Help to start a legendary voyage

  • First of all I want to know if it's even allowed to ask someone to start it for me?

    Me and my brother have been playing this game for a few weeks and to be honest it's getting a bit stale doing the same type of things over and over. So now we wanna try a more "time consuming and challenging voyage"

    So is there any legendary pirate out there who could possibly help us out, and join me quickly to just start one of them legendary voyages?

  • 21
  • There isn't even one cool legendary pirate out there who could help out?

  • @transistor91 try the looking for group posts on xbox as well . and i believe that there is one or 2 posts posted earlier that offered such thing as dropping a legendary misson

  • good luck and fair winds sailing hope you find one

  • @personalc0ffee Really just the voyage, if the legend wants to tag along I wouldn't mind. But what I'm asking for is the voyage. Doing "small level 35" voyages gets so slow after a while and the legendary voyages are so much more intriguing.

  • @personalc0ffee oh... well I just wanted something to spend more time on.
    At my level you spend (at most) 1h on a voyage. But a level 50 voyage would work as well I guess

  • @transistor91 lol You and you brother are already bored after playing for a few weeks.
    Yeah, I think we all hear ya.

    Not only that, you want a legend (a complete stranger) who has done the hard grind to just accommodate your desire by simply handing you a legendary voyage.
    I guess there's no harm in asking. Kudos to you.

    Yes, the game is painfully repetitious and having done a couple of legendary voyages I can tell you that they aren't any different in caliber than voyages of the mid 40s rep.
    Plus the rep from doing the PL voyages goes to a totally different rep faction, Athena's.
    They do not add to your current rep. So if you're thinking that they might be a quick boost, they're not.

    Every time that you are on, try a fort as well as the voyages. Perhaps even throw in some PvP action to keep it interesting.

    BTW, I was offered to join a legend on both accounts, the first by a someone I had played with once as a random around game launch, invited me just the other week and the second just recently who must have got my name from these forums. I didn't ask either of them.
    Coincidentally both legends were Aussie. :o)

    Just putting it out there, I am not at pirate legend status yet.

    Good luck. :o)

  • @transistor91 add me dude and throw me a msg. I'll happily drop one for ya....wont be around to help you tho as not planning on gaming today 👍🏻

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    Plus the rep from doing the PL voyages goes to a totally different rep faction, Athena's.
    They do not add to your current rep. So if you're thinking that they might be a quick boost, they're not.

    Just a small correction. The only reputation that goes towards Athena reputation is that gained from the last chest of the entire voyage - the legendary chest.

    For 95% of the voyage you will definitely be earning reputation for the other three factions. A legendary voyage consists of two chapters:

    Chapter 1:
    2 X marks the spot (usually 4 / island)
    2 Riddles
    2 Bounties (usually 4 captains / island)
    2 Merchant Deliveries

    Chapter 2:
    One-chest X marks the spot (legendary chest)

    All reputation from chapter 1 goes towards your three standard factions.

  • @evasive-envy Oops my bad. I stand corrected.

    Thank you. :o)

  • @sarc76 I'll add you. I won't be playing for a couple of days, but perhaps I'll bump into you in a week or something. Thanks bud

  • Anyone else in the world available? :(

  • @transistor91 yup

  • @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

  • @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

    you truly are a legend with that quick response. I'll add you brotha'

  • @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

    you truly are a legend with that quick response. I'll add you brotha'

    Sounds good, im happy to drop legend voyages for u and ur crew or tag along and help out, either works for me, 250 imaginary gold to help others enjoy a great game is well worth it

  • @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

    you truly are a legend with that quick response. I'll add you brotha'

    Sounds good, im happy to drop legend voyages for u and ur crew or tag along and help out, either works for me, 250 imaginary gold to help others enjoy a great game is well worth it

    That's really admirable of you. Most people hold their gold like it's their real money.

  • @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

    you truly are a legend with that quick response. I'll add you brotha'

    Sounds good, im happy to drop legend voyages for u and ur crew or tag along and help out, either works for me, 250 imaginary gold to help others enjoy a great game is well worth it

    That's really admirable of you. Most people hold their gold like it's their real money.

    Yeah i know acouple of those legends personally, i know one that drops voyages and expects to be invited back (only at the very end) when on the way to drop the legend chest at the outpost, greedy

  • @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

    you truly are a legend with that quick response. I'll add you brotha'

    Sounds good, im happy to drop legend voyages for u and ur crew or tag along and help out, either works for me, 250 imaginary gold to help others enjoy a great game is well worth it

    That's really admirable of you. Most people hold their gold like it's their real money.

    Yeah i know acouple of those legends personally, i know one that drops voyages and expects to be invited back (only at the very end) when on the way to drop the legend chest at the outpost, greedy

    Greed is an ugly mistress

  • @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @simplybutta said in Help to start a legendary voyage:

    @transistor91 pirate legend at ur service

    you truly are a legend with that quick response. I'll add you brotha'

    Sounds good, im happy to drop legend voyages for u and ur crew or tag along and help out, either works for me, 250 imaginary gold to help others enjoy a great game is well worth it

    That's really admirable of you. Most people hold their gold like it's their real money.

    Yeah i know acouple of those legends personally, i know one that drops voyages and expects to be invited back (only at the very end) when on the way to drop the legend chest at the outpost, greedy

    Greed is an ugly mistress

    Yeah man, im basically available 24/7 so whenever u need me to drop or help with a voyage just shoot me a message thru xbox live n i can be on within a few mins (unless my son is here then he gets the xbox) but if u see me offline or basically anything that isnt Youtube or roblox (my sons 2 fav things) im prob available

  • I am now a pirate legend. So I can help anyone that needs a voyage started

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