Hackers in pvp

  • me and a friend have done pvp the last couple days and meet many hackers who dont die, teleport, reload faster, shoots faster and have aimbot whit cannons to name a few. if u seach sea of thives hacks on the internet the first link you will find is a site that lets you dowload hacks for the newest verson of the game and it bypass the anticheat system that sea of thives uses that dont really work to begin whit so please fix the hacks in the generall game but most in pvp

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  • @rebelcomet11662 if you experience cheating in the game, record it, and report it to Rare here.

  • Yup yup yup....sigh.

    Just Send a Report of this encounter with proper evidence.

  • @rebelcomet11662 if they are on your ship teleporting around it, that's just server lag. I believe the only teleport hack that still works is teleporting into someone's cannon. Shooting faster isn't a hack they are just aiming before looking down scope, and quick swapping wasn't fully removed it became more difficult to do. But if you have evidence of hacks report it

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