What's the best Trading Company/Faction for a new player to represent from the start of the game?

  • Being a new season 11 player I'm conflicted on which one I should devote my time to first. I want to at least get all the weapons, equipment, costume, titles, and ship parts before I move on to the next.

    With Sea Of Thieves I've finally found that "My-Main-Game" that I can see myself playing forever. I want to be that guy sailing the seas with the full package whenever I raise an emissary flag, Sails/Outfit and everything 😆.

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  • I think restricting yourself to an entire company just to unlock everything before moving to something else is a good way to burn out. I think it's much better to just log on and do whatever company you feel like doing that day.

    Want to dig treasure chests today? Do Gold Hoarders. If you want to practice sword, guns or cannons start up an Order of Souls voyage. Feel like just sailing around? Do some cargo runs or capture animals. Maybe you want to do heists or fight other ships for their treasure - raise the Reaper!

    Much more variety that way and it will feel a bit more fresh for longer, but it's up to you how you approach the game.

  • @slimmmmcity said in What's the best Trading Company/Faction for a new player to represent from the start of the game?:

    With Sea Of Thieves I've finally found that "My-Main-Game" that I can see myself playing forever.

    How you play and what goals you set is entirely up to you.

    That's the easy part.

    There are a lot of traps that pirates fall into while navigating their way through experience.

    A few things to hold on to while on your way to your goals.


    We are fortunate to be in this situation, one where we can play the adventure game as pirates. We are fortunate that others are here which allows us to have more time and opportunity on the Sea of Thieves

    Respect for the environment and for freedom of play:

    We share the sea with the inexperienced and people that are going through all types of different piratical and personal struggles. Life has a way of being tough enough, doesn't do any good to mock people and pound the chest in a (very often) non-competitive environment. People get to play how they want, everyone has different win conditions, it's a game, it's people's place to escape, skills and status are irrelevant in piratical adventure.

    You will lose and get sunk, will get frustrated many times, people will do obnoxious stuff, let it go, otherwise it'll pile up and you will resent the community and the game over random happenings.

    Titles, cosmetics, cliques, skill, popularity, perceived status
    This is piratical adventure, these don't really matter outside of the bubble they exist in.
    Don't use them to discourage or talk down to people and reject it if people do it to you. Enjoy what you enjoy but don't use it to cause harm.

    Don't try to be anyone else because it will prevent you from reaching your unique potential. Never think you have to play a certain way or reach a certain skill level. Develop and immerse in your style and embrace your individuality.

    Take breaks when needed, play other games when needed, avoid the social parts of SoT when needed, don't play as a habit or as if it's a job, play for fun or rewarding experiences. Keep everything in perspective, the worst and most frustrating game day in SoT is still a fortunate situation to be in. Everything that feels like it's a mess will lead to the next thing you enjoy, that's the thing about adventure, it's full of second chances and random opportunity to find rewarding experiences.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Superb advice straight from the heart of a deeply caring man.

    You are such a good writer.

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