HourGlass Runners

  • This is becoming more and more common.

    People queueing for HG just for run on the edge on circles or just running avoiding to fight untill you get bored and quit.

    I don´t like this game mode due to cheaters and no skill based MM, but I want the curses... do not make it even worse letting this players do this kind of things, I have limited time to play, not 8 hours to spend on 45 min matches.

    Is a nightmare, getting matched with runners or against people with 5.000-7.000 hours invested... Jesus Rare, if you want to keep this behaviour, fine for me, give us more ways to farm the curses and this players can still playing forza with ships.

  • 10
  • I have not seen people run in the mode for quite some time, the last time i did was early in season 8 and both my buddy and me just decided to wait them out since we could easily out patience them, we would from time to time move our ship so if they tried to send some one swimming to mess with us, it would just make it harder for them.

    It seems like the issue has gone down rather than up to me.

  • untill you get bored and quit.

    Guess my patience is better than yours. Free win

    But seriously. Let me guess, you continue to dive and find players? Why don’t you idk defend? And force the diving player into a location where running is more difficult. Like around islands or active fortress XD

    I found being hunted to be the best choice since I can setup my fights better. Run? Go ahead but you won’t see my cannon rowboat coming :)

  • @burnbacon

    I don´t know how to do that, or If I can attack others and how to do it. Started this mode yesterday and it feels boring and tedious, not like arena.

    Joined session, queued, get matched -Psychopaths with 7.000 hours - Runners - Cheaters- Maybe 1 or 2 balanced matches and start again.

    I leveled like 26 leves on athenas and I think im not touching this mode again, only on extra XP weekends or community days, because is a nightmare. If I could choose, I prefer to farm another 240 wins on arena than 100 levels on each of this factions.

  • They won't run if you sink them first.

    texto alt

  • @mrestiercol said in HourGlass Runners:

    This is becoming more and more common

    Is it really? Havent observed any such activity.

    People queueing for HG just for run on the edge on circles or just running avoiding to fight untill you get bored and quit.

    If they are keeping to the edge of the battlearena, half of your job is done. Just intercept and force them out of the area, and deny any way back in. If they do not return, you win. If they do return they should be in your cannon range.

    I don´t like this game mode due to cheaters and no skill based MM, but I want the curses... do not make it even worse letting this players do this kind of things, I have limited time to play, not 8 hours to spend on 45 min matches.

    On this specific thing i do partly agree. The skillbased matchmaking is horrible. Sometimes it works, but other times its just unfair to one of the crews.

    Is a nightmare, getting matched with runners or against people with 5.000-7.000 hours invested... Jesus Rare, if you want to keep this behaviour, fine for me, give us more ways to farm the curses and this players can still playing forza with ships.

    Well, as a last comment to this topic. There is no hurry to get the new curses. These are meant to be an endgame goal/thing. We will all get there by playing the game normally. Sure one can farm it fast(er), and some might even enjoy the grind. Personally i have as a goal to get both factions to level 100 by the END of the year. That, to me, sounds like a reasonable timetable, as i do have to work and do other things in my life.

    So just relax and enjoy the game. Too many have the "i want everything immediately" attitude nowadays... let some things take time, and enjoy the seas.

  • I still think this mode needs a timer to prevent matches from dragging on too long, either on purpose or from constant resetting. If no one sinks after 20 minutes, the invaders dive again and both ships get loser XP. Consider it a draw; no streak increase. I think it would at least force crews to try to make something happen before the timer runs out. It might not prevent other crews from wasting your time but at least if you had a streak going you wouldn't lose it by having to quit out of those matches.

  • @d3adst1ck said in HourGlass Runners:

    I still think this mode needs a timer to prevent matches from dragging on too long, either on purpose or from constant resetting. If no one sinks after 20 minutes, the invaders dive again and both ships get loser XP. Consider it a draw; no streak increase. I think it would at least force crews to try to make something happen before the timer runs out. It might not prevent other crews from wasting your time but at least if you had a streak going you wouldn't lose it by having to quit out of those matches.

    I like this idea. I'd also want the match to check for damage at 10mins and maybe shrink the fight zone? Or just something to happen to force a fight just so you aint chasing someone around for 20mins with no damage at all. The only downside is if you are evenly matched and a genuine fight does go for 20mins and feel like youre about to take the win and have it declared a draw. I know Ive felt the disappointment when a skele ship is about to bottom out and then it decides to despawn on me lol

  • Coming here just to post that this problem is still prevalent.

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