[Mega Thread] - Cross Play (Part 1)

  • As referenced in this announcement, any and all discussion on Cross Play preferences, and potential suggestions for how to improve the general gameplay for all players, can be posted here.

    As a reminder, the Pirate Code is more than just guidelines (though the reference really never gets old), but the rules of the community and game that we expect all members to abide by when participating on the forums. Any member who fails to abide by the code may find themselves put in the brig, or removed from the community.

    Thank you.

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  • @ant-heuser-kush Untill now I have only met 2 or 3 fellow pc players, and I've met a lot of players :p

  • I enjoy cross play because it lets me play with a friend who does not own an Xbox. However, I'd be interested to know more about any statistical advantages mouse/keyboard players might have over Xbox users. If it is significant, I think users should have a choice about the types of users populating a given server.

  • @knightx13 For me personally its in a good place right now.I find im having to ask people what platform they are playing on then somethings going right.

  • and yes, crossplay is fine , dont see anything wrong w that!

  • I think the best way to implement crossplay, is to allow players the function to turn it on or off before setting sail. That way it would solve all the issues surrounding it. Most people know how M&K is significantly better than a controller, in terms of response time, speed etc.

  • I was a big fan of Cross Play until I saw how different the experience is on PC and Xbox.
    If it was just aiming I think I could live with it, but goes to weapons and item interaction, view distance, and other features. I could see PC players having the edge in combat.

    I am not sure if all of this is enough to cancel out how AMAZING it is to play with friends on different platforms or to just get leave the Xbox and move over to PC without losing anything.

  • Know the super slow aim down sight and scope sensitivity is pretty frustrating for some, especially PC players.

    A couple things that can be considered to remove the aim restriction when ads/scoping:

    • Add an appropriate amount of aim assist to controller players with option to turn it off
    • Increase maximum sensitivity available on controller (while still keeping it responsive and controllable)

    Also hip fire accuracy is surely going to need to not be so accurate as it is now. Presently one could circumvent to a large extent the need to ads/scope by just hip firing instead. Especially easy with mouse and keyboard, plus some monitors can enable crosshairs/center dots.

    Adding a 1080p/60 fps option on Xbox One X would help to balance slightly the gap in performance between the two platforms.

  • Here is my 2 doubloons on the matter of cross play. I'm a former pc gamer that now plays on xbox. Cross Play is an absolute gamer killer for me. I will not buy SoT if there is no option to turn off Cross Play.

    It is not just better aiming with a mouse. There is also keyboard shortcuts, macros, and multiple monitors to name a few advantages that pc gamers have over console gamers. The only thing that console gamers can claim is that most shooter games have aim assist. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think SoT has aim assist so the advantage of PC over console is pretty significant.

    With that said, the real issue for me is this. Anytime you have a popular networked multiplayer video game for pc it is just a matter of time before you get players that don't play fair. I don't mean spawn camping and or teams ganging up on the solo players. I mean the guy that sits on top of the crows nest in the middle of a storm and can somehow mange to head shot you with his musket every time. I know I'm going to get some replies from pc gamers that these types of players don't really exist. Fine, just give me the option to turn off Cross Play then they won't exist for me as well.

  • Macros, DPI on the fly, crosshair overlay, texture replacement, and that's just the easy stuff. Please put all those juicy Xbox targets in the server with me. Harharharrr!

  • Cross play is good for people who want to play with friends who only have pc and you only have a Xbox so every one wins in the end I thinks it’s just fine as it is

  • @khaleesibot
    Can we please make the cross-play optional (turned on by default with an ability to turn it off)? Gears of War has a checkbox in matchmaking for cross-play and it works great. Devs keep on saying that SoT is all about giving everyone equal chances and forced cross-play doesn't really support that vision. I'm playing on max sensitivity on Xbox and there is no chance on earth I can match speed and accuracy of a mouse user. Constant jumping with godlike aim and super speed is not really fair. Again, I'm not asking to remove cross-play, just make it optional.

  • @superiorewe4833 said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Cross play is good for people who want to play with friends who only have pc and you only have a Xbox so every one wins in the end I thinks it’s just fine as it is

    Crossplay is the worst thing ever, its as worse as online cheat sellers, crossplay means that xbox will be full of cheaters in games where crossplay is possible and if there is no option to say that you want to play with XBOX devices ONLY.

  • The Issue for me is not cross play, but balance in performance. There was an article Design Deep Dive Cros Play by a senior producer who mentions PC out guns skeleton kills by 4.5% which for the most part is a AI which is predictable and slow. Anyone can kill a skeley 1-2-3. Headshots on skeletons on the beach is child's play.
    The real question is PVP kills and how do PC player perform VS Controller players.
    Crossplay is hugely important to build a strong and lasting community of players to SoT. Balance in PVP situations get annoying because it takes the Noob V noob out of the problem. Noobs are noobs. Experienced players on PC killing experienced players on Xbox is a balance issue.

