New Player looking for a crew

  • Hi guys, so I finally bought the game (about time i know). I've tried it a couple of times but there so much i need to learn and going in solo has been quite a challenge. I'm hoping to find a crew to sail with, learn the ropes of the game and have some fun. In game name is N3RV3Gamez. I have both headset and discord for those wondering. If anyone is still looking or is interested in having an extra person on deck please let me know. Preferably a bit laid back as i do have to work and some family time always required.

    Thanks in advance. Hope to hear from someone.

  • 13
  • Check this one out. New crew for the Hungering Deep

  • @n3rv3gamez im a new player too and after being ambushed by 4 guys hiding behind the merchant shack decided its better to team up w someone lol

    i play as eelofdeath

  • @seaofpunks check the link I posted above and see if your interested

  • @braveknightgame hey that looks cool. im not against fighting another ship or whatever but id rather the focus be on treasure hunting (i wanna buy the upgrade cosmetics) and if we get attacked then defense is always a good thing. also ima noob so if theres a captain id be the kinda player who would prefer to follow orders atm since i dont know a lot about the game.

    been playing solo to learn how to sail

  • What time zone and what times are you available? What's your average game session time?

  • @braveknightgame I'll have a look and will message you. Thanks

  • @iamwilliamb I'm in EU, GMT +2. I work Monday till Friday so I'm online around 6pm till 11pm sometimes midnight. Saturday and Sunday I'm online all day long from 8am

  • @seaofpunks That is perfect
    Ill be the capitan on our ship and we have a few noobs you could easily be a deckhand

  • @n3rv3gamez

    If you are interested, you should check out:

    AOD is an 18+ laid back group, with most of us just looking to hang out, have fun, and play games. We always have something going on, from events on our forum, in game events, to people just looking to crew up, and sail the seas. All play styles are welcome, and it doesn't matter what you want to do in game whether it be voyages, skull forts, exploration, PvP, etc. You won't have any trouble finding people to play with in AOD. So if you are interested, and we sound like the kind of people you want to sail with, definitely check us out.

    If you have any questions, or need any help, feel free to message me.

  • @aodmarine59 Left you a message

  • @n3rv3gamez my tag is itdontmatter22 I usually play alone but have hit a point where
    I think it is best to team up with someone. I use my headset, not into downloading discord though.

  • @N3RV3Gamez You and anyone is welcome to add me.
    You won't live to regret it.

11 out of 13