Progression system

  • In my opinion I feel the game needs a more of a progression system to keep me coming back to get more gold. I would like to see your banana belt to be upgraded as well as your cannon ball belt even if you make it so it costs 10,000$ for like 2 more bananas or cannon balls. Maybe a bigger gun clip again paying for like 1-2 extra bullets for your gun. Or perhaps better swords that don’t do more damage to other players but do more damage to skeletons and snakes. I also would like to see a crouch button because it is damn hard to get cover from and skeletons that are shooting at you. Plus why can’t you hog tie other players and feed them to sharks, I thought I was a pirate.

  • 5
  • @beastlykok

    Because any kind of progression that pertains to anything dmg or health wise would allow a player who played longer to have an advantage in PvP, where the entire game is trying to be as balanced as possible.

  • @beastlykok Also if there was an extra zoom on the telescope or less digs with the shovel, small upgrades that don’t change the fighting but help survival aspect.

  • @zalm i can understand that 2 a degree but dont u think they earned it just as much as the lesser levels will. I wouldn't say a drematic progression system but even a small change is better than none

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