The Twitter API thingy

  • SoT gonna keep on in the Musky new Twitter? (Not that I've used it in a few years since they temp banned me for my Spotify posts 😂)

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    Please explain it to me like I am Grandpa from The Lost Boys.

  • @wolfmanbush said in The Twitter API thingy:

    alt text

    Please explain it to me like I am Grandpa from The Lost Boys.

    The API allows your Twitter and SoT accounts to talk to each other for lack of a more complicated explanation. You can still get the juiciest tweets from other social media and the news lol. Muskrat recently decided Twitter should charge 100$ a month for access to the API so some companies I play with have said eff that (Tumblr.) It effectively puts a gun to companies' heads and demands money to continue directly interacting. When mostly all it does is let you post bot-style to Twitter with a click.

  • @crowedhunter said in The Twitter API thingy:

    @pithyrumble Wow I hadn't heard that one yet. Literally a new thing every week. He's really just beating the living heck out of that late-stage-captialism overton window, eh?

    It's a bit of a psychological thriller where Keyser Söze plays Mr. Deeds but the script is written by AI that gathers from memes that are exclusively found on our grandparent's facebook pages.

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