week and a half later. We've sailed 1000 plus hours together and I always enjoy seeing him working the sails opposite of me. He's pure hustle all day long!

  • My first experience with a Pirate Legend (Pirl) was on a sloop. Me and one was of the finest pirates I know, rolled up on a galleon. We noticed a few Pirl’s shining green like they were radioactive. We recognized the gear and sank them. They returned and we sank them again and sailed off with their skulls they were trying to get as part of their Athena voyage.

    They were legend; although, we were more pirate!

  • My first encounter was at a skull fort
    We were in a sloop and we approached an active fort that had another crew on it.

    I managed to jump onto the island and make an accord with the crew captain (this was before the days of new and interesting trumpets)
    Together we fended off a Gallion 3 times and things were going well.

    Last wave of the fort and a sloop came tearing in to the side of our new friends boat.
    Standing there was a pl (mid level at a guess)
    She tore through our comrades, whilst her co sailor was firing at us. We managed to dispatch him and a lucky sword strike found us both in the ferry

    The pl wasn't happy about being sent to the ferry by a relative noob
    Apart from telling us that we were all going to die when she respawned she boasted about being able to take down forts and other legends single handedly
    And she wasn't about to share anything with the likes of us, we should go away (or something similar, but not family friendly) we then got spawn killed repeatedly until the boat sunk.

    That day showed me just how toxic a player could be, and it wasn't the legend encounter I thought I'd get.

    But I did take something away from it.
    Now I'm the PL
    And as many can attest from the many encounters we have had. We try and pay it forward.
    Friendly, helpful and most of all fun.
    When we do fight it's not done out of malice, it's done with a smile and a chuckle, if I'm bested and we meet on the ferry, the passing of bananas or just light banter is what you get from me.

    If you are toxic, we won't sink you, we've already bettered you, we take all your supplies and sail away.
    Don't get me wrong, I do end up having to sink the odd few but it's never personal, it's just a game!

    I guess I would like a rematch with Captain Salty Tryhard the toxic PL now I've got a little wiser and my understanding of the game mechanics has improved, would I get bested again, maybe... I'm by no means MLG....

    All being said, this is a game... It's supposed to be fun, and provide fun....
    If it makes you all angry and mean, it's not the games fault, it's yours!

    We are all playing a pirate game filled with interesting people, shaky accords and goals of bountiful loot.

    My motto for the day, hug a noob... Show them some of the things they may not of discovered, help with a coop achievement or two
    Make them do something stupid for a captain's chest....
    (Simon says... Flash your lights to the tune of jingle bells @SimplyButta lol)

    Have Fun


    Doc 👊☠️

  • @Reedski was my first genuine Legendary Pirate to come across, which was nice given that he's in my crew!
    Yes I had fought who I assume were Legends before and been seen off by galleons in Legendary colours, but Chris showed me the hideout and I handed in an Athena' - still not done a full Athena voyage though I might add...

  • @m1sterpunch mine wasn't memorable by some peaceful actions.
    But were polite as well.

    Back in the day when all the legendary was still an undercover experience, just few were there and nothing was well known about it.
    I was just steping on the Taver for one more night of misbehaving actions, waiting for my closest and trusty bestmate to join me.
    As he was logging in I came across an arriving ship to that Outpost.
    I instantly pulled up my weapon just in case, but then I realized that wasn't an ordinary ship..
    Something sparkled from the front, the colors were different from any other and they were all ghostly like creatures carrying animals...
    A lot of questions came up in my mind, but nothing was really answer because I couldn't be able to make them.
    The only thing I got the answer was they were all in fact Legendary Pirates and they had something precious with them that they didn't even want me to lay my eyes on it.
    So they apologized for what happened next in advance, they killed me.
    After I came back from the dead, I just saw their ship going away turning the Outpost around.

    I wasn't sure why they did that at the time, but now I do.
    Me and my mate are PL for more than 2 months now and we understand the importance of that thing they had with them. The effort they put on it and how valuable it was for them. They couldn't risk to loose it.

