Crew System + Emblem Creator (Pics Included)

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    I'd love to have the option, of a crew system. Where you create a 'Crew' by naming your ship, and making your own logo which you can then buy later on for your ships sails, side of the ship etc. The captain (Owner of the ship/crew) can chose the tax, or simply have a default tax or something set up so your ship/crew can raise money for said purchased.

    They have stuff like this in all sorts of games, and I feel it'd be absolutely perfect for this type of environment, and would create a lot of interesting tails for others to experience.

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    Even have a Crew leveling system like gold hoarder, etc. The rank you are in the crew, you have the ability to change it to your title, as well as level up the crews level to unlock stuff. For example, you have to do missions with at least one other person in your crew with you to gain exp doing anything from voyages to hitting/destroying ships to killing other crews. Once you get level 5 you'd unlock the ability to create your own emblem/logo/etc. level 10 you have the ability to buy sails, 15 or 20 you'd have the ability to use your ships colors. Background color of the logo/emblem will be the main ship color, Background design will be the ships design, and then the logo on the side of the ship.

    It would create a huge opportunity for more customization, and increase the playtime on the already long playtime of the game.

    For example, Image if your ship was called "Generic Name" and you were the best at destroying, pillaging, etc. other ships, and crews. People would begin to recognize your ships sails, look, style, and name, and begin to fear you. Like "ohh c**p! It's Generic Name! We have to go"

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    As for if 2 people from a crew and 2 people from another crew somehow join a game at the same time, I recommend the highest crew leveled crew have priority with the ship customization of the sails, and the other crew gets the customization of the ship body. This way both parties have equal showcasing of their ship and can work well with one another. As well as help promote others to gain their crew's level up.

    As for the emblem editor I was thinking something like this:
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  • I agree, this would be awesome. I been thinking to myself that this game needs some sort of emblem editor, kind of like how COD does it, just more in a way that you explained. Great suggestion!

  • Yea, that would be nice!

  • I didn't know I could tag @Rare-Employee so they could see this so I'm doing it right meow :) Please look into this, I believe I provided enough information, structure, etc. to cover the basis of what a lot of people would like :)

  • @cpt-jacksperrow I'm not sure that tag works anymore. A few were disabled due to abuse/overuse

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Crew System:

    @cpt-jacksperrow I'm not sure that tag works anymore. A few were disabled due to abuse/overuse

    ahhh, what a shame. I saw someone do it on another topic so I just assumed it worked. Thanks for letting me know!

  • @xgodkevin said in Crew System:

    I agree, this would be awesome. I been thinking to myself that this game needs some sort of emblem editor"

    Yes it does.. and this oversight makes me worry about Rare.

  • @spec24 said in Crew System:

    @xgodkevin said in Crew System:

    I agree, this would be awesome. I been thinking to myself that this game needs some sort of emblem editor"

    Yes it does.. and this oversight makes me worry about Rare.

    Yeah, I really hope they add this suggestion tbh. Having something like this in my opinion is becoming a default for most games. Not having it seems a bit odd, especially in a game like this :(

  • As for if 2 people from a crew and 2 people from another crew somehow join a game at the same time, I recommend the highest crew leveled crew have priority with the ship customization of the sails, and the other crew gets the customization of the ship body. This way both parties have equal showcasing of their ship and can work well with one another. As well as help promote others to gain their crew's level up.

  • I've updated this to include some images to help show what I'm talking about, and to make it more visually appealing!

  • Yeah that would be a great addition to the game.

  • Nice really nice

  • It seems like a pretty simple idea to implement and works socially, unless there's 'too much' creativity given and people can create offensive emblems, which would go against SoT's vision of a friendly coop game. Ship ownership is coming to the game later, but not really sure why the game didn't just release with it since it is a core feature. Tbh I'm not sure why a fleet/crew system wasn't a feature at release - it gives a lot more progression and greater ability to customise and be unique, which is the ethos of SoT and literally the main concern of everyone prior to launch and more so now.

  • @plutofilzball25 said in Crew System + Emblem Creator (Pics Included):

    Nice really nice

    I'm glad you like it, I really hope they implement this.

  • @cpt-jacksperrow Ey m8tie i hate to say this but.. Just a heads up but bumping is not allowed sadly m8.

    Just giving a heads up just in case!

    Bumping Threads
    Bumping threads with content that is not providing additional information to the original post is not permitted. A warning will be issued and the thread locked. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Great idea tho!

  • In all reality I like all your ideas, but for some things like crew leveling, I'd rather just see it like GTA with the biker club where you just get appointed a title and thats really it.

  • @o-the-spartan-o Thanks for the headsup man. I appreciate the looking out. I was trying to find the rules but could only find the pirates code or w/e which didn't have much info on it :O

  • @faal-zoor-kriid I feel where you're coming from however with the game already having the leveling system that it does I feel it'd add more of the ign feel it deserves. A leveling system like Blackops would also work out fairly nice imo. You need certain levels to use certain emblems and stuff like that. As well as have the emblem system like Halo's where you can only chose one or two emblems, and a background that way you don't run into the same problem Blackops and other games have with people finding out ways to turn it into nudity or content that breaks the rules of the game.

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