    If the balance in Pc v Controller is not struck then the PVP part of the game will kill the joy of the overall open world we're seeing.

    4.5% on killing skeletons is seemingly small but they don't move much. Show us the stats on PVP PC to Xbox kills.

  • Cross-Play is fine. I don't think the primary loop of this game gives the mouse advantage enough active time to validate this concern. I personally play on PC but with a controller because it just feels better.

  • @dielikekane Please no. The entire reason I and many of my friends play on console is because everyone is forced to use a controller. A console is supposed to be a couch or far away chair experience. No one wants to feel like they're forced to sit a breakfast table on their lap to play with a M/KB from a distance.

    All I want is to be able to not play with PC players. Rare asked the question when thinking about crossplay: "Why wouldn't we have it?" And I think the obvious answer is simply that a large segment of console players do not want to play with PC players. This can be for the reasons of a perceived/real advantage, but it can also be for cultural reasons. Some console gamers just don't get along with PC gamers and vice versa.

    Beyond all that, there are very real concerns about PC advantage. Consider needing to run up and down your ship to bail water. On PC you can flick your mouse to keep your sprint going through a 180 degree turn. This is undeniably faster and might make the difference between sinking or not. Flicking the mouse during close range blunderbuss battles is also quite obviously in favor of a mouse. Aiming the sword during blocking I also find to be easier with a mouse. Turn sensitivity brings with it much greater awareness. PC party chat allows them to hear both in-game chat and their own private party. And so on.

    I would be more okay with crossplay if console/controller players could at the very least have different sensitivity options between hipfire and aimed fire. That could allow us to gain more sensitivity than what is currently allowed for turning, while still maintaining aimed accuracy. This is a must in any console shooter in this day and age in my opinion.

  • Several of the friends I play with (including me) use an Xbox controller on PC. To us, this game is similar to GTA in that the action seems to flow better when playing with a controller. That said, I see no down side to allowing people to opt out of playing against people using a different control interface. I won't do it because I don't want to limit the pool of potential new friends to play with. But because this is even a viable question indicates to me that it is possible to do. So, why not?

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Let me go grab my bucket and bail out all these tears before this thread sinks. I bet some people are against cross-play because they don't want to lose their precious PvP battles.

    There are plenty of PVP games out there and since SoT has made a significant part of the game, and reward system, based on adventuring and discovering, PVP may not be the first reason to play this game. That said, the PVP part is a lot of fun, but I'm not the only guy who doesn't like to fight with one hand behind my back even though I'm 6"7" and 260lbs, or 2M and 125Kg, for you European types. So you must be a clicker then?
    Cross Play is not the issue. It's a difference in performance between the platforms that make it an issue. I asked my 11 year old, who plays both PC and Xbox games and he immediately said PC mouse and keyboard has a huge advantage. My 9 year old agreed. There's no hiding it. If performance of equally skilled players is measured, a mouse and keyboard wins.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    @sprungnickel427 said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    @ant-heuser-kush said in [Mega Thread] - Cross Play:

    Let me go grab my bucket and bail out all these tears before this thread sinks. I bet some people are against cross-play because they don't want to lose their precious PvP battles.

    There are plenty of PVP games out there and since SoT has made a significant part of the game, and reward system, based on adventuring and discovering, PVP may not be the first reason to play this game. That said, the PVP part is a lot of fun, but I'm not the only guy who doesn't like to fight with one hand behind my back even though I'm 6"7" and 260lbs, or 2M and 125Kg, for you European types. So you must be a clicker then?
    Cross Play is not the issue. It's a difference in performance between the platforms that make it an issue. I asked my 11 year old, who plays both PC and Xbox games and he immediately said PC mouse and keyboard has a huge advantage. My 9 year old agreed. There's no hiding it. If performance of equally skilled players is measured, a mouse and keyboard wins.

    I'm actually on Xbox. I despise kb/m. I play Gears 4, a competitive shooter against PC players and do just fine. It's funny how you thought I was a PC player just because I'm not against cross-play. Nice deduction there.

    No, I asked the question in a way that you couldn't resist answering. Had to pull you away from bailing out this thread

  • @ant-heuser-kush On a PVP based game, it makes sense tbh.

  • @ant-heuser-kush People have been wanting official responses from Rare since Alpha in regard of some aspects of the game...and we're still waiting.
    So no, Rare doesnt't listen to the community at all, the request needs to be completely unbiased with a vast majority of people wanting that feature to be disabled

  • A friend of mine can only play on the Xbox, as he doesn't have a windows 10 PC. cross play allows us to play together. I know there are some disadvantages, but overall this aspect of the game is the whole reason we bought an xbox.