    Well that was my first encounter with a PL.

  • my first encounter with a PL was a strange one I spawned in a ship with a PL and he asked we how you turn a chest in lol and how you pick a voyage

  • My first encounter with a PL was on a sloop. My crew mate and I where doing a fort. We where both low levels. At that time a PL was few and far between. As we where still learning how to play the game we weren’t paying attention to the galleon that approached the fort.
    We hear cannon fire and we where like c**p we are getting attacked. As we run back to our sloop to defend I notice that the figure head on the galleon is glowing. What is this? I’ve never seen this before. We get sunk. In game chat I hear one person barking orders. He tells his crew that he will kill us himself, and for them to continue the fort where we left off.
    My crew mate and I wait until his crew leaves the boat and we board. We now know that the one that is talking has to be a rare ( at the time) PL.
    Their anchor and sails are raised so we drop sail and steer their galleon into some rocks. He mermaids back to the ship and we see yes he is in fact a PL. he starts attacking us but it is two on one and we kill him. The galleon is almost sunk so we start swimming back towards the fort to find our mermaids.
    Omg this guy was mad!! As we are still in game chat he is not only being vile And cursing us, but he is doing the same to his own crew for us being able to take his ship (as he calls it) and us getting a kill on him.
    Before we catch our mermaid I finally speak in game chat.
    I tell him he How disrespectful and mean he is being. He shouldn’t be cursing his crew out when he told them to complete the fort and he would take care of us. Of course the whole time I’m telling him this he is calling me every name in the book. We didn’t go back to the fort. We didn’t go looking for them. We left that server and began a new one. The things he was saying to us and his crew where quit disturbing. I felt so bad for the other players with him. The only thing one of his crew said was we where doing what you told us to do, and that person got called an idiot and many other things as I caught my mermaid.
    Now I’m a pirate Legend. Even though I have seen and been in a lot of combat this one I won’t forget. It showed me the player not to be.

  • Doing a skull fort with a galleon and sloop when a PL rolls up, we all agree on what loot we will grab when we are done. The skeleton captain is defeated we all go downstairs waiting for the pirate legend to open the door. "Because he asked if he could grab the key to unlock the door. Next thing we know we hear cannonballs being fired. We run up to see the pirate legend and his crew sailing away firing on the other galleon and sloop sinking them both. Yeah I dont really have a soft spot for PL

  • My first encounter was a Galleon of 4 Legends together(Or at least 1, but all of them had pieces of Ghost Clothes).
    They attacked me, couldn't hit me, smashed into a giant rock, sunk and got eaten by sharks.

    I was very unimpressed by them =P

  • My first time with a pirate legend was completely pathetic and is t was has lend me to play the way I do. I have several pirate friends of friends at the time but hadn't met one yet until I was invited to play along with one. I get into the party and they are chatting about doing an Athena's and I'm excited since I hadn't done one yet. I finally load in and see the boat which is nice and shiny with all the legend trimmings, and I hope on board and start filling the supplies. They asked me what my levels where and I told them around 30's for all. Then they quite down, the top legend then asks me to repeat that. I tell him again and he laughs and says "I don't want such a sh***y pirate on my boat, leave or we'll brig you till you leave." So I left and anytime I meet newer players I help them not criticize them. I have met other legends that aren't rude but I notice there are two types of legends (generally) nice ones that will help you out, and the ones that will sink your ship because they think they are better then you.

  • Mine was like many others I see here. We were on a gold hoarders with some good maps. New guy joins says these maps look bad. I say Bad ? that one has 5 chests on it and another had 3. he says not as good as one I have ready.

    We go in captains room to see a legend dancing. We cancel he dropped Athenas for us and left.

