Sore Losers in Skull of Siren Song

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  • @bigoli3740 I mean, it's a competitive event. I would expect to have to eliminate the survivors or scuttle to new seas afterwards.

  • @captain-fob4141
    Eliminating them wouldn't do much, they would still be in the same server.

  • imo all of us can be seen as annoying and petty with how we play, in one way or another

    pretty irrelevant imo, we can all change servers as needed and we all do stuff that clash with the preferences of others, it's a major part of a shared environment.

    people get to do what they want for the most part and we have options to move on when we are over it

    it's a game of clashing, constant preference and style clashing, no real point in trying to act like any of us are above it imo, we all annoy someone lol

    This isn't a super long voyage, it makes moving on pretty easy.

  • @bigoli3740 if that is a big problem for you, you can scuttle to new seas where people no longer hate you because you won.

  • Change your title to "Sore Winners" OP. Maybe they just wanted to sink you because pirate game?

  • @pithyrumble said in Sore Losers in Skull of Siren Song:

    Change your title to "Sore Winners" OP. Maybe they just wanted to sink you because pirate game?

    There is that. Siren-song looks like it's supposed to be scorpions in a bottle so it's also reasonable to cull the competition. Or yeah 'pirate game'.

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