The Hungering Deep coming May 29th

  • @musicmee said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    @cerberusx32 That sounds about right, yup! I can't wait to see the new content and story!

    Man I hope so! Plan o taking May 29 and 30 off.

  • @scoobywrx555 nice find! I noticed some shipwrecks actually had ship names and captain’s paintings... hopefully interaction with them will occur in game

  • @muse986 Its nice to be fifty plus years old and feel giddy about an update. Keep up the great trailers and hats off to the best game I have ever played, and I have played many.

  • @aaronblueeyes Aye! hopefully they're all teasers to the expanding lore that we will soon see in the game

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    @roughleech03117 Speculation.

    Yay for speculation!! I am going to add to it: that Merrick character was on his own when he spoke to us; that confirms it!! Single-player servers are coming with the Hungering Deep update!! yay!!! xD

  • New swag hopefully sails, hulls, figure heads, shanties, and weapons! concerns: sacrifice required for megladon blunderbuss a pig all for P**A - People Eating Tasty Animals new crab type crashes server equals patch rollback next update august..crossing fingers not the

  • Who makes the decisions at rare?
    Why in the name of poseidon's Hairy crack didn't they put the trailer INTO THE ACTUAL GAME as something you can find.
    An NPC marooned on an island.
    Just give every player a mysterious note, or have someone show up in the tavern with a rumour of his location.
    Then you go and meet him and the trailer speech happens (with or without cinematic occurring)
    Why Rare? Why can't you ever put anything INTERESTING into your game world, when stuff like this is screaming to be a discoverable thing?

    Man I'm disappointed every step of the way.

  • @mcdoll said in The Hungering Deep coming May 29th:

    Who makes the decisions at rare?
    Why in the name of poseidon's Hairy crack didn't they put the trailer INTO THE ACTUAL GAME as something you can find.
    An NPC marooned on an island.
    Just give every player a mysterious note, or have someone show up in the tavern with a rumour of his location.
    Then you go and meet him and the trailer speech happens (with or without cinematic occurring)
    Why Rare? Why can't you ever put anything INTERESTING into your game world, when stuff like this is screaming to be a discoverable thing?

    Man I'm disappointed every step of the way.

    Me: "Here's a Snickers"

    @McDoll : "Why?"

    Me: " You're not yourself when you're hungry."

    Seriously though, you need to drink more coffee or just find another game. You just come here to complain about everything every day. If this game makes you this upset you need to find another hobby.

  • @muse986
    I really hope the moving paintings become an element in SoT. It would be a great way to add to riddles, puzzle solving and revealing lore.

  • @wturok curses yes please lol .... I want them to add curses that have to be removed by crew mates.... Using a unique equipment that is a book of incantations

  • A big shark, a new song, a new instrument and a two mast ship? That is all i saw for the praised big content update. Because i don´t hope anymore that rare will update more than shown this will be all i think.

    Will the shark be like the kraken? This time only a head without a body?

    I´m waiting for the update not hopeing anything because i don´t want to be dissapointed hagain. The hype is here, the dissapointment will be reality.
    Like the loveless implementing of the kraken or different color cosmetics or the not existing content so far.

  • @oni2anza a dit dans The Hungering Deep coming May 29th :

    @fraggle13 The banjo/guitar is just the hurdy gurdy. It is next to the concertina (squeeze box) which makes me believe Rare is showing the two instruments currently in-game and teasing the up-coming third (DRUMS!).

    Two of them are already in the game in the legendary hideout and are played by 2 NPC, I sat there the other day, they are so amazing!

  • The sharks alone scare the wits out of me! Its going to be frightening!

  • ALLO ? Rare ? .... WAKE UP !! this DLC is a joke ?
    there is no lack of ideas on the forum !!!

  • @aeroflash06
    Where do you think all the ideas for this dlc came from?

  • @aeroflash06

    I look at this and... it looks pretty good to me so far.

  • Sorry my english is bad ... i'm french

    Ideas I'm full, it was a long time that I waited for this game with impatience and how to say, I am quite disappointed with the product for the moment much too repetitive ... This concept is a gold mine

    So for ideas:

    LIFE LIFE LIFE !!! why not make a pretty big island in the middle of the map (or more) with a city with lots of NPCs of human life with objects in rather unique markets, royal buildings where we could go and steal jewelry from rich people like at the time and being chased by the navy, sirens of the real ones in the ocean, new creatures marine or terrestrial ...

    the ROYAL NAVY !!! the police of Sea Of Thieves, with a system like in GTA, with their headquarters in the city quoted above ...

    B**. !!! ... the skeletons it's good two seconds ... but why not make real pirates or invent in the flesh and bone style Black Beard, Red Beard, all simply inspired pirate caribbean pirates like Davy Jones an octopus pirate (this is an example not copy it) with their crews and their cursed boats

    FISHING !! simply ... sell rare fish, eat also to recover from life ... with a system of fishing rod for small, medium and large fish ...

    QUESTS !! new quests different much more scripted ...

    BOATS !! More choice

    WEAPONS different ... not just the customization that is not used much in the GAMEPLAY ...
    with stats for weapons ... (spear, ax, dagger, knife etc ..)

    OTHER IDEAS (mini-games (wrestling, card games, dice games), pet (chimpanzee, parrot) with a real role in the gameplay not just to make pretty ... example sent his monkey recover gold on pirates, sent his parrot to see in his eyes (locating places) etc ... potions of all types (medicinal, magical etc.) Gagdet in all kinds, harpoon, grapevine, etc ..

  • @aeroflash06
    I heard someone say that the lore of SoT says we came here to avoid the law. So i dont see why they would add that part

  • This character must be added to the game !
    Great voice acting too!

  • @vorticalmoney7
    Hes in the game. Seen him at shark bait cove today

  • @nwo-azcrack I'm going now

  • @vorticalmoney7
    Ask him how he lost his legs

  • @nwo-azcrack 😂😂😂
    He didn't "loosh" them !😉

  • So there's to be a time-limited story campaign. I really hope you can do it in chunks, rather than all in one go.

  • The setting is suppose to be before the golden age of piracy. That would mean before black beard and others but it might be in the cards down the line.

    Sure rare has had a few hiccups but they have taken down problems and continue to communicate.

    I'm still excited to see what comes.

  • @oni2anza Read the forums this isn't the no mans sky crew they haven't failed us yet so why should we think they'll fail us now

  • Is the update going to be available from 12AM tonight??? 😬

  • what time can we expect to play?

  • I really hope its at midnight, but i doubt it :S in any case, looking forward to start the adventure!

  • Servers Just went down, looks like Hungering Deep is coming tonight

  • I'm already looking forward to setting sail again with the new update.
    Now it should not take too long. :)

  • It would be handy to know when we can expect to play the update. “Comes out today.” Is too vague.

    I have no idea when it will be implemented, don’t know where to go to start the quest. I love a mystery, but need something to go off.

    An estimated time of when the update will be ready would be amazing.

  • @nik2905 starts in the outpost taverns they said there will be clues there

  • @simplybutta Yeah, that’s what I read as well but i just jumped into the game and went to the Tavern and there was nothing. No one to talk to, no clues, nothing to read. I don’t even know if the update has been implemented yet.

  • Now I started on Dagger Tooth Outpost and in tavern she said me that on Devils Ridge is hidden treasure..

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