  • I hate to see many say they had a bad experience with a legend. I guess I understand to a point why so many try to come after us legends and try to sink us or kill us. But yet no I don't. I've worked just as hard as anyone here to attain my status and I'm a friendly pirate. I'd like to consider myself one of the good ones. I gave my galleon away to strangers last night and even gave them an athena's voyage and told them to have a good time. I even put their dream sails and hull on for them and left them a fully stocked ship. But yet I have to hide my Legend status because so many other pirates are evil and they point you out on the ferry of the damned and they vow to chase you down and kill you just because you are a legend. Why? What did I do to them? If you are on my ship you follow the rules. There is no firing unless firing upon. We do not steal from other's ships and we seek friendship first and only kill if we must defend ourselves. I don't understand why so many cannot follow the pirate code and understand what parlay means and respect it. If I ever meet any of you out on the seas, be assured that you are welcome to come chat and join us if there is room and if i'm asked, I'll drop you a voyage. I always carry extra on me. Be a Legend and set an example for the others I always say. It does not kill anyone to be kind. To Answer your question though, I will say that my first encounter with a Legend ended up being an amazing friend who I value. If it weren't for him. I wouldn't be the Pirate Legend I am. Maybe it was my southern accent that won him over at first but he ended up being a true gentleman on the seas and an excellent Leader for me to follow.

  • My first encounter with a pirate legend was on a galleon. He joined our crew while we were in the middle of a voyage. We were surprised and excited at first but he didn't seem to do much except wander around the ship. After a few islands I started to ask the crew where did our loot go? Turns out so called pirate legend was throwing them off the back of the ship. He then quickly left when he was discovered.

    Though my first encounter was bad I've had nothing but good encounters from then on.

  • @m1sterpunch said in What was your first in game encounter with a Pirate Legend?:

    He went on his merry way like some sort of chubby purple and gold Santa Claus and it was a very memorable experience.

    I literally laughed out loud at this, it put such an image in my mind, brilliant hahahaa!

    To be fair, there's no reason that you wouldn't be able to best a Pirate Legend in combat, more likely to be blinded by all the bling :D

  • @katttruewalker said in What was your first in game encounter with a Pirate Legend?:

    @m1sterpunch said in What was your first in game encounter with a Pirate Legend?:

    He went on his merry way like some sort of chubby purple and gold Santa Claus and it was a very memorable experience.

    I literally laughed out loud at this, it put such an image in my mind, brilliant hahahaa!

    To be fair, there's no reason that you wouldn't be able to best a Pirate Legend in combat, more likely to be blinded by all the bling :D

    Kinda makes me want to write a piratey version 'Twas the Night before Christmas! lol

    Maybe down that road. I'm glad this post got so much love! Keep em coming!

  • I'd tell you but I might get a ban for repeating what they said as I loaded their loot onto my ship

  • First encounter was at the small islands between the rocks (Castaway?) Galleon was chasing me while I had biiiiiiiig loot at the time (prob 2 castaway 2 seafarers and a skull).
    Heart pounding in my chest, pulling off my best moves that I had at the time. But they got closer and closer to me and shot one guy in the water to board my ship.

    "We need a snake basket, can you help us"

  • My only encounter with a Pirate Legend was just this Friday.

    My crew mate and I had just finished a voyage, checked into an outpost to offload our haul.

    We were about to head back out to sea, when a sloop arrived with the aforementioned legend aboard, who gave us his vast amount of very neatly arranged bounty skulls and then showed to the way to the hideout, but sadly as we weren't in his crew we couldn't enter and got only as far as the portal !

  • @doctortourettes love your name maaan!!!😂😂😂

  • First encounter with a Pirate Legend? I killed him.

  • First encounter was not an encounter actually... I was in his crew, helping doing merchant voyages and he got to 50.
    We then proceed to the PL hideout and we all got overwhelmed how beautiful it was and how the music at the tavern was so awesome.
    It was some time before Hungering Deep, and by that time you could actually play with the musicians in the tavern. So we spent like half hour all playing with them and having fun at the PL hideout!
    Wonderful day!

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