A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve

  • In order to do this keep going on pvp fight and keep sinking your ships Is to kill the fun for the PvP sweats Since they love to pvp so much and don't care about the levels In order to make rare make it more easier for us pve Who's with me Levels for all Not for sweats

  • 103
  • Make a sweaty friend or three...

  • Good luck with your protest brother. Maybe they will realize that 83 years to buy our way to level cap is insane and actually decide to add purchasing levels since most of us will have died of old age even before getting to 500

  • Because no matter how hard I try I keep getting sunk and matchmakes 2 against 1 its not fair And it is also ruining friendships most of my friends want to do is look for the best pvpr that's it And not have fun

  • @urgedsniper0009 it matchmakes 2vs1? I did a couple of fights on weekend and it always connected me to other solo players...did you maybe have a 4-streak? You can search for bigger enemies then by voting the right option on the war map...

  • @schwammlgott I can't get a winning streak because 2v1 ones It's easy for a pc person not for an xbox person Because of this system

  • @urgedsniper0009 I haven't been that unfortunate yet. I did happen to spawn in on a few matches with other ships nearby but they never interfered. Though I am throwing most matches because I don't like drawn out fights. Sucks when I think the other person is actually going to draw out the fight though and turns out they sink 5 seconds after I do. RIP easy rep

  • And plus to make it even worse you don't even get levels for having your ship sunk anymore

  • @urgedsniper0009

    Turn on the Console/controller preferred setting. No PC players lol

  • Knew one of these posts would come up XD

    Maybe you should just avoid the pvp? Or just the whole hourglass mechanic. And stick too the norm.

    Just a thought

  • @pithyrumble I hope this protest works Because I am getting tired of these grinds So I am gonna keep saying Levels for all not for sweats Each day until they make Season 8 more easier and less of a A grind So me and my friends can have fun again I hope

  • Unless someone likes it I wouldn't even mess with it until after the first patch, to see what they do, they always tinker with something, might benefit you, might not

    if nothing is changed to benefit you I'd just either skip the content or go a more chilled way and just quickly lose fights that are a challenge and keep things moving until you roll easier wins.

    Unless someone enjoys fighting and/or the content the long fights aren't worth it even for wins. The stress and intensity isn't worth it for people that are just there for cosmetics.

    Lose a lot of fights and win the easier fights imo. Just keep the fights consistent and the stress of it all low.

  • Cause all my friends want to do is join PVP ears that are more better the me And not have fun And that is ruining friendship I try my hardest but it's not good for some of my friends I make one mistake and he kickeds me to the curve It's not fair That is why I am trying to make this more easier for PVE Levels for all not for sweats

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    Cause all my friends want to do is join PVP ears that are more better the me And not have fun And that is ruining friendship I try my hardest but it's not good for some of my friends I make one mistake and he kickeds me to the curve It's not fair That is why I am trying to make this more easier for PVE Levels for all not for sweats

    Look for better friends. If they treat you like that they aint real friends in the first place.

    I am the sweatiest person in my crew and I would never even consider throwing my friends out of the crew just to minmax my winratio.

    If I wanna minmax my wins I will just go solo.

  • @papatankers2041 I know my friend for a long time and he does that to me After all the games we played on Telling me I'm not good enough

  • Nobody's perfect

  • Sounds like you need to have a look on discord or xbox looking for group for some new friends. additionally maybe check out some YouTube tutorials and try playing solo to really get better

  • Yikes, that doesn't sound like a friend thing to do. That said, I don't see this protest fixing anything in that regard.

