Ship spawned on me

  • Apologies if this is not the right spot to post this. I had just loaded in the other night, bought a storage crate and took a couple minutes to gather some items then as I'm looking at my map on my boat for where to go the server changes and then suddenly there's a massive crash and I go up and there's a brig literally on top of me. Both our ships were hardcore damaged, I managed to save mine barely but the other sank as no one was on it or the island from what I could see. Anyone know what happened here? Any tips to avoid that in the future would be much appreciated.

  • 5
    xbox onequestiongeneral
  • this used to happen more often

    very rarely happens now after they put some more work into trying to prevent it

    you are unlikely to see it much at all going forward

  • Mine used to be flying ships and swimming to the bottom of the ocean to find myself swimming back up to t surface with a red sky. Was pretty daunting haha. We would sail and boom we fly up and then crash and sink.. fun times!

  • Once I spawned on a sloop, made it to the ship and suddenly it flew away from the dock, along with a second sloop which had apparently spawned at the same outpost. Fun!

  • @dirk2855

    I believe that this was a server merge and that you and the brig were fresh spawns at the same outpost, so when the servers merged you both were on top of each other.

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