  • @darlain You r not giving me much hope for the actual launch :(

  • Cross Play is good, don't change it! In every session I don't know which players are PC players and which are Xbox players.

    It's all about teamwork and communication!

  • @ant-heuser-kush Well since you want to be a troll and reply with sarcasm on a serious matter, im done with you, because there are A LOT of concerns voiced by a large amounts of people that i have yet to see a word from Rare.

  • I love cross play!! It is so much fun! I love being on my PC and running into xbox players it feels good to have friends from xbox! :D

  • @ant-heuser-kush @darlain Rare for sure listens to us..do you follow their twitter? They are talking to us and replying to us all the time..

  • I think that dedicated servers would be the way to go as long as the player base is large enough to support it. There would be 3 different types of soft-set servers that you could possibly end up being in.

    PC Focused : If you are soloing on a PC or are playing with a crew of entirely PC players then you will be thrown into servers that will Prioritize PC only crews so that everything that goes on within that server, different constraints could be set to this server based on population, for example, say the pop is low and a crew matchmakes with 3 Pc, and 1 Xbox player. Then they could still end up in a PC Focused lobby.

    Xbox Focused : Pretty much the same thing as the PC Focused server but in reverse.

    Crossplay server : These servers would be the ones where you'd likely see crews made of a combination of PC and Xbox players. I am not sure if Rare keeps any stats but I feel these servers would be the least numerous ones since I think a lot of the time crews are all playing on the same system. But as long as there are enough people then they would be prioritized into this server.

    Pros of this system:

    • Prevent single players on one system from encountering players on another system and having them get upset about the crossplay being "unfair".
    • I don't think anyone cares if they are actually in a world with people on different systems and I don't think anyone would be upset if you came and told them "everyone in this server happens to be only on xbox like you." Crossplay's importance comes to when you are wanting to play with your friends on a crew that is on a different system.
    • This system has the ability to adjust parameters dynamically and could possibly help games run smoother depending on how exactly Rare implemented crossplay.
    • It is a more "balanced" system whether or not you think crossplay is a fair or unfair thing. The more you even the tables between players the less chance you have of people complaining about things being unfair.

    Cons of this system :

    • I think Rare has the ability to implement a system like this with relatively easy time efficiency but I suppose this does run the risk of having longer search times since you are running more of a best fit instead of a "first fit" algorithm. (which I know isn't actually first fit but, I guess you are doing MORE best fit).
    • You are more likely to encounter the same people again on different days. This could be either good if you have rivalries, or bad if you just find a crew to be super annoying.
    • A lot of time has gone into the system being made I am sure and I would suspect that everyone wants to see it in it's full potential, and this would kind of bring down how often it is used.
    • You could be the one PC guy in a full Xbox crew that "makes your team play crossplay" against teams of 3 PC and one Xbox. But this could even be more refined if servers were even looking to find teams in similar compositions.
    • Algorithm would have to adjust to overall population statistics. (Which can totally be done, just more work I guess).

    Additional Ideas :

    • Servers sorting based on player/crew stats (accuracy, level, experience or whatever). I feel that this game already handles this very well in its balancing, but I feel it can be even further improved. It also makes it so that players who are really really good at the game are going against other really experienced players. So there is always more of a feeling of challenge in PvP and not just going around "wrecking noobs" until you end up finding a good fight.
    • Player/Crew set priority : allow players to set which type of server they would prefer and even how for or against it they are. This would have to be managed so full PC teams can't just full prioritize going into an Xbox server, but if something can be created and managed effectively it could make it better for people who are really against crossplay
  • @ant-heuser-kush Oh I know man I was taking your side ;) I just put your name in there to make sure you got the alert :D

  • @averageheroz I do, and i don't see that "All the time" thing you speak of.
    Also, if that were the case, why do they use twitter and not their OFFICIAL FORUMS for these things?

  • @darlain I don't have all the answers for you..but I am going to be honest with you..Rare has more important things to do like realse and develop a game. They are not going to be able to answer everyone who has a question about their game..what if you had people asking you 25-50k questions a day..if not more!! Could you answer them all? and also develop a game at the same time? and do everything else they have to do? I know the answer to that so you don't have to reply ;)

  • @ant-heuser-kush

    Why don't you ask them yourself? Ha! See what I did there?

    i don't think you've realized, but you just proved my point.

  • @ant-heuser-kush Sigh, keep trolling, im done wasting my time with you.

  • @Ant-Heuser-Kush and @Darlain

    Rare uses its Twitter account for announcements because there's still a large number of players who are not a member of the Forums here or the Sea of Thieves reddit. Those players would not see the announcements if they were just on either of those two sources.

    Hopefully, that will explain a bit better.

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