  • @xzodeak I am Decent good at PVP Really good at naval is just I'm not Sweat I'm a lady back gamer That wants to have fun And enjoy the game

  • It's more fun if you have friends Instead of being on your own

  • @redeyesith I am trying to make it more Easier for us pve ears So we can have more fun with the game instead of it being more of a job Then a game If you know what I mean Games is supposed to be fun this season 8 is not fun for pver it's more fun for the pvp sweats That is why I am protesting

  • We just wanna get the levels and enjoy the content Cause not everyone is perfect at pvp So No matter how hard we try it wood take months for us to get to a 100 With this levelling system it's not fair for the pver

  • And again levels for all not for sweats And I know it's supposed to be a grind but not this much of a grind They should make all pvp levels Like when you attack a skeleton ship you should get a levels when you attack a ghost ship you should get levels And when you take on a Fort you should get levels either way you're still doing pvp So why shouldn't they just do that Then everybody can be happy For this season 8

  • And it would still be grindy And you can still do pvp Whenever white over people if you wanna have a challenge let the people have the option instead of forcing pvp down our necks With other people Instead let us fight skeleton ships ghost ships for levels Not just against other people And again let the people have the option

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    We just wanna get the levels and enjoy the content Cause not everyone is perfect at pvp So No matter how hard we try it wood take months for us to get to a 100 With this levelling system it's not fair for the pver

    This is actual pvp endgame. There is nothing wrong with it taking months.

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    Cause all my friends want to do is join PVP ears that are more better the me And not have fun And that is ruining friendship I try my hardest but it's not good for some of my friends I make one mistake and he kickeds me to the curve It's not fair That is why I am trying to make this more easier for PVE Levels for all not for sweats

    I know my friend for a long time and he does that to me After all the games we played on Telling me I'm not good enough

    It's more fun if you have friends Instead of being on your own

    I typically play alone but if you wanna play a few duo sloop matches sometime let me know

    People have told me what they told you before, I've thought that about myself before.

    The truth is that everyone has strengths and value to the moment. It's all about identifying and building up our strengths and supporting others while they do the same.

    Leadership is much like friendship, tearing down someone is never necessary and is counter productive to success.

  • @urgedsniper0009 said in A PVE Protest for the pvp Season 8 To make it easier for us pve:

    We just wanna get the levels and enjoy the content Cause not everyone is perfect at pvp So No matter how hard we try it wood take months for us to get to a 100 With this levelling system it's not fair for the pver

    This update isn't for pve only players, in fact this game isn't for PvE only players. Sea of thieves at it's heart is a pvpve game.

    Most updates as of late have been focused more so around the PvE side of the game. This update however, is for the pvp players, if it's not your cup of tea then don't touch it and engage with all the PvE content this game has to offer.

    You're not entitled to everything and this game desperately needs end game content.

  • I totally agree, like I am from the Middle East, the match make take more than half hours and it doesn’t find a match, and when it does they play like they gamble with their mother’s soul like a lot of people, sweat in match plus the high ping it is very annoying I really want to play the pvp but every time it doesn’t find a match or sweat people and don’t forget the high ping I like this game very much but with the new season not much like before

  • @xzodeak They say it's supposed to be a balance game for pvp and pve In this season 8 But I don't see that It's more for the pvps than it is for the pve So Where is the balance between this if it Was for PVE We should be able to fight skeletonships and ghost ships and fort for level but I don't see that

  • @urgedsniper0009 sorry mate but pvp is absolutely fine. The game shouldn't have to be nerfed bc a small group are having a hissy fit bc its a pvp update. Loosing friendship?? You guys know this is a game right its not real loosing friendships over a video game sounds so childish. Maybe just not pvp then and wait for next season. Let us pvp have 1 update. Jesus

  • It's more about online PVP than anything else So it is more for the pvp than it is for the pve side So where is the balance in that

  • @urgedsniper0009 this update is somewhat of "the balance" they have released so many PvE updates and are now balancing things out with a pvp update

  • @urgedsniper0009 The balance is the previous 7 seasons, and every update before that back to Ships of Fortune, being PVE focused; new things to do, new rewards for playing the PVE side of the game, new stories. ONE PVP focused update is not going to hurt. Some PVP-ers don't want to grind milestones again, or some don't want to play tall tales, yet that content was added to the game. This new season ain't perfect, but it's time PVP playstyles got focus, content, and rewards.

  • @xzodeak They should still have a balance no matter what season It is Sea of Thieves people Stated and I Quote It's supposed to be pvp not just online PVP

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