The Iron Fleet - Official Recruitment Thread

  • @aaron6928 Welcome aboard!

  • N1ghtFlameBG platform PC i have 300 hours i am good on pve and i play little pvp

  • @n1ghtflamebg I have sent you a chat message with joining instructions.

  • Yo I would like to join your guild

    Region/Time Zone:Europe
    Experience (if any) with the game:I used to play back then when there was arena game mode

  • Gamertag: SoupYet
    Region/Time Zone: NA/Central
    Platform: PC/Steam
    Experience (if any) with the game: Beta and launch with few breaks over the years.
    Any additional info: 35yo and looking for an active guild that sails together. Played since beta and love SoTs but tired of the solo grind and want to raid and pillage with a group! ....and helm big ships!

  • @danbeardluff are you still recruiting?

  • Stoned He Is on Xbox. I have about 1200 hours on xbox. Mostly pve but i do like to pvp when i can, not going to lie, i try to tuck on skull islands when i can. Not the best but i try. Looking to join so we can make as much money as possible and level up the gold hoarders and things of that nature. Trying to get those rings!!

  • @thecreep3r9607 @SoupYet @Stoned-He-Is I've sent you all a chat message with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: Ziggy Fr0st
    Region/Time Zone: NA/PST
    Platform: Xbox/PS5
    Experience (if any) with the game: 100+ hrs
    Any additional info: Daily active player. Determined and love to have fun adventures. Always rocking my Glitterbeard.

  • @ziggy-fr0st I have sent you a chat message with joining instructions

  • Gamertag:Erfnerf
    Region/Time Zone: GMT
    Platform: Xbox
    Experience (if any) with the game: Recently achieved Pirate Legend working my way up Athena now
    Any additional info: Gaming Dad happy to play most evenings if others are on

  • GT: Enturi
    Timezone: Mountain
    Platform: Xbox
    Experience: Playing since 2019/ am pirate legend. Been playing a lot recently and I plan to play a lot more with the new update being released.

  • Gamertag: Davyjones315
    Region/Time Zone: MDT Utah
    Platform: PS5 and Steam
    Experience (if any) with the game: 1-200 hours.
    Any additional info:

  • Gamertag: Antwonobi
    Region/Time Zone: EST Florida
    Platform: Steam/PC
    Experience: 1,647 hours
    Any additional info: good at cannon and helm; good comms; okay at TDM

  • @erfnerf @Enturi @IAKlikk @Antwonobi I have sent you all chat messages with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: RobNeverWins397
    Region/Time Zone: EST
    Platform: PC
    Experience: Newish
    Any additional info: Looking for an active group that plays together consistently. I am kinda new but I learn quickly. I need a Guild that is 18+ lol

  • Gamertag: fuzzylane
    Region/Time Zone: pacific standard time
    Platform: Xbox
    Experience (if any) with the game: on and off since release
    Any additional info: nay

  • @robneverwins397 @Zarlexa I have sent you both a chat message with joining instructions

  • Gamertag: Xorcisim
    Region/Time Zone: cst
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: PLayed since day 1
    Any additional info: i skipped a few events / seasons... mostly a slooper.

  • @xorcisim Thanks for applying. I've sent you a DM with more details.

  • Gamertag: o Grievous
    Region/Time Zone: NA Est
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: Originally an Xbox Day One player, moved to PC way back when. I'm an OG PL from just a few months after the game came out. I'm a genuine grinder when my mind is set to it and come from a competitive FPS background so I can guarantee quality fights. I'm not one to expect to lose my ship, I'm more of an expect to make the other guys lose their ship kind of person. But i promise I'm a chill dude who will helm the entire ship if I have to with no help, I'm a team player.
    Any additional info: Admittedly, coming back from a 2 year hiatus after my duo quit around Captaincy release. Just havent had the drive to find a new crew. But I've been itching to fill my summer once school is out and I get a break from teaching. SoT has a big place in my heart and looking for a small, knit group to help me revive that part of my heart. Thanks

  • @o-grievous Welcome aboard! Message sent with more info.

  • EU PC 100h found myself especially in the showing of mercy to newer players

  • @elxfin I have sent you a chat message with onboarding instructions

  • Gamertag: lafrules
    Region/Time Zone: NA/ East
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: 1350k hrs.
    Any additional info: You seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. I do PVP and PVE. I have the Skelly Curse and am currently working on the Ghost Curse. I'm an older player with Discord and a mic. I play weekly for a few hours, would likely play more if I had more reliable people to play with. I'm getting tired of soloing all the time. Let me know if/when you have a spot open.

  • @lafrules I have sent you a chat message with an invite to our server

  • Gamertag: Itsomnisan343
    Region/Time Zone: mountain standard time
    Platform: PS5
    Experience (if any) with the game: I'm a freshy
    Any additional info: mainly interested in pvp

  • Gamertag: M3taphys1cal
    Region/Time Zone: NA
    Platform: PC
    Experience: I’ve been playing since day 1. I have ~750 hours in the game. I’d say I’m a very good helm and a valuable addition to any team. I mainly just like to have fun on the seas, do world events, and pvp.

  • @itsomnisan343 @M3taphys1cal I've sent you a chat message with our server link

  • Gamertag: NEETaku863500
    Region/Time Zone: NA/EST
    Platform: PC
    Experience (if any) with the game: Played for 6 months before having to drop it. Looking to get back into the game after being away. I reached PL and have done a ton of FOTDs
    Any additional info: Looking for a guild that will help improve my naval and melee combat

  • @neetaku863500 @gygkPSN I have pinged you both a chat msg with a link to our server.

  • Gamertag: MrDinglebrry437
    Region/Time Zone: Mountain
    Platform: PS5
    Experience (if any) with the game: Day one player on PC, but hadn't played for 4-5 years. Picked it back up when PS5 version came out.

  • Gamertag: Onesnowwolf
    Region/Time Zone: Na East
    Platform: pc
    Experience: played the game a lot on Xbox but recently started playing on pc.

  • Gamertag:
    Playstation: Raven MoonSilk
    Xbox: MoonSilk#11630
    Region/Time Zone:
    NA East
    mainly playstation now
    Experience (if any) with the game:
    300+hrs on xbox
    40+hrs on Playstation
    Any additional info:
    Play about 10+hrs every other day

106 out of 158