Friend got disconnected, can't rejoin.

  • My friend and I were playing on a sloop in a private crew when he got disconnected. We thought this is fine, since no one else can join the crew, he can just rejoin. But when we tried to get him back in, the option to invite him is greyed out and I can't get him back into the game.

    Playing on Xbox One in case it makes a difference.

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  • Don't know if this helps(I'm on PC) but this happens to me and my friend more often than I would like. I have never been able to reinvite him but usually he just goes under my name on the xbox app and it says I'm playing Sea of Thieves and it's joinable. He then just clicks that and clicks join.

  • @john-hatter We tried that too. The option for him to join me is greyed out too and he can't join me.

    Any chance this is a bug with the private crews when someone gets disconnected where it doesn't register they are gone properly?

  • Had a similiar problem this last weekend. Had to get my bro to turn in his treasure and start a new session. Logged a ticket. You should to.

  • @gen-fire-dragon
    Hmm...not sure. This past friday we played with a few disconnects here and there but we were able to rejoin each other using this method. Sometimes it delays in popping up with the join option but usually it comes through. Unless it's a bug with the new system and it's not registering him as your 'friend'? Sadly that's the extent of my knowledge.

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